My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1234: 1235

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Among the three yuan infant monks in the alliance, only one was yuan infant's middle cultivation, and the other two were yuan infant's early cultivation.

It's worth mentioning that Yang Guang, the three elders of yuxu, is also one of them.

Among the two demons, one of them is the nine level "King Kong Giant Tortoise".

After transformation, he was a strong man with a height of two meters. His gray skin was rough and covered with patterns. His muscles were as solid as iron towers.

This nine level King Kong Giant Tortoise is the sixth largest demon in Tianhai. Its defense is so amazing that even the late Yuan infant monks may not be able to break it.

The other is the eighth order "ice Falcon", a female demon Xiu. Her skin is as white as snow, her chest is very high, her face is pointed, her nose is hooked, her face is slightly strange, and there are two pairs of wings behind her.

The eighth level of demon cultivation can only be half shaped, so this ice Falcon can still see the rudiment of the monster.

The alliance of demon clan and human friars has always been incompatible. It's strange that they don't fight when they see each other.

But along the way, the prohibition here is too much to prevent. In order to get the treasure, the two had to choose to join hands.

Demons are arrogant by nature and despise human friars most. They usually don't choose to join hands. The main reason is that these two demon practitioners don't know anything about the array, and they don't know how to break it. They are forced to join hands with human monks.

The five friars worked together and had great fighting power. They broke all the prohibitions along the way, killed several high-level puppets guarding the demon lock tower, and successfully passed through the hall.

There was a layer of fog around. Five monks could only see the prototype of the demon lock tower from a distance.

"This is the lock demon tower? It's something that the ancient friars spent a lot of money to build. It's really wonderful, and the spiritual power hasn't dissipated so far. " Tut Tut, a friar in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty wearing a blue robe, said.

"Since this place is called the lock demon tower, there won't be monsters in it?" Next to him, an old man in a Taoist robe frowned.

"It's been hundreds of thousands of years since I was ignorant. Even if there were demons in it, I would have exhausted Shouyuan and died long ago! Among the monsters, the one with the highest longevity yuan is xuangui, the spirit beast of the tenth heaven and earth, which is less than 200000 years old. There can't be any living creatures in this tower. " The King Kong Giant Turtle hummed coldly.

"The spiritual power of this place fluctuates so violently that maybe the Honghuang spiritual treasure is really hidden here!" The old man in the Taoist robe said excitedly.

"Let's stop talking nonsense and get in. It's an ugly story. It's in front of us, treasure. Whoever grabs it belongs to whom! " The King Kong Giant Tortoise glanced at the three friars of Yuan Dynasty and cried out.

"Your Excellency is so anxious, you can go by yourself first." Yang Guang sneered.

"What does Yang Daoyou mean?" The ice Falcon made a shrill sound.

"Well, it's not so easy to enter the demon lock tower. The air flow around the tower is a little abnormal. It's obvious that there is a powerful forbidden cover around the lock demon tower. " Yang Guangshen had already felt something wrong and could not help frowning and saying.

"In that case, everyone, let's go into some places and see how to break the battle. As for treasures, after the ban is lifted, they will be obtained by strength. " The old man in qingpao said coldly.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go." King Kong giant tortoise said in a rough voice, and took the lead to the lock demon tower.

People also immediately toward the lock demon tower, through the fog, finally see the lock demon tower.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, the lock demon tower on Penglai mountain is still working, and the gold runes on the eaves of the tower are constantly surging.

The most conspicuous thing is not the lock demon tower, but a thing at the top of the tower.

A seven color umbrella floats in the air, the umbrella is opened, the seven color light is lowered, and the whole demon lock tower is wrapped up.

The colorful umbrellas are dazzling, with a large number of crystal pearls inlaid on the umbrellas. Different from the ordinary Guzhuo and low-key Gubao, this small umbrella is pearly, giving people an extremely gorgeous feeling.

"What is that?"

"Can release such amazing aura, is it..."

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"It's a great treasure!"

"Ha ha ha, this ancient treasure is really stored in the lock demon Tower!"

Three yuan infant friars and two demon friars were staring at the colorful umbrella on the top of the tower. They opened their eyes round and showed the color of ecstasy.

Although the five monks were very excited, they didn't show their faces.

Don't say it's human beings and demon cultivation. Even the three yuan infantile monks are wary of each other.

Honghuang Lingbao, it's a crazy treasure! If you can refine this treasure, it will be around the corner.

Five friars even if again heart, no one dares to rush to lock the top of the demon tower, take out the small umbrella.

In addition to the colorful aura, this demon lock tower is also shrouded by a mysterious silver light, which seems to have protective covers on both sides.

The mysterious silver filament is as dense as a ray, and it has a wide range, 100 meters wide.

If you want to reach the lock demon tower, you must enter the 100 meter wide silver light.The King Kong Giant Tortoise couldn't bear it. He threw a five element spirit stone from his hand and smashed it at the silver light outside the lock demon tower.


When the stone touched the silver light, it turned into powder without any sign.

"Damn, this prohibition is so powerful?" Seeing this scene, the face of King Kong Giant Turtle became a little ugly.

The other four monks were also awe inspiring.

"Yang Daoyou, you are proficient in the way of array. Can you see the secret of the external prohibition of the lock demon tower?" The old man in qingpao asked Yang Guang.

Yang Guang looked at it carefully for a long time, and finally thought of something. His eyes were wide open, and he roared: "Oh, this silver light is the legendary congenital clutch light!"

"Congenital clutch light? What's that? "

The two yuan infant friars were confused, and the two demon friars were also surprised. Obviously, they had never heard of this term.

"I don't know. It's normal for you. The congenital clutch light has disappeared in this world for a long time. Yang also happened to see the narration of this kind of divine light in a rare ancient book. "

Yang Guang, with a gloomy face, began to explain.

"Xiantian Lihe Shengguang is one of the residual auras that mend the heaven and earth when the chaos of this world was born. It is no less rare than Tiangang Zhanqi. This divine light is a chaos born beam of one world. It is extremely destructive and can separate and separate all objects. Therefore, it is called "clutch" divine light! "

The king kong giant tortoise was a little impatient and exclaimed, "what's with all that nonsense? How on earth are we going to break these silver silk covers? "

Yang Guang was a little annoyed at the demon monk's repeated insults. He said coldly: "hum, the power of the congenital clutch divine light is too strong. Even the God transforming experts dare not walk in this divine light. We can't break it at all. It's almost the same to have another 20 yuan infant monks!"

"Hum, I don't believe in this evil. No matter how powerful the congenital light of separation and reunion is, it may not be able to break My tortoise shell and shield armor!"

The King Kong Giant Tortoise's eyes flashed a fierce color, and immediately turned into the body. Its body suddenly expanded, and it turned into a golden giant tortoise nearly 2000 meters high, just like a huge mountain.

The huge golden head is like a dragon. It looks up and roars. The golden shell is covered with dazzling golden awns. The golden thunder and lightning are raging around it. It sets off a hurricane with amazing momentum.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to make up my mind about this treasure!"

Giant tortoise a burst drink, immediately a head into the congenital clutch light mask. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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