My Ex-Husband Became The Male Lead

Chapter 6: 6

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Chapter 6 [Part 1] – A Stubborn Young Man

Kaligo’s polite treatment and familiarity towards him made it clear to me that it is someone who bears a title comparable to that of the Grand Duke or even a higher one.

Even with only these few conjectures, she was able to predict the man’s identity.

‘Prince Desian…….’

It is said that Grand Duke Kaligo and Prince Desian have been close since childhood because of their similar tendencies and behaviors.

A deranged Desian who was comparable to a cursed Kaligo.

No, rather, he was worse than Kaligo in terms of his cruelty.

Upon hearing Desian’s words, Kaligo turned around slowly. Ashia, too, turned after, but her view was covered by Kaligo’s big back, which made her unable to see anything.

“At least greet me. I’m the Crown Prince of this Empire.”

It was definitely said in a soft tone, but that’s not all. As the sound of his footsteps became clearer, Kaligo pushed Ashia behind his back.

Behind the large Kaligo, a small Ashia was hidden without a trace.

“What’s wrong? Who is she?”

Desian tilted his head to see the woman hidden behind Kaligo.

“……..This is my guest that I invited for my personal reasons.”

As Kaligo turned his head around following his gaze refusing to back down, Desian’s eyes grew darker.

TL/N – Please read this at the original site,

“A guest?”


A strange tension filled the atmosphere as soon as the confrontation took place. No one easily turned his back and tried to go on his own way.

Apparently, the two were close friends who grew up together since they were still a child and were described as close friends, regardless of their status.

But, at present, the conversation between the two men felt more like one between a king and his subject than one between close friends. Not only that, but also the tension felt between generals from opposing sides encountered on the battlefield was also evident.

‘I never heard of a rumor saying that you two have a bad relationship. What’s wrong with you two……?’

It seemed as if Kaligo wasn’t just simply being cautious. It was difficult for Ashia to understand the current situation in which he confronted his friend to protect a wizard whom he didn’t even know well.

‘Since he wants to be greeted so badly, I’ll say hello once and get on the carriage as soon as I finish greeting him…….’

Ashia escaped from behind Kaligo’s back and opened her mouth.

“Oh, hello there-”

However, Kaligo interrupted her and said to Desian.

“She’s a wizard.”

He responded to Desian’s question and pushed Ashia, who had escaped, behind his back and hid her once again.

At the word ‘wizard’, Desian’s eyebrows flinched.

The Towers of Wizards. They are independent forces that do not belong to any Empire.

The world’s wizards are set not to be bound by the titles or status of all the people belonging to any Empire. In other words, no matter which Empire they travel to, or whoever they meet regardless of their title, they are placed on an equal footing with them.

The nobles, including the Emperor, are not allowed to put the wizards of the tower under their feet, nor are the wizards allowed to rise above the heads of the nobles, including the Royal Family.

A relationship where both parties have equal rights. This close relationship had been followed for a long time. Mainly because the tower was a group with good reasoning and power.

“Oh, you’re from the Tower.”

“That’s right. I’ll be seeing her off, so go in the mansion first-”

“What’s wrong? Even if that’s the case, I’m sure she can still greet me properly, right?”

Desian interrupted Kaligo and persistently looked at Ashia, who was hiding behind him.

“Unlike our Emperor, I have no feelings of anger towards the Tower and its wizards.”

Desian took a step closer.

“It’s rather the opposite. I’m one of those few people who want to get along with wizards.”

In particular, as Desian added, “Even more so if she is a woman.”, the gap between Kaligo’s eyebrows narrowed.

Due to the nature of the Imperial Family, who despised the Tower and its wizards, he thought that if he included the word “wizard”, he’d be able to get away with it. However, he seemed to have rather aroused his curiosity.

I wasn’t sure if he was interested in wizards or simply in the woman who was wearing a robe.

At the moment Kaligo tried to stop Desian from approaching Ashia,


A voice called Ashia’s name out of nowhere, which made the three turn their heads to the direction of where the sound came from in unison.


The wizard, Ventus, lived on the fourth floor of the Grand Duke’s mansion.

The moment he started living there, he was always given a hearty meal, a cozy bed, a generous funding, and top quality mana stones.

For Ventus, the Grand Duke’s residence was heaven. If he continues to help Kaligo get what he wants, he could get as much support as he wanted and be able to study comfortably.

5 years have passed since he settled down here.

When Redin, who told him that he’d bring Ashia to him, disappeared without a word, Ventus, who was walking around, headed to the window.

His lab is located on the fourth floor, whereas the Grand Duke’s office, where Ashia was in, is on the second floor.

It’s only a few steps away, but I never thought it would be this difficult for me to see your face.

‘Can’t I just go in there?’

-He told me not to let anyone in.

As he recalled what Redin told him, he slowly scratched his forehead.

Ventus, who was a wizard from the tower, is not obliged to listen to Kaligo’s orders. However, it was not possible for him to interfere in their conversation.

Even more so since it was Ventus himself who had been watching Kaligo suffer from sexual desire or lust.

‘Now that it has come to this, it would be better for his condition to get treated already……’

Sitting by the window, I looked down at the garden of the mansion with a look of boredom.

What came to sight was Desian, the Crown Prince, descending from the carriage bearing the emblem of the Imperial Palace.

‘…….What is he doing here again?’

Chapter 6 [Part 2] – A Stubborn Young Man

As Ventus looked down at Desian, his eyebrows furrowed. Similar to a member of the Royal Family who had mastered the etiquette of a noble, Desian entered the path leading towards the garden of the Grand Duke’s mansion with a straight, neat walk.

And soon, Kaligo and a person wearing a robe faced Desian.


Ventus, who was sitting by the window, jumped up from his seat and opened the window.


She was wearing a robe, but he recognized her at once as they have spent 3 years together. Soon after, he jumped out of the window situated on the fourth floor and shouted.


Ventus’ body, which seemed as though it would fall to the ground with a loud thud, landed on the floor quietly as if it was as light as a feather. As he was able to come down to the first floor in a flash, he ran straight to Ashia and hugged her, who was standing behind Kaligo.


“How long has it been?!”

Ashia, who smiled out of surprise, took a step back from the man who hugged her.


Only then was Ashia able to confirm that the identity of the man who held her in his arms was her teacher, Ventus.

“Oh my god. Are you really, really the Ven I know of?”

“Of course I am.”

Kaligo, who was silently watching the two reunite with each other, felt the gaze of Desian on them. He then called Ventus’ name in a low voice.


As soon as Ventus turned around, Kaligo used his chin to silently make him shift his gaze towards someone else.


Upon understanding Kaligo’s intention, Ventus’ gaze shifted towards the Crown Prince.

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‘That could have been a disaster.’

Kaligo has been quiet lately, however, Desian was still famous for his rough attitude towards women. Thus, the first thing he had to do was to get Ashia out of the two beastly bastards’ sights.

“Ashia, let’s go somewhere else first. You’re done here, right?”


Ventus reached his hand out into the air right away and created a dark gray gate. Desian, who was watching them, took a step forward to stop the two from fleeing.


However, the two were a little faster than Desian, who was trying to stop them from fleeing. Before he could even have the chance to capture them, Ventus and Ashia already disappeared into the gate.



When Ventus, who had suddenly stormed in their conversation, disappeared in a flash with Ashia, a brief silence filled the atmosphere.

Kaligo, who was looking at where the two disappeared along with Desian, he said as he walked past him on his way back to the mansion.

“Let’s go inside.”


Desian’s face hardened like a child who had been robbed of his toys before his eyes.

He glanced at where the woman disappeared once again before following Kaligo into the mansion.


Ashia’s Potion Shop was located in the Capital of the Karhan Empire.

Ashia left for the Grand Duke’s mansion early in the morning, so the shop was promptly closed.


A man pulled the sky-blue door of the shop and let go, tilting his head. His face looked as if it was telling her, “Didn’t you open the shop today? You can’t simply close the shop without saying anything.”

“Oh? You must have come to pick Ashia up and depart early in the morning.”

Verna, who runs a dry goods store, passed by in front of Ashia’s shop and said to the man who was pulling the door of her shop. Then, the man turned around and looked at Verna.

“Are you here to pick me up?”

“Oh! It’s you, Theo?”

Verna recognized the man and stopped walking.

“Yes, hello. Sis, who’s coming to pick up Ashia though?”

“I don’t know. There was no emblem on the carriage last time.”

“You rode another carriage without an emblem?”

“She’s always like that.”

When Verna’s bag slipped from her hands, she picked it up again and continued talking.

“Don’t worry about it. She’s not the one who’s going to get wounded if something ever happens.”


Theo strode up to Verna.

“Give that to me.”

“Huh? Ah.”

Verna handed over a bag that was larger than her upper body.

“I’ll hold it for you.”


Verna smiled back and looked at Theo. The fifteen-year-old boy, who came to the capital’s shopping district for Ashia, already gave off such a different atmosphere.

‘You must have been doing well after joining the Royal Knights.’

He was popular among women because of his carelessness, his strong physique, and the strange atmosphere he gave off, which meant he’d protect anyone regardless of their identity. Of course, he was also handsome.

Verna, who had been walking alongside Theo and looking at him for a long time, said.

“Did you get taller?”


Theo replied to her, interested.

“Ever since the day Ashia said she liked tall men, you’ve been drinking all the brands of milk that came in sight.”

As Verna laughed, the tip of Theo’s ears became red.

“When did I ever do that?”

As if she finds his reaction cute, she patted his back and said,

“You’ve become such a reliable man, haven’t you? How nice would it be if Ashia could understand what’s on your mind, right?”


“You should smile more often. You do know that women like kind and considerate men, right?”

At Verna’s words, Theo slightly nodded his head.

“I’ll try my best.”

“The effort you put in counts, too.”

When Theo arrived at Verna’s fabric shop, he put the bag on the floor and raised his upper body.

“Then, if you’d excuse me.”

“Ah, Theo!”

Verna called Theo, who was about to leave the shop.


“Do you have anything to say to Ashia? I’ll tell her when I get the chance to do so.”

“No need, I’ll do it myself.”

“Really? In this weather? You’re not going to wait?”

“It doesn’t matter.”


Verna wanted to go against his decision, but she was well aware of Theo’s stubbornness.

He’s quiet and gentle, but once he says that he’d do something, no one would be able to stop him from doing it.

“Be careful on your way.”

“I will.”

‘He’s still stubborn. Even though he looks like a grown-up now, he still thinks like a kid.’

Verna shook her head slightly and began to trim the bag of fabrics that Theo helped her carry.

Theo left the fabric shop and headed towards Ashia’s shop.

The snow that fell a few days ago still hasn’t melted. As Theo walked on top of it, a rustling sound followed.

Ashia had told me several times.

– Theo, if I’m not in the shop, there’s a key under the third flowerpot. Enter the shop if needed, okay?

A hot summer or a cold winter. To his regret, Theo would always wait for Ashia outside the shop, enduring either the heat or cold with his body.

Ashia would constantly be worried about Theo, so she always left the emergency key under the flowerpot.

However, Theo would wait for her outside the shop every time. In the middle of summer, he would have a face that’s red because of the heat from the sun. In the middle of winter, he would have a face that’s red because of the cold wind felt during the said season.

Arriving in front of Ashia’s shop, Theo glanced at the potted plants lined up next to the shop’s door.

It seems like he has no intention of going in the store, as usual.

The snow accumulated on the stairs was roughly removed by hand.

‘When will you arrive…..?’

Theo, who had no idea when Ashia would arrive at the shop, waited for her.

The snow that had stopped began to fall again.

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