My Ex-Girlfriend is the Strongest Guild Master and I’m the Weakest!

Chapter 27: 27 – Baby Steps

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I’m Alan Warden... Chief Technician of The Santa María Spaceship. Due to a series of unfortunate events, I became the weakest User in this whole virtual world… And I’m supposed to be Humanity’s Guardian...

He gasped for air while tossing the now useless iron tray. The Weasenox’s corpse beside him.

“We did it, Alan,” Ashley said behind him.

“Yeah... I’m finally level 6... How marvelous…”




“We’re celebrating tonight because Alan has finally leveled up. Yay!” Amelia beamed, opening a bottle of wine.

“Are you going to toast 94 more times?”

“Stop being so cranky! Baby steps, Alan, baby steps.”

“This is not enough,” Alan muttered before munching on his steak. "Hey, this is delicious."

"It's from a restaurant on the other side of the town. I convinced the owner to deliver it to me if I paid extra."

"You shouldn't waste your money like that."

"This is a special occasion!” Amelia said, after gulping wine. “What are your plans for tomorrow?"

Alan glanced at Ashley, who was silently chewing.

"I got wind of a dungeon on the town's outskirts. The very first dungeon. I’ll get better gear there."

"I hope it turns out great." Amelia smiled warmly at him.

"I hope so too…"

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"Nothing on the second floor," Ashley said, strolling towards him.

"And nothing here in the library," Alan said while sitting on a pile of books. "Count Dylak's Mansion, huh?" he said, exhaling. "I bet this place was very popular back in the day."

Ashley remained still, discerning his expression. "We could kill the Weasenox again."

"It would just give me a third of the XP this time, I would have to get another ‘kitchen shield’ and I don't know if it's worth all that hassle."

"I could fight in the front lines while you provide support."

"I can't fight from a distance, you would get all the XP. And if I don't dodge in time, he'll kill me in one hit. Let's forget about the Weasenox for now."

"We could ask Amelia if she…"

"Amelia has helped us enough."

"Can we ask someone from Unus Town if they know about other ways to get XP?"

"I know how. Making errands. But only if an NPC gives you a quest, and by now, all of them have been turned into servants. It would be like taking their job away from them." He lowered his head. "I'll… I'll come out with something…"



While exploring the different Apps other Users had developed, he found an 'Online Marketplace', where the low-level gear he needed was sold, but the prices were exorbitant. 

It seems that only collectors buy them. 27,000 gold for a bronze-ranking sword is not worth it.

There was also an open public chat, where he asked where he could find low-level monsters. Alan only received disappointment.

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