My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1212: 1213

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It is the only ancient array that can communicate with the upper world recorded in the records of emperor Xuandi Qianyuan.

This kind of array can only be arranged by the earliest ancient friars in this world.

In front of the altar, all the seals of the heaven worship array are intact. What immortal Lian Shan did was to get through the ancient array.

The reason why Shen Lang didn't recognize this array at the beginning is that the description of the spirit worship array in the Qianyuan record of Emperor Xuan is very vague. Basically, it simply explains the function and use of this array.

It is said that the friars who broke through the deification period from this realm, after breaking the void, could fly up to two interfaces, namely the ancient spirit world and the ancient demon world.

In ancient times, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the monks who had the ability to ascend from this realm to the spirit realm or the demon realm usually tried their best to build a heaven worship array before they ascended.

There are still several great realms, that is, the period of transforming the deity, the period of refining the void, the period of combining the body, and the period of Mahayana. Finally, only the stage of plundering can become an immortal.

Once the friars of the upper world are advanced to the stage of practicing emptiness, their longevity is almost endless. But every few thousand years, they will encounter a natural calamity, and the natural calamity will become more and more severe. If they can't continue to break through the realm, they will die under the natural calamity sooner or later.

The monk who died in the disaster is in a special situation. Even if their spirits are destroyed, their souls will not die out immediately. They will enter reincarnation and wander in the ghost world.

Monks who are above the cultivation period have very strong three souls and seven spirits, and can even resist the power of reincarnation.

So, the friars after flying came up with such a way to avoid being killed by heaven.

They will build a heaven worship array in the human world or the lower interface, and use special materials to shape a body, put it in the ice coffin, and leave a wisp of ghost.

When the God of the upper world dies under the heaven, once the heaven sacrifice array is started, it will summon the God's three souls and seven spirits from the ghost world, regain the memory of the previous life, and revive with the help of the host body.

Of course, the resurrected suti only inherits the remnant soul of the original one. At most, it only has the cultivation from Yuanying period to Huashen period, and it can't improve any more. Shouyuan is only a thousand years old.

After death, the soul can not escape into reincarnation, which means that the real spirits are all destroyed.

Although the malpractice is great, it is equivalent to having two lives.

After all, no one wants to die.

Shen Lang didn't know what realm was after the period of transforming the deity, but he also knew that after the sacrifice of so many jiedan periods, the summoned things were absolutely terrible!

"What can I do?" Flower purple spirit asks a way in a hurry.

"This is a special way of offering sacrifices. Only monks who have reached a certain level of spiritual power will be sacrificed. We quickly disperse all the spiritual power in our body, which should be able to avoid the threat of being forced to take away the spirit by the array. " Shen Lang's face is heavy.

"Is that really safe? Later, when we activate the array, the lack of spiritual power will be revealed. We can't hide the eyes of the friars in Yuan infant period! And once this array is activated, we don't have spiritual power. How can we escape? " Flower purple Ling Dai eyebrows frown.

"In this way, we will leave a little spiritual power to pretend to activate the array. When the array starts, you are ready. I have a way to take you away. Immortal Lianshan is the leader of the array. We should not be able to remove this large array in a short time, otherwise we will suffer a huge backfire. " Shen Lang said immediately.

"Well, I believe you once!" Huaziling bit the scallop teeth.

Shen Lang snorted: "hum, when did I let you down? There's no need to say more nonsense. Now let's get rid of Lingli and remember not to be found out. "


They began to cast the magic to themselves, scattering their own spiritual power.

The way to dispel the spirit power is very simple, that is to divide the spirit power of Yuan Dan in the Dantian into two strands and counteract each other. In this way, all the spirit power can be dispelled quickly without being found.

About a few minutes later, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling's inner power was empty, and the white yuan Dan was dim.

After they lost their spiritual power, they almost lost all their fighting power and only had a tiny amount of spiritual power.

Just at this time, the real man Lianshan on the altar was finally finished. He said in a loud voice: "everyone, now immediately put the spirit power into the array flag beside you to connect the array."

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All knot Dan period San Xiu no doubt have cheat, immediately toward hundred array flag into spirit power. Shen Lang and Hua Ziling also pretended to put the spirit power into the array flag.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

One side of the blue flag suddenly came out of the light, and the rune seal on the ground also came out of the golden light, forming a golden silk thread, pouring into the ice coffin on the altar platform.

In about half a minute.


With a loud noise, the four blue stone pillars outside the altar burst into the sky. There were golden runes flowing on the stone pillars, and the ground was shaking.

And the ice coffin suddenly floated in the air, and the bloody and golden runes on the surface of the ice coffin began to interweave and roar.Dutian sacrifice array, finally started!

Standing on the high platform in the center of the altar, immortal Lianshan put out his two palms. Two pure ethereal forces gushed out of his palms and were absorbed by the ice coffin.


The real man of Lianshan suddenly drank, and a grim smile appeared on his face.

The floating coffin cover was opened, and the dazzling blood light gushed out of the coffin, like fireworks. In a short time, it covered the whole altar, and all the jiedan period scattered repairs were covered by blood light.

"No, let's get out of here!"

Shen Lang's eyes burst out, and he injected his last spirit into the blue flag in front of him. Then he grasped Hua Ziling's arm.

That's the moment.

After all the sanxiu were covered with blood light, their bodies could not move. Red, yellow, green, gold, blue and other five element spiritual powers were forced to peel off from their bodies, and even the golden elixir broke out!

The five elements spirit power and the golden elixir soar to the sky, all absorbed by the ice coffin in the center of the altar!

Except for Shen Lang and Hua Ziling, all the jiedan periods around the altar were killed!

It was almost just a breath, and the spiritual power and the golden elixir in the body of the monks were forced to leave, and the body died and fell to the ground.

Each colorful group of Yuanshen light broke out of the bodies of the monks, but it was also inevitably absorbed by the ice coffin.


"The beast of the alliance, I fuck you

"Son of a bitch, I will not let you go as a ghost!"

Before his death, the original gods of sanxiu also uttered all kinds of angry calls and curses.

Flower purple spirit sees this scene, can't help but pour to absorb a chill, pretty face is very white.

She and Shen Lang had no spiritual power in their bodies, so they were not sensed by the Dutian sacrificial array to avoid being sacrificed.

"Well? What's the matter In the middle of the altar, immortal Lianshan, who is casting a spell, suddenly finds that there are two monks outside the array who have not been sacrificed. He is shocked.

"Thunderbolt, break it for me!"

Shen Langxin mentions his voice. He takes five thunder Charms out of the storage ring in a flash and smashes them in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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