My Fiance Told Me He Had Found His True Love and Broke off Our Engagement. It’s Too Late To Ask Me T

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"Look at this! It's just like the color of my brother's hair!"

Mariabelle involuntarily cheered when she saw the golden wheat fields spreading out all over the land.

When a big wind blew, it undulated violently like a golden wave. Then, it swayed gently like a ripple.

"I guess so. Looking at it like this, it's closer to Mariabelle's hair color than mine."

The ears of wheat swaying in the sunlight were a soft golden color.

The hair of Julian, Mariabelle's brother, was a little darker than that.

When Julian laughed and tugged at Mariabelle's hair, his little sister nodded her head and said, "I wonder if that's true.,"

At almost seven years old, Mariabelle was very pretty in Julian's eyes.

With golden hair, rosy cheeks, and green eyes that sparkle like fresh greenery, Mariabelle was sure to be a stunning beauty when she was old enough.

Soon Julian will go to boarding school and Mariabelle will go to King's Landing for the crown princess education. If that happens, the Marquise's family will be very lonely.

"Then, let's make it the same color as Onii-sama and I. Or maybe the wheat field has become the color of our hair...? Hmmm. Which one?"

Saying this, Mariabelle, who was comparing the color of her hair with the wheat field, said, "Ah."

"What's wrong, Mariabelle?"

"A rabbit! Look, Onii-sama there's a rabbit!"

Mariabelle's little finger pointed in the direction of a small rabbit.

It was reddish brown and its ears were twitching slightly.

It was standing on its hind legs, looking at them, but did not seem to be running away.

"It's just a little one, isn't he?"

"How cute! I just want to take it home."

Julian gently patted Mariabelle's head with a small smile.

"It's not cuter than Mariabelle, though."

"Oh, my brother, all you do is flatter me."

"I'm not flattering you, I'm telling you the truth. Oh, look, there is another rabbit."

As the two of them watched, they heard a rustling sound and another rabbit appeared among the wheat. It was a little larger than the first rabbit and had an ear of wheat in its mouth.

As the smaller rabbit approached, it dropped the wheat it was holding onto the ground.

The little rabbit then began to eat the ear of wheat.

When the rabbit finished eating, it bounced around the big rabbit as if to say thank you. The close friendship between the two amused Mariabelle, and she leaned in close to Julian.

She wondered if they were siblings, too.

"They're so close, they might as well be."

At Julian's words, Mariabelle gazed happily at the two rabbits.

The rabbits, snuggled up together surrounded by the golden ocean, certainly overlapped the image of Julian and Mariabelle.

"They are just like us. They've always been good friends. But... will we never see each other like this again?"

"No, we will."

"But Onii-sama is going to boarding school and I'm going to the palace, so it's going to be easy... for us to miss each other."

"Did someone tell you that?"

When the surprised Julian questioned her, Mariabelle turned her gaze toward the carriage she was riding in.

Two guards were waiting there.

"Ted is..."

Ted is one of Mariabelle's guards.

He is a good swordsman, but he is also good-natured and often makes light jokes.

He may have meant it as a joke, but the serious Mariabelle must have taken it seriously.

"Even though I'm going to boarding school, I'll be back here for a long break, and I'm sure Mariabelle will be back then, too, so don't worry."

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"Are you sure?"

"Really? I heard that even the current queen did not start her education so early."

"Then I guess I don't have to worry."

Julian gently stroked the head of Mariabelle, whose green eyes swayed with anxiety while saying so.

"Have I ever lied to Mariabelle?"

"...No, maybe..."

"I've never lied to you, so you can relax."

The eyes that shook reflected Julian.

Mariabelle finally felt relieved when she was stared at by hazel-colored eyes that had no hesitation.

"Good... I was worried that I wouldn't be able to see my brothers anymore."

"Isn't that supposed to happen? Besides, if Mariabelle can't leave the royal palace, we'll go see her."

"I'll come to see you too if you're not allowed to leave the boarding house!"

"... I wonder what it's like to not be let out of a boarding school..."

Mariabelle may have been genuinely concerned for her brother's well-being, but the fact that he was not being let out of boarding school meant that he was under house arrest.

Julian was worried that his beloved sister might think he was a bad-behaved brother.

"What? Uhm..."

Mariabelle, who had said this on an impulse, was at a loss for words when Julian replied seriously.

Seeing Mariabelle like that, Julian couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that. Am I going to get scolded when I try to sneak out of school to go see Mariabelle?"

"Eh, that's no good. If that happens because of me, it's an absolute no-no."

"But if I can't see Mariabelle, I might die of loneliness..."

Mariabelle desperately said to Julian, who sadly held his chest.

"Umm, then I'll go see you first! Then there's no need to escape."

"Then I'll go see Mariabelle before that."


The little Mariabelle nodded at Julian's words honestly.

Julian, and his parents, deeply loved this kind of honesty in Mariabelle.

The rabbits jumped up and left in surprise at the sound of Mariabelle's loud reply.

Mariabelle, who had been looking ruefully in the direction from which the rabbits had fled, was tapped on the shoulder by Julian and looked back at him.

"I think the rabbits are going home. We should go home, too. I'm sure father is waiting for us."

"Yes, I'm sure. Let's go home... I love you so much!"

"What's the matter, all of a sudden?"

"We are going to be apart for a while, so I have to say a lot now."

Julian was healed by the dazzling smile of Mariabelle.

Educating the Crown Princess at the royal palace would be difficult, but Mariabelle, who was serious and obedient, would surely be able to complete it.

He has yet to have an audience with her fiancé, the crown prince Edward, but there is no way he would not love the lovely Mariabelle.

Julian was sure they would be a perfect match.

If they were to stand side by side, they would be a beacon of light to the kingdom, which was suffering from the ravages of the plague.

"I love you, Mariabelle. Be happy."

Julian whispered into Mariabelle's ear amidst the rustling of golden waves.

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