My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1443: 1444

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Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue digest all the medicinal power of tianluoguo.

Previously, in the holy scar gorge, Shen Lang's accomplishments soared because of the Shengyang's fighting Qi.

Now, after digesting a Tianluo fruit, although the cultivation has not increased as much as last time, it has also been greatly improved. Shen Lang's cultivation is now in the middle and later stages of Yuanying's early stage. Of course, there is still a long way to go from the peak of the early stage.

There are still two Tianluo fruits left. Shen Lang thinks that he and Su Ruoxue can take them once, but there is no time to digest lingguo before the war.

And tianluoguo the first time to take the biggest effect, the second time after taking the effect is less than half of the original.

It's less than ten years since I broke through the Yuanying period. This kind of cultivation speed is faster than taking a rocket! You don't know how many yuan infant friars are stuck in the early stage, and they can't get past it all their lives.

Shen Lang is also full of confidence in the later stage of Yuanying.

Two people just finished closed, the next morning, Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan came to the attic, said there is something important to discuss.

Shen Lang leads the two elder martial brothers into the reception hall of the attic.

"My younger martial brother is in a good spirit. I think he has made great progress during this period of time." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"Elder martial brother, I'm flattered. In just five months' time, my accomplishments can't grow much." Shen Lang said modestly, if his two elder martial brothers knew their abnormal cultivation speed, they would be scared to death.

Lu Yuan zhengse said: "younger martial brother, I'm disturbing you and Su Xianzi. Today, elder martial brother Jiang and I came to see you. We have something important to tell you. "

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "two elder martial brothers can explain it directly."

Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan did not hide and tell Shen Lang what had happened.

It turned out that as early as a month ago, the Tianshi sect had issued a summoning order to summon the yuan infant monks of all the large and medium-sized Xiuxian sects in Beilu to gather in tiancang mountain to discuss the plan to deal with the invasion of Donglin people.

In addition to the monks of Yuanying period outside the eighteen immortals of Beilu, some well-known sanxiu even sent out the invitation.

As a representative of Tianquan sect, Jiang Hai has been to Tianshi gate.

The meeting lasted for three days, and the action plan was finally determined.

Led by the eighteen immortal sects in the north, all the Xiuxian sects did their best to send a large number of elite monks to the border between the north and the south, to guard against and resist the friars army of the people in the East in advance.

And gathered in tiancangshan after a month, waiting for orders and action. Now it's time.

Shen Lang frowned when he heard the news. It seemed that the war was more cruel than he thought.

"How is Nanlu now?" Shen Lang asked.

"Alas, Nanlu has been completely occupied by Donglin people. Donglin people occupy half of the land of Yunjian mainland, but they are still not satisfied. It is estimated that they will start a formal war with us in a month or two! " Jiang Hai sighed.

Shen Lang immediately said: "the war is coming. As the elder of Tianquan sect, I will try my best to protect our sect! What to do depends on the instructions of the two elder martial brothers. "

Lu Yuan said gratefully, "thank you very much, younger martial brother. Specific actions will be discussed in tianshimen several days later. Younger martial brother, just help me and you, elder martial brother Jiang. You are our hope in the future. We will definitely not let you be in danger. "

Jiang Hai nodded slightly: "yes, it's still a long time before the war. Younger martial brother, don't worry about it. By the way, take this. "

With that, Jiang Hai took out a black cloth bag from the storage ring, which seemed to contain some white luminous objects, and handed it to the waves.

"What's this?" Shen Lang took the bag subconsciously, and his face was puzzled.

Lu Yuan said with a smile: "don't you forget that you entrusted zongmen to find Yuyang leijing a few years ago. Elder martial brother Jiang and I have been asking the elders to go out and collect this. After a few years, I finally found some Yuyang leijing and wanted to surprise my younger martial brother. "

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Shen Lang opened the bag and saw that it was filled with small pieces of Yuyang leijing. It was white jade, with bright folds and white electric arc bouncing on the surface.

When you weigh it, it's about four or five Jin. It's a terrible amount. You can at least get into ten pieces of this life flying sword.

Shen Lang's eyes shine and his heart is filled with joy.

Because Tiangang Shenfeng sword array needs 81 magic weapons of his own life, flying swords, and it needs a lot of Yuyang leijing to make Leize lightsaber, so Yuyang leijing is the material he must collect.

Yuyang leijing is very rare. Shen Lang has a headache about where to collect it.

Although Tiangang Shenfeng sword array can only be performed after Yuan Ying's later cultivation, collecting Yuyang leijing in advance can reduce the pressure in the future.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, calmed his excitement, and said: "two elder martial brothers, these Yuyang leijing are really of great use to me, but the quantity of Yuyang leijing is too expensive. I think we have spent a lot of money on the purchase of Xiaotianjing. Younger martial brother, I'm not paid for my meritorious service. I'd better supply you with the little spar stone. "

As a result of the loot collected before, there is no place to spend more of the small celestite in the shenlang store ring.Jiang Hai waved his hand and said, "ah, younger martial brother, you treat us as outsiders. You are the elder Keqing. If you can contribute to our school, elder martial brother Lu and I don't know how to repay you. You must accept this. "

Shen Lang couldn't get rid of it, so he had to take this bag of Yuyang leijing.

The next day, Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue got on the spirit boat of Tianquan sect.

In addition to Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan, most of the disciples and elders of jiedan period of Tianquan sect gathered all the elites of Tianquan sect.

The invasion, burning, killing and plundering of the people in the East are the disasters of the whole Yunjian continent. This time, it's really a gamble. The Xiuzhen sect in Beilu is not stupid enough to fall into the well and hurt its own people.

Tianquan sect has only one elder in the late jiedan period to guard the sect. All the elites come out and there are three giant spirit boats heading for Tianshi gate in tiancang mountain.

A few days later, Lingzhou arrived at Tianshi gate.

The Tianshi gate, headed by Beilu, is also very busy at the moment, gathering a large number of high-level monks from all directions.

Because of the large number of monks, most of them were settled around tiancang mountain. Only the eighteen immortals gate of Beilu was settled in the gate of Tianshi.

A few days later, in the early morning, Zhang Daoling called all the elites of the eighteen immortals gate of Beilu to hold a battle meeting first.

Different from previous meetings, this meeting was directly held in the square of tianshimen with a large number of participants.

The yuan and infant old monsters of the eighteen Immortals' gate of Beilu, led their own friars to gather in tianshimen square.

Before the meeting started, some old monsters in their infancy moved around to talk and exchange information. Their faces were quite dignified.

Together with Jiang Hai and Lu Yuan, Shen Lang Su Ruoxue leads the friars of Tianquan sect and stands on one side of the square.

From time to time, some friars of Yuan Dynasty came up to greet each other, and Shen Lang responded politely.

Not long after, the old devil of Fengyue, dressed in gorgeous brocade clothes, and three yuan infant friars of Hehuan sect, came towards shenlang.

One of the three monks was a nun. She looked very young, like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She was wearing a long purple dress, and she was very beautiful. Her lotus steps moved gently, and she was charming.

Shen Lang's eyes fell on the gorgeous nun, and her heart jumped.

"Damn, it's her!"

This gorgeous beauty is no other than muxue, the daughter of Fengyue old devil. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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