My Demon, my Submission, and my Soul

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – The First Meeting

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So here I am at a bar, with no idea why. I just had one of those brain itches, or compulsions to do something. They are easily ignorable. I have done it before, I have also followed them before. That is how I ended up on a mountain near my house at 8pm at night in the middle of winter. But this isn’t that story. This story led me to a bar. I decided to slowly get drunk off of some Guinness. Speaking of which.


I flag down the bartender “Could I get another Guinness please?”, he simply nods and heads to get me and every other customer a refill.


“Drinking to remember or to forget?” I hear a sultry voice from over my shoulder. I turned to see one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.


I open my mouth to say something only to find I have no words. “Ummm, neither really. Just passing the time.” I smile and laugh, trying to stay pleasant. “If you want a seat, once I have my beer, you are free to take mine.”


“Well we can’t have that, cutie, let me give them my order and let's retire to a table.”


I try to respond with “I’m flattered, but”, but I am quickly shushed. She then grabs me by my hand towards a table in the corner. I barely have time to grab my beer before we leave the bar. I look at her and she gestures for me to take a seat, relenting I sit down. She then joins me sitting across from me.


“I’m Ela, it is nice to meet you.”


I hesitantly replied “It… it is nice to meet you Ela, my name is Sam. Wh…why did you drag me over here?”


Giggling first she responds “Well Sam, because you are cute. And I thought you might like some company.”


“I’m, I, I don’t think I’m cute.” Retorting despite the blushing I can feel start to bubble up. “I guess some company sounds good. I had no plans anyways. I don’t even really know why I am here. I just felt like I should be. If I believed in Fate, I would say it wanted me to be here.” I laugh at how terrible that last bit sounds.


“Ah, I get it. Sometimes you just have to follow your whims as you see fit. Fate is a fickle bitch. But sometimes, just sometimes she makes it so people are in the right area at the right time. You know what I mean?”


I swear I could see an actual twinkle or spark in her eye when she says that. “I guess. I don’t really believe in fate or any stuff like that. Call me boring if you want, but show me evidence, and I renounce that position.” I shrugged and replied. 


“Well darling, I have a feeling you will renounce that within the next year. In fact, let's make a bet on it. If you believe in fate or any of that nonsense, within the next 365 days, I will own your soul. Deal?” She air quotes nonsense, and giggles.


“You know what, sure. I’m bored, it sounds like a deal to me.” I laugh along with her. 


I hand out my hand to shake on it. Instead she stands, uses that hand to pull me out of the chair and kisses me. Just a quick peck on the lips. “A kiss seals the deal much better.”


I just stood there stunned. It has been far too long since I have been kissed. Her lips were so warm and soft. Even that small kiss was tantalizing and amazing. Even with my limited experience I can’t see anyone being a better kisser. I snap out of it to see her soft and smiling face.


“Well I guess a deal is a deal. So how are you going to convince me?” I inquire.


“Oh, wait and see. So how about we head back to my place. Maybe play some drunken Mario Kart? See where the night takes us?”


I nervously eye her up and down. She is absolutely gorgeous. Do I really want to go to her place after knowing her for all of like 20 minutes? In my inebriated state, yes, yes I do.


“Please, lead the way.” I say still slightly nervously.


She stands and takes my hand. She leads me to the bar where she pays for our drinks and leads me outside. We wait for an uber, engaging in small talk while we wait.


Ela asks “So in Mario Party who do you play?”


Sheepishly I respond “Peach…”, I stare at the ground.


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“Oh how cute. She is a perfect match for you cutie.” Ela laughs. 


She then caresses my face and brings me into her. I can feel her warmth, she seems to radiate heat. It’s practically keeping any cold away from us. Or that could just be my perception with how enamored I am. We continue to talk. The uber eventually arrives. She opens the door for me and allows me to sit down. She joins and cuddles up to me. She confirms her address and turns back to me.


“So now that we are away from the bar, I can tell you my prices.” She intently stares at me.


I feel my stomach drop. Of course. That is why she is interested, she thought I was an easy mark. I go to speak when I hear her giggle.


“Sorry, I had to joke. It’s not like that cutie. I am not a lady of the night. I just wanted to try and ease your nervousness. I don’t actually do this often. But there is just something about you.”


“Oh good. I was about to tell you I’m poor.” I laugh, and then realize her hand is on my leg. Rubbing up and down. I turn and face her again, staring her in the eyes. She quickly kisses me again, robbing me of any chance to take the initiative. I lean into the kiss, just allowing her to do what she wants. I feel her tongue flick my lips, as if asking for entree. I part my own to allow it. Her tongue dances with mine, as I let loose a light moan. I lose track of time again during the kiss. Eventually I feel the car stop, we get out and I see her house. It is a cute little cottage style house. She leads me inside, I can see the place is carefully designed and put together. It’s a mix of cottagecore, nerdy, with just a hint of gothic. It’s almost as alluring as she is. It’s like she is my dream woman in the real world.


We go to the kitchen and make some more drinks, a vodka cranberry for me, and a scotch for her. We head to the living room and boot up the game. We start playing and drinking. We finished maybe 6 races. The make out sessions between each race are getting heavier and longer. She grabs my hand and leads me to her room.


Even drunk I feel the nerves come back. “Should I go home at this point… I’m…. I’m..”


Ela cuts me off “It’s ok, we can just cuddle. I don’t want you to go home yet. If you would be more comfortable I have pjs you can borrow. They may not fit perfectly, but they are pink, and silk.”


“That… that is fine.”


Ela goes and fits them and returns them to me. I take them and head to the bathroom to change. I’m not ready to change in front of her. The pjs are huge on me. It makes me feel small, and it feels super smooth on my body. I allow the feeling to wash over me. I go back to her room. She is laying on the bed and pats the bed next to her. I lay next to her and she again pulls me into her arms. I feel the alcohol and tiredness catch up to me. I allow her to hold me and quickly fall asleep.


I wake the next morning feeling super refreshed, before confusion settles in. Where am I? And what am I wearing? I look around the room as my memories start to come back to me. I went home with an amazing woman last night, and I slept in her bed. I’m also wearing her silk PJs. Because I felt too awkward to be naked with her. Damn this dysphoria. I hope it didn’t ruin things.  It is then I noticed the glorious scent of bacon wafting from the kitchen. I also realize I don’t have a hangover, weird. But about then my stomach lets loose a mighty roar.


I hear a giggle followed by “Well breakfast is almost done, please come join me.”


I look at the pink silk pjs, and decide screw it. I already slept in them next to her, might as well go to the kitchen in them. I slowly get out of bed, feeling the smooth silk run across my legs. Weird that I don’t feel my leg hair, I mean I never did have much, but I should feel something right? My own thoughts are interrupted by my stomach again. And I wander into the kitchen. I see her bright and beautiful face turn into a smile as she sees me, and I can’t help but allow my own face to join.


Ela gestures for me to sit down. “Here, have a plate. Eggs, hash browns, some bacon, and orange juice. Breakfast of champions. How do you feel cutie?”


I grab my plate “Honestly? Strangely I haven’t felt this good for a while. And thank you so much for breakfast.”


Ela sits across from me and grabs her own plate. We both eat breakfast chatting aimlessly and pleasantly. After breakfast I go and find my clothes. I carefully take off the pjs and put on my own clothes. My pants and shirt both feel slightly weird, but I can’t place why. 


I head back out into the kitchen where Ela is sitting drinking her juice.


“Thank you so much for last night. I… I don’t suppose I can get your number so we can do this again?” I nervously ask.


“Of course honey, I am glad you asked. I wasn’t going to let you leave until we exchanged numbers. My number is 555-555-6666. I hope you aren’t superstitious or anything.” She giggles.


“Nah, not at all. Even if I was there are 1 to many 6s.” I replied. When I finished putting her number into my phone, I looked up and she was standing next to me. She brings me into a deep hug and kisses me again.


We get to her front door, which she opens for me. “Please don’t hesitate to call or text me. And none of that waiting x days, as stated by the man rules. You should know better cutie.”


“I won’t wait that long.” I reply as my Uber arrives. “Again thank you. Talk to you later!” 

The uber drives me to my small apartment and I plop in front of my computer. Trying to think what the hell happened. I never have anything good happen to me. Well I am not going to screw this up. I have to tell her that I am trans before it gets serious. I just hope she is ok with that.

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