My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1241: 1242

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Shen Lang's whole body was shrouded in the white light of Yunmeng fairy, and they were about to fly away from the lock demon tower.

At this time, the ancient devil turned his right hand and showed a black magic blade the size of a dagger.

"Boy, die for me!"

With a smile, the ancient devil shot his magic blade at Shen Langfei.

Shen Lang's body instinctively sensed a strong sense of crisis that was fatal, and his hair stood up all over. He didn't even have time to look back, and the magic blade had already attacked quickly, and there was no way to avoid it.

"Be careful, little monkey!"

Cloud dream fairy pretty face change color, immediately rushed toward the waves, push him away.


The magic blade instantly penetrated the back of Yunmeng fairy, and a blood arrow shot out.

"Ah Yunmeng fairy's delicate body trembled, and a miserable cry came out from her mouth, and her pretty face became extremely white.

"Little dream sister?" Shen Lang's face changed greatly, and he immediately picked up Yunmeng fairy.

She was shot a blood hole below her neck and above her chest, and there were a lot of black flames spreading in the wound, which was very ferocious.

Under normal circumstances, if the ancient devil's sneak attack is Yunmeng fairy, Yunmeng fairy can definitely react, defend in time, and even fight back.

But the ancient devil attacked Shen Lang secretly. Yunmeng fairy felt that Shen Lang would die if he was hit by this blow. At the critical moment, he helped Shen Lang block this blow.

The cloud dream fairy, who suffered a heavy blow, was tottering. The white light that shrouded her and Shen Lang was rapidly dim and falling down.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

The ancient devil was stunned and overjoyed.

He just wanted to kill Shen Lang before he left, so he hit his own magic weapon.

But I never thought that this nun in the apotheosis period would block the garbage monk in the jiedan period!

The original magic weapon of ancient demons has been kept warm in the body for countless years. It has amazing power, and it is also contaminated with a large number of poisonous demons. Even if the monk in the apotheosis period is hit by the magic blade, he will be seriously injured if his body is not destroyed.

"Ha ha ha, since it's you who want to die, don't blame me for being cruel! Hunyuan pearl umbrella, I'll take it impolitely! "

With a grim smile, the ancient devil rushed to Yunmeng fairy.

He felt that Yunmeng fairy's body was penetrated by his own magic weapon, so his body must have been seriously damaged, and his fighting power was not one in ten.

How can we let go of this good thing? The ancient devil is going to kill the nun and take back the Hunyuan pearl umbrella. By the way, he can also wipe out the shame just now!

Seeing that Yunmeng fairy suffered a heavy blow, the light in the sky was falling rapidly, and the yuan infant friars and demon friars of the alliance were all shining in their eyes.

Immortal daoyang roared: "all the friars in Yuanying period of the alliance listen to the order and attack the nun. Don't let Honghuang Lingbao slip away!"

The snake king also roared: "don't let that woman run away, go and rob Honghuang Lingbao!"

For a time, a large number of Yuan infantile friars and the shape demon repair madly attacked the falling Yunmeng fairy and Shen Lang one after another.

"Boom boom!"

The attack was concentrated on Yunmeng fairy.

The snake king stares at Shen Lang with his eyes. He also opens his mouth and spews out a black and white magic fire, which strikes Shen Lang like lightning.

"It's over!"

Shen Lang was holding Yunmeng fairy's slender waist, watching the overwhelming attacks and colorful magic tricks. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his face showed deep despair and powerlessness.

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He can't resist such a powerful attack. He will definitely be killed. Yuanshen doesn't have to escape.

"Hateful, it's just one step away. It's here today!" Shen Lang's face was ferocious, showing extreme reluctance.


Seeing that they were about to be killed by a large number of attacks, the pale Yunmeng fairy spewed out a large mass of blood essence, and his hands trembled to carve a blood mark on the blood essence.

"Taiyi xuannvdunfa!"

Yunmeng fairy's thin lips stained with blood spat out a few words, and her voice trembled. Her beautiful eyes became extremely cold, and all the remaining spiritual power in her body was penetrated into the rune.


In front of the body, the blood mark carved with blood essence suddenly flashed red light, like a hot sun rising slowly. A space crack of more than two meters suddenly opened in the mid air.

Then, Yunmeng fairy pulled the waves and rushed into the space crack.

"Whoosh", the two disappeared without a trace.


"Boom boom!"

A large number of attacks released by Alliance friars and demon friars were all empty.

The ancient devil was the first one to rush up. He was about to rush to Shen Lang and Yunmeng fairy, but he was still escaped into the space crack by them. He couldn't help but show his incredible expression.

"Blink?" The ancient devil roared.It's hard to imagine that the nun could achieve long-distance teleportation with her strength at the initial stage of deification.

It's true that the monks in the apotheosis period have the ability to tear open the cracks in space. It's a little difficult. But with the help of space cracks, this magical power is beyond imagination. It should be an amazing escape skill spread in the ancient spirit world.

Seeing this, they could kill the two men and take back the Hunyuan pearl umbrella. At the critical moment, they ran away, and the ancient devil was very depressed.

"Cracks in space!"

Below a group of Yuan infant period friars and shape demon repair, face also become a little ugly.

After Shen Lang and Yunmeng fairy were sent out, the space crack soon began to close and disappear.

The space of this realm is still very stable, even if the master of Huashen period tears open the space crack, it will soon heal and disappear. Unless the space is extremely unstable, the tearing cracks will exist for a long time.

The ancient devil didn't mean much to stay here any longer. He simply turned and left, turned into a black light and disappeared in the sky.

After seeing the ancient demon escape, the yuan infant friars and demon friars of the alliance were relieved, all the crises were relieved, but they didn't get a hair.

"Scum, one day, I will find you out and chop you into meat sauce!"

The snake king's face was extremely gloomy. Unexpectedly, he was still run away by the waves. There was no place to vent his resentment.

"No, the boy who escaped just now seems to have got the cultivation of Dan period."

"Yes, my divine sense also sensed that the boy should be a monk in jiedan period. Is it the hidden cultivation?"

"Well, besides, it's meaningless. No matter who he is, the treasure is gone. I'm afraid it's hard to trace the whereabouts of those two people even if they move out through the cracks in space. "

Several yuan infant friars of the alliance began to talk with a sigh.

Daoyang's face is like earth color. Just now, he has been thinking about how to win the treasure, without considering the identity of the nun in the apotheosis period. Now when I think about it carefully, I think something is wrong.

That nun should not be the dream fairy summoned by the spirit worship array of Dutian! It seems that this is the only possibility. After all, Tianhai has never heard of a third monk in the apotheosis period.

Daoyang immortal trembled all over. If it was true, it would be a big Wulong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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