My Daughter From The Future Messages Me To Help Me Date The School Belle

My Daughter From The Future Messages Me To Help Me Date The School Belle

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My Daughter From The Future Messages Me To Help Me Date The School Belle

Review: 7.4/10 from 13 ratings

On a certain fateful day, three events that almost shocked Su Cheng to death happened.The first was that there was a Daily Check-in System ingrained in his head.The second was that he had received a message from his daughter from the future.The third was that he had learned that the school belle would be his wife in the future.“Dad! When are you going to confess your feelings to mom?” his daughter asked.“How am I supposed to do that?”“Just ask me! I know everything about mom!”“Okay! Does your mom wear Balenciaga all the time?”“… Next question, please.”“After your mom and I got married, who gets to handle the paychecks?”“Mom does.”“Who does the chores?”“You.”“Does your mom bully me?”“She smacks you around all the time.”“My dear daughter, you know what? Why don’t we forget about each other? Goodbye.”“…”Life is just like a phone call. Someone has to hang up first.

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