My Fiance Told Me He Had Found His True Love and Broke off Our Engagement. It’s Too Late To Ask Me T

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"The doctor couldn't tell that it was Black Death Wheat?"

At Renato's question, Cedric closed his eyes tightly once.

"Ten years ago, when my father passed away, those who were in the palace without evacuating were barely able to survive. Many of the doctors died then, too."

If the doctor who had examined Cedric's father were still alive, he would have seen at a glance that the king's symptoms were not those of a plague.

"Duke Danzel immediately destroyed the evidence and denied visitation, claiming that His Majesty's condition was caused by an epidemic rather than Black Death Wheat."

"But the crown prince, I have heard, has seen him."

"I think it's because I was afflicted with an epidemic before. There must be documents that only His Majesty can approve. I took medicine immediately after contracting the disease ten years ago, and there is a strong possibility that I will contract it again, which is why I am not allowed near His Majesty's chambers."

Cedric said and stood up.

"That plague, if you take the medicine right after the onset of the disease, you may not become immune and you may get it again, but if you take the medicine after the onset of a high fever and are cured, you will not get it again... Isn't that right, Your Imperial Highness?"

The empire was more advanced than the kingdoms that were most affected when it comes to research on the plague.

Renato was impressed by how well Cedric had studied.

"Then let's go. We must help His Majesty and Marquis of Berkeley and also remove the lesions infesting the royal palace."

Renato and Mariabelle nodded strongly and left the library with Cedric.

There was a chess table in the corner of the library, and on his way out, Renato suddenly noticed a chess game in progress.

"I couldn't get a game going with Cedric, so I accidentally left it there."

Cedric is still young, but he is a genius. The game of chess is also a great skill, and even Kane, who prides himself on being reasonably good at it, has a hard time beating him.

When he rushed to clean up the mess, Renato stopped him with his hand.

"Do you play chess?"

Cedric, asked by Renato, turned around and chuckled.

"It helps me a lot to think about what my best move is against the moves my opponent makes," he said.

Hearing this, Renato also smiled, seeming to sneer at him.

"I think we're on the same page."

Renato looked down at the chessboard again and picked up a piece.


As Cedric and Kane looked at each other in surprise, Renato took Mariabelle's hand as if nothing had happened and left the library.

The kingdom's royal castle, the white palace, is called the White Eagle Castle Alba Aquila because it looks like a white eagle with its wings spread.

Located east of the Peneu River, the palace is built on a gently sloping hill, and the natural slope of the garden, with its abundant use of water, is said to resemble the playground of the gods.

"This is magnificent."

Renato, who visited the royal castle with Cedric, was involuntarily awed by the sight he saw from the window through the open curtains of the carriage.

He takes pride in the palace of the Galleria Empire as being the most splendid, but if that palace is a palace that has exhausted all its skill, then White Eagle Castle is a castle that seems to be one with nature, even the forest behind it has been carefully crafted.

"Renato, the White Eagle Castle is not only beautiful. Behind it is a steep cliff with the Aries River flowing beneath it."

Sitting next to Renato, Mariabelle had grown up in the castle all her life.

So when she is praised for a castle that is like her own garden, she can't help but be happy.

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"I see. It also functions as a fortress? Does the... rumoured underground labyrinth actually exist?"

"There is. But too many people have gone missing, so the entrance is sealed. Please don't say that you want to explore it, Renato-sama."

White Eagle Castle is said to have been the royal castle of an ancient kingdom. Inside the castle, there is a trick which use is still unknown, and once a year a new trick is discovered, causing researchers to squeal with delight.

There is an escape route in the basement of the castle, but it is so complicated that it is like a labyrinth, and no one has ever found the way out.

The entrance to the labyrinth has been closed since many people have gone missing, but once every few years, there are people who challenge the labyrinth and disappear without being found.

"When I hear the word "labyrinth," I can't help but get excited. Have you ever thought of trying it, Cedric?"

"Of course I have, but I've never tried... I think if you bring in a ball of yarn, you won't get lost. You could have him hold the end and if he gets lost, he can just follow the yarn back. There have been a few people who have tried it, but it seems to be more complicated than I imagined, so they haven't broken through yet."

"I would like to try it if I have the chance."

"I'd be happy to join you then."

Mariabelle looked at Renato and Cedric who hit it off with a frightened look.

Although she didn't say it in words, her face said, "Men really are..."

On both sides of the road leading to the front of the White Eagle Castle were two large ponds.

Around the ponds were marble statues of unicorns, all of them with their bodies face down and their horns lowered toward the castle.

As Cedric advanced the carriage, the guards, dressed in white uniforms, lined up to greet him.

First Cedric dismounted, then Renato, and finally, with Renato's help, Mariabelle appeared, and there was a murmur among the guards.

"It's Mistress Berkeley."

"Why is she with His Highness Cedric?"

"And who is that man?"

"Inform the crown prince immediately!"

Ignoring the guards running hurriedly into the palace and the guards surrounding them, unsure of what to do, Renato and Cedric, with Mariabelle in the center, proceeded as if nothing had happened.

"Your Highness Cedric, please wait. I have been instructed to keep Miss Berkeley at the castle once she arrives. And I would like you to explain to me who this is?"

"I have permission for Miss Berkeley to come to the castle. Move out of the way."

A man who was the leader among the guards stood in front of Cedric.

But Cedric ignored him and did not slow down.

Even so, Kane and Carlo restrained the captain who tried to stop him.

Seeing the other guards also brace themselves, the captain refrained from further restraint and hurriedly returned to the palace.

"Let's hurry before the guards return."

The next stop for Mariabelle and the others was the king's room.

There were fewer guards than usual, perhaps because of the contagious disease.

They would show the king the forged letter and ask him if it is genuine or not, and get him to approve the official betrothal between Mariabelle and Renato.

And in the meantime, free James.

That was Mariabelle's strategy.

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