My Enigmatic Life

My Enigmatic Life

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My Enigmatic Life

Review: 8.3/10 from 6 ratings

Hullo, there. My name is Daisuke Colen, born in England by two English parents. Why do I have a Japanese given name, you ask? It's a long story.

Do you mind if I ask you a sort of.... odd question? No? Right.

Suppose you were feeling homesick, so you decide to skive baseball practice. Along the way home, you run into a handful of delinquents, who try to give you a hard time. You easily dispatch with them and go about your day.

Would you expect to get never involved with them again? Or you expect them to kidnap your cousin, which leads to you dueling their boss, which then leads to you becoming a target of an even greater group of "delinquents", which then leads you into joining a secret organisation?

You'd expect the former? Yeah, I did as well.
Rather unfortunately, I got the latter.

This is how my enigmatic life begins to unravel.

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