My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1375: 1376

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"Deng Daoyou is joking. It's not so easy to break through in Yuanying's later period, but my younger martial brother Shen is really very talented and has a little hope." Lu Yuan laughs and doesn't want to weaken his momentum.

In the main hall, the rest of the Yuan Dynasty monks had different faces, some envious, some envious, some silent and some suspicious.

In a word, tianquanzong suddenly came up with a talented friar who was in the limelight, which made the high-level of all the sects a little uncomfortable.

Although the eighteen Immortals' gate of Beilu is an alliance, in private, no one is willing to accept it.

"Why hasn't Shen Daoyou appeared yet? We'd like to see what the top talent in this rumor looks like." Just now the bald old man said with a smile.

"What's Cheng Daoyou in a hurry? Brother Daoling just said that he would show up with younger martial brother Shen in the future. " Jiang Hailang said with a smile.

But Shen Lang hasn't appeared yet. Both Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan are a little uneasy. It's incredible that Shen Lang can escape the pursuit of Nanlu monk. I don't know if he was hurt.

Just then, a man in purple came into the hall, his face was cold.

He looks very young, like a young man in his early twenties. His skin is as warm as white jade. His facial features are beautiful, even a little sissy. He has Danfeng eyes, yundai eyebrows, red lips and white teeth.

His long hair seems to have been straightened, which is very elegant and supple.

The word "beautiful as a flower" should be used to describe a woman, but it's very suitable to describe the feminine man in front of her. It's too Niang.

The sissy young man walks into the hall slowly.

"Here comes the old devil

Seeing the young man in purple, the faces of almost all the monks in Yuan Dynasty changed.

This sissy is the legendary old devil of the wind and the moon. He is the second largest monk in the late Yuan Dynasty in the north of Yunjian. It is said that this man's supernatural power is second only to Zhang Daoling.

There are only five great friars in Yunjian mainland in the later period of Yuanying, and the old devil of Fengyue is one of them. We can imagine that they are very powerful.

But Fengyue old devil is too lustful. He not only likes women, but also likes to be basic. He is good at double cultivation.

Because we all know that he is a big lust devil, so considering the character of the old devil, no one in Yuan Dynasty is willing to approach him, so as not to harm others.

The old devil was followed by four yuan infant friars, three early friars and one middle friar. They are all the supreme elders of Hehuan sect.

By the way, there are three great monks in the late Yuanying period in the north and only two in the south. However, another great monk of Yuanying's later period in Beilu was not a monk of the eighteen Immortals' gate in Beilu, but a scattered monk who traveled all the year round, so he was not known.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall suddenly quieted down, Fengyue old devil said with a charming smile, "you Taoist friends seem to be in good spirits. I haven't appeared in public for some days. Don't you say hello to me?"

The voice of the old devil of the wind and moon sounds extremely charming, and seems to have a little coquettish feeling. There is a chill in the hearts of the people in the hall.

"Ha ha, the spirit of Fengyue Daoyou is also good."

"Fengyue Daoyou is getting younger and younger."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much..."

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Due to the powerful strength of the old devil, the monks of Yuan Ying period in the hall still insisted on greeting him.

Although the old devil of Fengyue is lustful, he is also a reasonable person. He simply gives a fist back to everyone.

"Mr. Jiang Daoyou, the wave of your family has been jumping very hard recently. It's really daunting. I'd like to meet him." The old devil glanced at Jiang Hai and gave a cold hum.

Jiang Hai is sweating all over. He knows the hatred between the old devil and Shen Lang. When Shen Lang thought of Shen Lang, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Before that, her daughter muxue was broken by someone last time. The old devil was very angry. He was forced to know that it was a friar named Shen Lang who broke his daughter's virgin body with cucumber.

I'm afraid it'll make people laugh if it gets out.

Old devil Fengyue was so furious that he even went to kill shenlang himself for some time. But the boy didn't know what method he used, and he didn't leave any trace.

then he learned as like as two peas of Tianshui, a man named Shen Lang, who compared the portrait to the portrait.

The old devil of Fengyue was about to go to tianquanzong's trouble, but he held back after all.

If Shen Lang doesn't advance, Yuanying is OK. It's normal for Fengyue to kill him. But the boy broke through the yuan infant period and became the elder of Tianquan sect.

It's impossible to kill him at this time. After all, the eighteen immortals of Beilu are allies. Unless it's a great hatred, the old devil of Fengyue can't kill the elder of Tianquan sect. It's undoubtedly against the eighteen immortals of Beilu.

What's more, her daughter was not sucked away from her virgin Yuan Yin. She was just cut with a cucumber.But this kind of humiliation really made the old devil feel uncomfortable, and he wanted to peel the skin of the waves.

Until recently, he learned the news of the waves. It's unbelievable that this boy even became a famous man and could kill the yuan infant friars in Nanlu.

In a word, the old devil still harbors a grudge and hates the waves.

About half an hour later, there were more and more people in the main hall, and all the yuan infant monks who participated in the friars' meeting were here. There were nearly 50 yuan infant friars, which was amazing.

After a while, Zhang Daoling finally led Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue to the hall and strode in.

"Shua Shua!"

The eyes of the monks in Yuan's infant period turned to Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue. They were a little surprised, but Shen Lang didn't know that there was an unknown friar in Yuanying period.

Shen Lang felt a little pressure when he felt the sharp eyes of the people. In particular, a young man, full of hostility in his eyes, exudes a sense of terror all over his body, which makes Shen Lang feel inexplicable.

This man's cultivation in Yuan Ying's later period can only be the legendary old devil of wind and moon. Shen Lang's heart is full of ups and downs. Does the old devil still have a grudge?

Zhang Daoling was the leader of the alliance. He walked directly to the top seat, sat down, waved the dust on his hand, and said with a smile, "today, you Taoist friends are gathered together. Our Heavenly Master gate is full of splendor."

Without waiting for the greeting, Zhang Daoling continued: "don't be polite. I'd like to introduce this young male friar to you. This young male friar is Shen Lang, the new elder of Tianquan sect. The beautiful female friar is Shen Daoyou's Taoist partner, named Su Ruoxue."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang hugged the crowd and said hello: "I've met you Taoist friends in Shen Lang , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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