My Fiance Told Me He Had Found His True Love and Broke off Our Engagement. It’s Too Late To Ask Me T

Chapter 16: 16

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Title: I want to eat your sweets again(Also, your teacher and childhood friend seem troubled)
“Yayoi-sensei, here’s some stuff from Yuki—I mean Shimokawa—do you want it?”
After the morning homeroom, I called out to Yayoi-sensei. I had been calling Yuki by name all of yesterday, so, without realizing it, it had become a habit. I hurriedly tried to correct myself, but Yayoi-sensei realized what I had said and made a satisfied smile.
I’m telling you, it’s not a relationship like that. Don’t look at me like that. A strange misunderstanding will only trouble Yuki, so please stop.
“So you’re already calling each other by name. Your relationship has gotten intimate real fast.”
“I’m telling you that isn’t what this is!”
“I’m sure, I’m sure.”
Yayoi-sensei giggled. This person is definitely treating her students as toys for amusement.
“So what were you going to hand off to me?”
“Yuki—I mean Shimokawa—- made these, but because of what you did, maybe I– ”
“You don’t have to correct yourself anymore, okay?”
“Ah, stop smirking. Shimokawa–I mean Yuki– is” [TLN: Yes, it went from Shimokawa -> Yuki]
“Why do you keep on correcting yourself!?”
“Be quiet! Yuki made these scones, so are you going to eat them or not? That’s what I’m here to ask you about. But it seems like you don’t want them, so—”

This time, Yayoi-sensei stiffened up. Maybe this is what “eyes darting around” refers to. I kept the fact that I thought “serves you right” a secret.
“Um…What do you mean by that….Kamikami-kun?”
“I know you’re startled, but don’t screw up people’s names.”
“What do you mean by that, Shimokawa-kun?”
“Are you doing this intentionally?”
“Um, Kamikawa-kun?”
“Could you stop pinching my cheeks to check if this is reality, Sensei? It hurts.”
“This isn’t a dream?”
“It hurts! It hurts!”
By this point, I had a bitter smile on my face.
Out of breath, we paused for a moment.
—-Returning to the main topic….
“Okay, I’ll properly listen to you now.”
You can’t start acting like a proper teacher now. You aren’t convincing me in the slightest. Well, it’s Yayoi-sensei, so if I tell her that, things will get completely derailed again. We’re probably 700 words into the conversation by now. I want to be done with this conversation in 2000, but, judging by how things have gone so far, I’ll probably completely fail to meet that goal. I have to change the course of this conversation at all costs.
“So what were you saying?”
Why did I think I could actually get this teacher to listen to me?
—-Well, I guess it’s back to square one.
“Yesterday, Yuki made some scones. So then when I told her ‘Yayoi-sensei probably wants to eat some too,’ she asked me to give these to you.”
“You’re such a….”
For some reason, she was making an astounded face, and I couldn’t understand why. 
“So you don’t want them?”
“No, I’ll take them. I’ll gratefully accept them…but, Kamikawa-kun, I think you should try to study a maiden’s heart a bit more, you know….”
“So you don’t understand…you don’t understand. Just why are males like this…My husband is like this too…..I wish you guys could be more aware of our feelings. The amount of overly dense male protagonists in novels is more than enough….Shimokawa-san, do your best–”
This time she was muttering and grumbling to herself. As Yuki’s teacher, Yayoi-sensei must have a lot of things to worry about, huh, or at least that’s what I thought she was muttering about. I guess I’ll leave her to it then….Though, if she needs assistance, I’ll help her right away.
Suddenly, Kaizaki appeared.
“Kamikawa, are these the sweets that Yuki made?”
“Oh, yeah.” 
“Could I join you guys?”
Kaizaki, you’re drooling, you know? Were you really this kind of character? That’s kind of surprising.
“Oh and also I would be happy if you could tell me how Yuki is doing now.”
Well I guess I don’t have a reason to refuse. I nodded slightly.
“Then for lunch how about we bring our bentos and meet up at the library? We can eat and talk there.”
Yayoi-sensei was grinning. She seemed to be looking forward to it. Then—-, I spotted someone staring at me. His hair was dyed brown, he had a piercing in one ear, and he seemed a bit like a delinquent. A classmate that I’ve never had any contact with up until now. I think his name was….?
Anyway, he was staring intently at me, as if he had a grudge.
“Keigo, right? What are you up to?”
When Kaizaki called out to him, he seemed to lose interest and walked away.
I followed his retreating figure with my gaze.
His gaze on me didn’t feel pleasant.
And, if he was so openly hostile to me, then—
I had never come to the library before, so I was surprised by the large amount of books and how spacious it was.
(Isn’t this way too big?)
I blinked in surprise.
The shelves were even set up and sorted neatly, just like a public library.
I’m pretty sure I toured the school campus when I was first admitted. I guess I don’t have many memories of the tour because I was trying to get used to the new environment and didn’t have the leeway to look around.
Yayoi-sensei, Kaizaki, and I moved to the inner part of the library—To the librarian’s office and the literary club’s clubroom. Upon entering, I took a good look at the interior. It almost felt like it was a coffee shop rather than a library. There was even a coffee siphon and mill. I blinked in surprise. Isn’t this place very similar to the place where I work part time?
“How about we brew some coffee to drink after we finish eating? That being said, I’m unbelievably bad at that. No matter how much I try, I can’t get the siphon to work.”
“Speaking of which, isn’t drinking supposed to be prohibited in the library….?”
“This is the librarian’s office, so it’s fine. It is the home of the library committee and the literary club members. Good work and good creations come from a good environment, Watson.”
“I guess.”
As I shrugged my shoulders, I brought out my lunch. Today, my lunch is on the healthier side, I guess—It’s Yakisoba bread.
“…..Is that it, Kamikawa?”
“Huh? This is all I normally have. I mean, in terms of necessary nutrients, there’s eno—”
“There’s no way that’s enough!”
Yayoi-sensei frowned.
“Look, the Yakisoba bread even has vegetables in it–”
“I’m telling you, that isn’t enough.”
Looking fed up, Yayoi-sensei took one of the dishes in her bento, placed it on the lid, and passed the lid to me.
“No, it’s fine.”
“I’m giving this to you because you’re giving me the scones from Shimokawa. Even so, that isn’t enough food for a growing teenager’s appetite.
“So that’s why you’re always so pale, Kamikawa.”
Even Kaizaki pitched in.
“As your teacher, if you say that you have enough, that’s all I can do, but are you sure that you could confidently say that to, for instance, Shimokawa?”
Well, despite what I say, as far as I can tell, I don’t think that I’m getting enough nutrients. But the fact remains that I find it to be a giant pain to do anything about it. Speaking of which, for some reason I remember having a strangely large appetite when I was eating with Shimokawa. 
“Also, keep the fact that I shared a part of my bento with you a secret from Shimokawa, okay.”
“Huh? I don’t really think that matte–”
“It does matter! You have to keep it a secret. I don’t want to become one of my student’s enemies!”

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I didn’t really understand what she meant, but I nodded anyway. For some reason, Kaizaki was looking at me, quite shocked by what I had said. He sighed. Wait, why are they looking at me like that? I don’t think I did anything wrong?
“Come on. I mean, she’s letting you call her by name right?”
“Well, we’re friends after all.”
For some reason, Yayoi-sensei seemed very troubled by what I said.
“By the way, how does Yuki—I mean Shimokawa—refer to you, Kamikawa?”
Kaizaki, why’d you correct yourself? You can just refer to her the way you do normally, so why are you building up a wall?
“Uh, well, Yuki normally calls me “Fuyu-kun”…..”
That was all I said, but they immediately began choking. Wait, no. Don’t spit out your food. That’s nasty.
However, the two of them looked at me with eyes that made it seem like they had just seen something unbelievable.
“I guess maybe it’s precisely because Kamikawa is like this that he managed to get close to her.”
“As a teacher, I’m kind of conflicted. I’m not sure whether asking Kamikawa to do this was a good thing or a bad thing.”
And then the two of them let out heavy sighs.
““But, for heaven’s sakes, isn’t it obvious that normal friends don’t generally refer to each other that way!””
Their voices completely overlapped. No, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Could you explain it in a way that’s easier for me to understand?
Usually, I spend my lunch break quite lazily, reading a book and slowly finishing my food. However, today was different. I borrowed a coffee mill and ground the coffee beans. There wasn’t much time, so I just ground them normally. Then, using the simple paper drip style, I brewed the coffee. I slowly poured hot water into the coffee kettle.
“A brilliant performance.”
Yayoi-sensei sounded impressed. I’ve certainly not mastered the art of brewing coffee, at least in comparison to some of the people at my part time job. That being said, I’m proud to say that, in comparison to others who brew as a hobby, I can certainly make a decent cup of coffee. 
The rich aroma of coffee filled the air.
Next came the scones. I took them out of the bag, and the two of them stared in amazement.
“These seem really tasty….”
I could practically hear Yayoi-sensei and Kaizaki trying to swallow their saliva.
“Isn’t this too much for me?” [TLN: Yayoi]
Hmm, well, I wasn’t expecting Kaizaki to be here, so I’ll just take some of mine and—
“No, that’s your portion. You should eat it, Kamikawa-kun.”
“Kamikawa, you have to be the one to eat that.”
The two of them spoke in unison. ‘Huh?’ I thought. ‘But then, between the two of them, they won’t have that much–’
“I’m begging you, Kamikawa-kun. I don’t want Shimokawa-san to hate me. You should eat your own portion. And then properly tell her how you feel about the taste.”
“I think so too. If anything, I’m the one that randomly barged in. I’m really sorry, Kamikawa!”
For some reason, they were begging me to eat. Well, they were both in agreement, so I went along with it.
Then we ate. As I sipped my coffee, I once again came to the conclusion that Yuki’s sweets really were delicious. Yup, this coffee really feels like it was brewed in an American way. I guess that means these beans are really good. I knew it. 
When I looked up at them, I saw that their expressions had melted into happiness, and even their bodies were telling me how delicious they thought it was.
“Just what is this? It’s too good.”
“These sweets taste different from the ones she made in elementary school. They’re so good, it’s crazy!”
Their reactions made me feel happy too. Booting up LINK, I sent Yuki a message.
fuyu: We’re eating your tasty scones right now. Both Yayoi-sensei and Kaizaki are saying that they’re really good. You really are amazing, Yuki. I guess this just means I’m not the only one who thinks so. Also, the scones went really well with the coffee I brewed today too.
Huh? It says she’s already read the message, but there’s no sign of a reply. I tilted my head in confusion.
“What’s wrong?” Yayoi-sensei asked me as she chewed through the food. Her happiness at the food was practically written on her face.
“Well, you guys said that the food was delicious, so I messaged Yuki about that on LINK. Then I told her about how the scones went really well with the coffee and yeah….”
“ –-–You idiot!””
Once again, the two of them spoke in unison. However, I couldn’t understand what they were angry about.
“Hurry up and open up LINK, Kamikawa!”
“What do you mean?”
“What we think doesn’t matter. Kamikawa-kun, tell her what you think! Quickly! Right now!”
They continued to press me, so I gave in. In the first place, I had been intending on conveying my opinions to Yuki anyway. I flicked my phone and wrote a message.
fuyu: I had them too, and they were really delicious. They tasted so good that I want to eat even more of your cooking right now. I know that sounds a bit bold, but they really were that good.
The message was immediately read, and a reply came soon after.
yuki: You telling me that makes me feel really happy. I’m feeling a bit lazy today, though, so it’s just pancakes. Is that okay? By the way, I really want to work hard on rehabilitation today.
fuyu: Of course that’s fine. And, yeah, I’ll be coming today too.
yuki: Yep, I’ll be waiting for you.
I feel really happy since I got to interact with Yuki, but…..
For some reason, despite how delicious the food was, Yayoi-sensei and Kaizaki seemed strangely exhausted.
“What’s wrong, you two?”
Why do you guys look so lethargic?
““It’s nothing!””
I guess the two of them do get along really well, considering how much they speak in unison. And I still can’t understand what either of them are thinking. Well, whatever.
I gave up and just left the two suspicious people to do their thing. In fact, I almost didn’t care at all. I was just looking forward to meeting Yuki again.
【Yayoi-sensei and Kaizaki-kun’s review meeting】
“I guess we’ve just barely escaped certain death for now.”
“Like I don’t understand how Kamikawa doesn’t notice at all.”
“Well, I don’t really understand Shimokawa-san that much, but her leaving Kamikawa-kun on ‘read’ is a clear sign of jealousy isn’t it? Plus, there were scones specifically for Kamikawa-kun too. I guess Kamikawa-kun brewing coffee for someone else must’ve triggered a land mine or something.”
“I feel the same way. Shimokawa is quite bad with strangers, but, once she starts getting along with someone, she gets really attached. I’m almost certain that she was feeling jealous. Honestly, I was a bit surprised.”
“By the way, did you switch to referring to Shimokawa by her surname because you wanted to show reserve?”
“Well of course. I’ve only heard about the situation indirectly, but there seems to be a really sweet atmosphere between the two of them. Obviously I wouldn’t want to barge into that or become a target for their unconscious jealousy. That being said, it is true that I still want to make up with Shimokawa.”
“I see, I see. I guess that means we’re in agreement.”
“Kamikawa-kun is way too dense.”
“Shimokawa is too oblivious.”
““Just go out with each other already!””

[TLN: I had a really shit week, and next week is looking shitty too. Also addicted to path to nowhere so may or may not be a chapter next week idk.]

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