My Crazy Rich Family : Running From My Psycho Father

Chapter 112: What's Next

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Chapter 112: What's next

Elixir stood up from her chair.

"You are wrong. I am not the devil. If I am the devil, I wouldn't be giving you the check of 13 million naira, so you don't starve to death in your exile. You have twenty four hours to leave my country or the next you see me, I will be holding a gun. Goodbye Jimmy"

"When do you want me out of your house?" Miranda asked Elixir.

"Keep it. You earned it" Elixir headed towards the door.

"But Jason gave me forty eight hours!" James yelled at Elixir.

"Now, it's twenty four hours and not a minute longer. And if you hurt my baby again, it won't matter whether you are in this country. I will end you"

Elixir closed the door behind her.

Miranda watched James' bleeding hand like it was a puppet show where too much ketchup was used.

"Are you going to help me or keep staring at me?!" James yelled at her 

Miranda dropped the pizza she was munching and gave James her undivided attention.

She stared at him like he was those chimpanzees on display at the zoo. Taking her sweet time to take in the details. She scoffed.

James was taken aback.

Miranda wasn't the type to watch someone bleed out while she scoffs.

"Are you seriously going to sit there and gawk at me?" He yelled for the second time.

"No" she whispered. "I am seriously going to pick up my pizza and eat while I slowly come to the realization that I wasted thirty something years of my life with a pathetic loser like you, James. And then I am going to help you pack your things"

Miranda picked up her pizza and started eating while James stared at her in horror and surprise.


Elixir made it to the gate and she opened it. When she came out of James' compound, Jason was leaning on her car with his arms neatly tucked away under his armpits.

"Hi, Mom. What are you doing here?" Jason asked her as soon as she got over the initial shock of being caught.

"Saying hello to an old friend. My mistake…I meant saying goodbye" Elixir said as soon as she got closer.

"Hmm…are you going to give me the speech about going too far? How I shouldn't be hard on him because he is my father?" Jason asked her.

He waited for the speech on morals but it never came.

Elixir leaned against the car close to him and they both watched the gate like they both had x-ray visions that could see James inside.

"No speech from me, son. James crossed a line and he had to be punished" Elixir cleared her throat and continued.

"I don't blame you. Just remember, Jason that in life, there are lines we can't cross" 

Jason listened to her. 

Sometimes he found it weird that he started his life in this old, almost falling apart bungalow, then he met his mother and his life changed forever.

He placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled his mother closer. Elixir rested her head on his arm.

Her strong boy, the love of her life.

"Thank you, Mom" he whispered like it was something he should have done a long time ago.

"He can't hurt you anymore, Jason. In twenty four hours, he will be gone from our lives permanently and it's okay to grieve that lost, sweet boy. He was your father and you loved him"

"No, I didn't"

"Yes, you did. You will be a robot not to love him. And there is no shame in admitting that you loved him" 

Elixir looked at him.

His face was stoic and without any readable emotions.

Jason took his sunshade and started wiping it.

"No, I didn't. I stopped loving James a very long time ago and there is no shame in admitting that" 

Jason looked at his mother and he held her gaze. He needed her to understand that he wasn't lying or sugarcoating it for her.

He knew his stand with his father a very long time ago and at first, it was difficult but then it got easier and now? Now it almost came natural to him like breathing in air.

"I believe you" Elixir murmured.

She didn't like that it was the truth and she hated it even more than she was relieved to hear it from her child's lips.

Jason kissed her hair and opened the car door for her and she entered.

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It was then he noticed a reddish substance on her jacket.

"Did you cut yourself?" He asked and pointed to it.

Elixir watched the almost drying liquid on her jacket. She knew it was James' blood.

She flashed her convincing smile at him and wiped it off.

"Nope, just ketchup darling. I had pizza earlier"

"Okay" Jason closed the door and went around to enter the passenger's side. He could always come back to get his car later.

"What now, mom?" He asked as he placed his seatbelt.

Elixir exhaled.

What now? That was a great question.

"Now, we live our lives and pray like hell we did the right thing…now, what's going on with you and Tamara Jones" Elixir asked and drove off.

"Nothing" Jason murmured.

"Is that your final answer? Because nothing, did not make her book plane tickets out of the country a few minutes after coming back from your house" Elixir spared him a glance.

Jason was a man of his own words and he loved his privacy, Elixir knew that.

She couldn't read his mind and Tamara was just as close off as Jason about the incident that happened yesterday.

How can she help her son if he won't confide in her?

"You are wrong, Mom. Tamara is not going back to the states without talking to me first. At least she is not leaving with my daughter" Jason answered with all the confidence in the world.

"What happened in your house yesterday? And think hard before you answer, child…do you want to be lying to me?" Elixir asked him.

Jason thought about it for a little while. How would his mother look at him if he told her the truth? Was it a chance he was willing to take?

"Tamara kissed me" he blurted out.

Elixir found a place to park the car and she turned off the ignition.

She looked at her son, at his tensed countenance and body.

"You are a married man" she spoke softly like she was trying to sound supportive by not yelling.

"I know! You think I don't know that? I know I am married because I had to explain to my wife why I asked my best friend and my kid's mother to leave my house" Jason was barely containing his anger.

"Did you kiss her back?"

"No, Mom…I didn't" Jason answered.

"Did you want to?" Elixir asked him

"No…maybe…I don't know" Jason answered truthfully.

"But I do know I love Mckenna and I am choosing her for the rest of my life. I don't feel that way about Tamara. Sure, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if she never left but that's it!" 

Elixir believed her son. There was no harm in wondering about a possible alternate life but there was harm if he was staying with Mckenna out of obligation.

"Jason, I am your mother and I love you. But so help me God, I will seriously hurt you if you are staying with Mckenna out of obligation! If you love Tamara Jones, tell her" Elixir encouraged her.

"I don't. I love my wife. I can live without Tamara but the last time I tried to leave without Mckenna, I had what I thought was a heart attack and I was hospitalized…"

"What?!" Elixir yelled.

It finally dawned slowly on Jason that he didn't tell his mother about the separation and the broken heart syndrome he suffered.

"You had a heart attack and you didn't tell me?" 

"Mom, I..i…it's not really a heart attack per say…my doctor just said I was under an unreasonable amount of emotional trauma and it made my heart fractured temporarily, that's all" Jason tried to wave it aside like it was no big deal.

"Why were you under an unreasonable amount of emotional trauma, Child?" Elixir questioned.

"Yeah…about that, when you were in Canada, Mckenna and I were temporarily separated. She moved out for a few weeks but it's not a big deal…she came back e-eventually" 

Elixir smacked his arm. It wasn't a hard enough smack but it was enough to convene a message to him.

How could he keep something like that from him?

"What is wrong with you? Why…how?" Elixir was almost speechless.

"It's all in the past now Mom. I love my wife and it's obvious I can't live without her. I love Mckenna not Tamara, Okay?"

"Okay, then we need a plan because Tamara Jones is planning to take EJ away and I don't think she plans on letting her come back!" Elixir opened up about her fears.

"Well, that would be over my dead body, nobody and I mean…nobody is taking my daughter away from me!"

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