My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1587: 1589

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The next moment, the waves are thrown away by a space and fall into a forest somewhere.

Shen Lang took out the positioning compass from the storage ring and observed the direction.

"Young master Are we leaving the mainland of gale? " Xiaorou flies out of the spirit beast bag in the waves and says it in a daze.

Before she drank the spirit wine of Fenghuo, she had a drunken sleep. The dizziness caused by space transmission makes xiaorou wake up.

Shen Lang explained for a while, and said that he was sent by the transmission array of the Tianhu clan. He wanted to go to shenghen Canyon to collect the congenital clutch divine light first.

"Young master, it's only more than 20 years. You have not only broken through the middle of Yuan Dynasty, but also refined the Pearl umbrella of Hunyuan Dynasty. This kind of talent is better than that of Emperor Xuan at the beginning!" Xiaorou is both surprised and happy.

"Well, well, don't praise me." Shen Lang shakes his head and says, little girl has been closed all these years. I'm afraid I don't know what happened.

"What a boast! Anyway, you are the best!" Xiaorou spits out her tongue playfully.

Shen Lang can't laugh or cry. This girl is as naughty as before.

The hidden transmission array of the Tianhu clan is non directional. Shen Lang is transported to the southwest of the north land of Yunjian, which is not short distance from shenghen gorge.

It's also good for the fox's teleportation array to be sent here. Before Shen Lang, Jinghong fairy had been in trouble. If he came out of the gale land directly, he might have exposed his location and whereabouts.

However, even though Jinghong fairy had great powers, it was impossible for her to transmit directly to such a long distance across two continents.

However, it is not ruled out that there is also a super long distance transmission array in Tianshui continent that can be transmitted to Yunjian continent.

Shen Lang takes out the flying star Shenzhou that the wind has given to him from the storage ring, sits on it with xiaorou, and flies to the holy mark Canyon in the south.

The speed of the flying star Shenzhou is really amazing. It is even faster than the escape speed of the great friars in the later period of Yuanying!

But every flight an hour will consume more than ten small spars, equivalent to a day will consume hundreds of small spars!

This consumption startled Shen Lang, and only local tyrants like him could afford it.

Xiaorou has been shut up for decades. She is too bored to stay in the spirit beast bag. She wants to chat with shenlang face to face.

"Young master, tell me what happened to xiaorou during her seclusion?" Xiao Rou asked, holding Shen Lang's arm.

Shen Lang is happy to chat with xiaorou, but the girl's figure is too attractive. Some intimate actions that don't cross the line are too attractive for Shen Lang.

In particular, the two pairs of snow peaks in front of his chest were supporting his arms, which made the waves warm and the heart beat.

The six Tailed Fox is naturally obsequious. In addition, xiaorou has broken through the eighth level and thoroughly transformed herself into a more charming person than before. Even if it's casual intimacy, it's easy for men to lose control.

Shen Lang felt that he was too wild to think so, and immediately ruled out the evil thoughts in his mind.

"Keke, xiaorou, let go first." Shen Lang coughed.

"Why? Hee hee, young master, xiaorou finds that you are wrong. Is it hard to see that now xiaorou is more beautiful than before, which makes you fantasize? " Xiaorou joked.

As a spirit beast of the waves, she is connected with each other's spirits. Naturally, she can also detect some changes in her master's heart. Xiaorou is pure like a piece of white paper. She doesn't mean to seduce Shen Lang, but simply feels that it's very fresh and exciting.

Of course, this kind of intimacy can only be done to Shen Lang.

"Goblin, no big, no small!" Shen Lang reaches out and knocks xiaorou's head.

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"Ah, you are so bad!" Xiaorou holds her head in her arms and gives a pain. She turns her mouth and takes back her hands.

Shen Lang finally calmed down and yelled, "well, now that I have time, I'd better get down to business with you."

"Well." Xiaorou's mischievous temperament converged a lot and began to listen carefully to Shen Lang's experience.

After Shen Lang separated xiaorou from him, he said everything that happened. Including xuanyuegu, Xuandi and SuYue, Yujian of soul reviving technique, looking for Lei Shen, meeting huaziling by chance, Tianshui mainland invasion and so on.

Xiaorou listens very carefully. She didn't expect that so many things happened to Shen Lang in just over 20 years, especially the matter between Emperor Xuan and Su Yue, which makes her feel deeply.

No wonder sister Meier doesn't seem to hate the waves as much as before.

"Young master, are you going to look for the materials of nine color bone ring and resurrection?" Xiaorou asked.

"Well." Shen Lang nodded and said, "now I'm at a loss. I don't have a good place to go. After I leave Tianshui, I'll collect information and decide what to do."

For the remaining three nine color bone rings, Shen Lang can only perceive the location of one of them, which is probably located in the Arctic ice sheet in the far north.

The Arctic ice sheet is far to the north of the barren West Sea, which is the south of the sky sea, almost across most of the human world!The distance is too far away, even if Shen Lang wants to find it, he is willing but not strong enough.

As for the other two nine color bone rings, Shen Lang didn't sense the position.

There are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that the bone ring already has its owner, leaving the mark of other monks' Thoughts on it, so that you can't feel it.

The second possibility is that the bone ring is located in an independent space, away from the original interface, the waves will not be perceived.

Shen Lang's plan now is to find a way to see if he can make a trip to the Arctic ice sheet through the ultra long distance transmission array of other continents. By the way, when he travels to other continents, he will search for the information of the jade slips of resurrection.

Xiaorou also knows the purpose of shenlang. When she learns that she is going to travel to many continents, she looks forward to it.

The speed of flying star Shenzhou didn't disappoint shenlang. It was three days before we arrived at shenghen canyon.

After the original shenghen gorge was destroyed by the black dragon's extermination of the world, the space in the gorge collapsed even more severely. The outer gorge was ok, but the inner gorge was full of space cracks and congenital clutch lights, becoming a Jedi, and no friars dared to step into it.

"Young master, you might as well collect the congenital clutch light in the outer valley. Although it takes some time, at least there is no danger." Xiaorou suggested.

"Well." Shen Lang nodded.

Anyway, I have come so far, and I don't care about spending more months.

Shen Lang sacrificed the Hunyuan pearl umbrella and began to collect the congenital clutch light silk wandering in the air.

Under his urging, Hunyuan pearl umbrella emits colorful glow, and a ray of silver light comes from the sky, which is directly wrapped and absorbed by the colorful glow.

Don't underestimate this silver ray of light. Even if the friars in the middle and late Yuan infant were careless, they might die under this little ray of light!

The number of outer Valley's congenital clutch lights is too small, and the waves gradually go deep into the valley. However, for the sake of safety, he did not enter the inner valley. On the premise of ensuring safety, he collected more congenital clutch lights as much as possible.

It took more than ten days to collect less than 30%.

Hunyuan pearl umbrella can absorb the amount of congenital clutch light, which is far more than Shen Lang's imagination, which also makes him feel surprised.

Three days later, however, something unexpected happened. The valley of holy mark, which was already a Jedi, suddenly broke into an uninvited guest. #####PS: still in the code, try to come out before 12 o'clock.. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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