My Fiance Told Me He Had Found His True Love and Broke off Our Engagement. It’s Too Late To Ask Me T

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In a corner of the royal palace, there is a magnificent rose garden that was created for a former queen several generations ago.

This rose garden, where the flowers that bloom change with the seasons and the roses are always in full bloom, is called the "Phantom Rose Garden" because only members of the royal family are allowed to visit.

Although in the past, when there were many members of the royal family, it was common to see people visiting the rose garden, now, after the epidemic that occurred ten years ago reduced the number of royals, the beauty of the rose garden can no longer be appreciated.

The quiet rose garden, devoid of any visitors, is incredibly beautiful precisely because it lacks the presence of people.

However, there was a time a few years ago when joyful voices could be heard in the rose garden.

Cedric stepped into the tranquil rose garden and closed his eyes as if recalling nostalgic memories.

The wind carried the rich fragrance of roses.

The scent of red roses, reminiscent of ripe and luscious fruits.

The fragrance of white roses, cool and elegant.

The fragrance of yellow roses, refreshing like citrus.

And the pleasantly sweet aroma emitted by the soft petals of pink roses.

However, there is no longer a woman present to enjoy the feast of scents that slightly vary depending on the direction and strength of the wind.

"Miss Marie..."

Cedric's murmured voice echoes in the empty rose garden.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"Miss Marie!"

In response to Cedric's call, Mariabelle turned around, her fresh green eyes sparkling with joy.

Surrounded by roses of various colors, the beautiful woman gently holds her hair, which flutters in the mischievous wind, with her left hand.

Beside her is his cousin, Edward.

Edward, with his golden shimmering hair tied back into a single bundle and sky-blue eyes, is the crown prince of this kingdom.

Cedric looks at the two of them, who resemble a pair of paintings, with admiration and a slight pang in his heart.

It's not that he wants to stand next to Mariabelle.

He just can't help but think that if he were a little closer in age, he could have had the same kind of relationship as those two.

For Cedric, who is still a child in their eyes, being treated as a protected child is lonely.


But Cedric knows that precisely because he is still a child, he can fully rely on Mariabelle.

Only now, while Mariabelle is still the future queen, can Cedric be so familiar with her.

So until the day comes when Cedric has to grow up and maintain an appropriate distance from Mariabelle, he wants to rely on her as much as he can.

Clinging to Mariabelle with his whole body, the little Cedric hugs her tightly, and Mariabelle leans her cheek against Cedric's with a chuckle.

"Oh my. Have you grown even bigger?"

"I will grow even bigger and protect you, Miss Marie."

"I'm glad. But childhood is short, you know. Don't grow up so fast."

Mariabelle, who has been separated from the Berkeley Marquis family since she was little and received an education at the royal palace, never had a childish childhood.

That's why Cedric unintentionally said those words, even though he knows it. He pretends not to notice.

"In that case, please become a child, Miss Marie."


Mariabelle's eyes widened in surprise. In this state, she looks more childlike.

Due to the strict education she receives as the future crown princess, Mariabelle has recently stopped smiling as much.

I wonder if it's necessary for the current queen to receive such a strict education, but Cedric, who is only a nephew, can't intervene.

Ideally, her fiancé Edward would notice and create some time for Mariabelle to relax, but Edward is insensitive to such emotional nuances, so there is no hope there.

Therefore, Cedric, pretending to be a child, invites Mariabelle to play.

"Eddie-niisama, is that okay?"

"I can't imagine Mariabelle becoming a child..."

While Edward laughs at the absurdity, Cedric hurriedly overlaps his words, saying, "That's not true."

Cedric immediately notices Mariabelle's expression darkening at Edward's insensitive words.

"Come on, let's go, neesama."

He forcefully takes Mariabelle's hand and runs off.

Suddenly, a strong wind blows, causing rose petals to flutter in the air.

Cedric continues running and reaches the center of the rose garden.

There, a particularly large and beautiful rose is blooming.

You are reading story My Fiance Told Me He Had Found His True Love and Broke off Our Engagement. It’s Too Late To Ask Me T at

A single pink rose, blooming towards the sky, gives off an elegant and refined impression. Cedric thought it resembled Mariabel.

Looking at the end of their joined hands, Mariabelle is also captivated by the beauty of the rose.

"This rose is said to be a new variety bred in the Galeria Empire."

"It's certainly a rose I've never seen before. It's very beautiful."

Cedric's mother still carefully tends to the roses given to her by her late father.

Although she doesn't remember her father's face, roses remind her of him, so she naturally became knowledgeable about them.

Impressed, Mariabelle gently touches the velvety rose petals.

Then she leans in and breathes in the rich and fragrant scent.

"It smells lovely..."

"Neesama, do you know about the Flower Festival in the Galeria Empire?"

"The festival to celebrate the birth of the first emperor, right?"

"Yes. The whole country is adorned with flowers. Among them, roses are particularly favored, so the empire is known for its breeding efforts."

"...Someday, I would like to see it."

"When I grow a little older, I'll protect you, so let's go together."

Mariabelle smiles and says, "Yes," as she unknowingly removes a rose petal entangled in Cedric's hair.

Placing the petal on the palm of her hand, it flutters away on the wind.

Watching it with her eyes, Mariabelle murmurs softly.

"Yes, someday."

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Seasons pass, and the roses seen that day continue to bloom beautifully.

A gentle breeze invites the colorful petals into the sky, and a petal falls into Cedric's hair, just like in his memories, but the person smiling among the roses is no longer there.

"Neesama Mariel..."

That gentle person.

The one who had her genuine smile taken away by the overly strict education as the crown princess.

Over there, beyond the sky, is she smiling happily?

"If Neesama Mariel is with Crown Prince Renato, then she'll be fine."

Surely, no matter what happens, Renato will protect Mariabelle.

That's why Marquis Berkeley entrusted Mariabelle to Renato's care.

With his hand grasping his chest, Cedric thinks of the two of them in the empire.

"Crown Prince Cedric."

When he turns around in response to the voice, his aide, Caine Coldridge, is there.

"So you were here after all."

"Yeah, just thinking about something."

When Cedric wants to be alone with his thoughts, there is no one else allowed to visit the rose garden except for Caine.

"A letter has arrived from Lady Mariel of the Galeria Empire."

"From Neesama?"

"Yes, here it is."

As Cedric opens the letter sealed with the imperial lion's crest, a faint scent of roses wafts through the air.

The sweet and gentle fragrance makes Cedric imagine Mariabelle's presence.


Even if they can't go together to see the Flower Festival in the empire, perhaps they can still appreciate the flowers together in this rose garden.

And when that time comes, by Mariabelle's side, it won't be Edward, but someone with black hair and deep blue eyes...

"I have to write a response soon. I have official duties, so I should return soon."

Cedric doesn't have time to indulge in sentimentality.

To compete on equal footing with the empire, he can't afford to stop in a place like this.

And someday, he wants to become someone who can stand by those two.

Cedric brushes away the fallen petals from his hair and turns his back on the rose garden.

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