My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1652: 1654

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Shen Lang tried several times, but he still couldn't recognize the owner of the nine doubt tripod. He couldn't even put the tripod into the storage ring, so he was a little depressed.

Before the ghost died, he once said that he was the only one who knew the secret to control the nine doubt tripod. Shen Lang frowned and Baoding was in front of him. Can't he really control it?

Some Honghuang Lingbao, which is too powerful and can transcend the power of a boundary of laws, often needs special and complex formulas to control it. Otherwise, if they are not careful, they will be greatly attacked.

The nine doubt tripod may be a treasure of this kind. If you don't have a master formula, it's hard to motivate it.

"Young master, according to the spirit, this nine doubt tripod should be a high-end Honghuang Lingbao. It's estimated that it can't simply recognize the master by dripping blood. Young master, you might as well use the Lingbao formula to remove the spirit world inscription on the nine doubt tripod." Xiaorou suggested.


As soon as Shen Lang's eyes turned pale, he didn't want to have a joyful scene. He immediately grabbed a Dharma seal in his hands and made a secret formula on the golden tripod.

The so-called Lingbao formula is a kind of driving method formula to control the fake Honghuang Lingbao and even the genuine Honghuang Lingbao, which is used to remove the seal of Lingjie inscription on the treasure.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Lingbaojue hit Jiuyi Ding, and the Golden Tripod suddenly curled up a dense golden Rune mark, which was as crooked as a tadpole, bright and dark.

"Why? The inscriptions on the Golden Tripod are different. There are so many of them! " Xiaorou is surprised.

Shen Lang was also very curious. The number of spirit world inscriptions on the nine doubt tripod was a little amazing, just like a huge number of words, which sealed the whole tripod tightly.

His Lingbao formula is effective, but it can't solve the Lingjie inscription on Jiuyi Ding.

"Break it for me!"

Shen Lang clenched his teeth and tried his best to activate the Lingbao formula, but he was still short of breath.

"No, I can't solve the spirit world inscription on the nine doubt tripod with my current level of spirit power, unless It can break through the later period of Yuanying Shen Lang frowned.

Xiaorou Daimei frowned and said, "it's a pity. Maybe this tripod has very strict requirements for the cultivation of the treasure holder."

Try to try to also failed to let nine doubt tripod master, Shen Lang had to sigh.

"Don't be discouraged, young master. Even if you can't take away the nine doubts tripod now, you can come back later when you break through Yuanying. Anyway, the Fairy Island is so remote and powerful that no other friars will step into it. " Xiaorou comforted.

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "only so."

Since jiuyiding can't be taken away, it's meaningless to stay in the cave. Before leaving, Shen Lang searched the cave again, hoping to find out what treasure, but he didn't find a hair.

The wave was rather stuffy. The devil killed him. Unexpectedly, he didn't get any benefits. The huge psychological gap makes Shen Lang a little uncomfortable.

But on second thought, the experience is not all bad. If it wasn't for being forced by demons, Shen Lang couldn't refine nine powerful new Leize lightsabers in a very short time.

It is also a problem that the xuanhuang Qi in Jiuyi Ding is constantly collapsing.

After pondering for a while, Shen Lang decided to set up a big formation to seal the immortal and Magic Island, so as to prevent the five elements aura from spreading around as much as possible, and avoid being sensed by the passing friars.

After thinking for a while, Shen Lang decided to set up the "Fengling array". This kind of array is just a regular high-level array. The effect is to seal the five elements aura of a region.

The Fengling array is not complicated and time-consuming. It is very suitable for yuan infant friars of Shen Lang's half hanging array level.

As for the material of the array, it can be gathered together in the ring.

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After paying attention, Shen Lang and Xiao Rou leave the cave.


Before preparing to set up the array, Shen Lang went to the land of the giant clan. It's time to calculate the total.

In the evening, the giants lit bonfires. A group of giants returned from hunting and working. As usual, they gathered in front of the bonfire to eat.

In the tent in the center of the clan, the head of the giant clan and ten giant leaders are eating a meal, drinking and eating delicious food, and the fresh meat of sea animals is used as food materials.

Just as the giant clan leader was eating well, a thunderous roar came from outside: "giant clan leader, get out of here!"

The roar is full of endless murderous spirit, just like the thunder rolling in the sky, the sound is shaking thousands of miles, spreading all over the Fairy Island, and the ground is roaring and shaking!

The head of the giant clan was so scared that he almost shook off his wine glass. He rushed out of the tent with a look of fear, and the ten giants also rushed out.

In the sky outside, Shen Lang stood on the void, his face was gloomy and terrible, and his undisguised murderous spirit and hostility swept the whole giant family.

The huge spiritual pressure makes all the giants of the giant family kneel down, shivering all over, and fear in their hearts!

At the sight of the waves, the head of the giant clan was so scared that he had a very bad premonition in his heart.The head of the giant clan didn't dare to think about it, so he bowed to his knees and said, "before If you misunderstood something, don't be angry! "

Shen Lang was so angry that he said with a smile: "it almost killed us. How dare you say it was a misunderstanding? Although you are acting according to orders and don't know it, if you hurt us, you will hurt us. Let's die! "

The head of the giant clan sat down on the ground in fright and exclaimed, "please forgive me, elder!"

Ten giant clan leaders also knelt down in panic and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"Sorry, I just want to kill people today! If you want to be a monster, even if you, the giant clan leader, are the running dogs of demons

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang single finger pinched the pure Yang Sword formula.

"Whew, whew!"

Countless Qi swords fell from the sky and flew away towards the whole giant clan.

"Boom boom!"

With the sound of explosions, the blood fog dispersed, and a large number of giants turned into meat in the air sword bombardment.

Shen Lang is fierce and turns into a devil, launching a fierce massacre.

With Shen Lang's cultivation, those giants have no ability to resist. They are as easy as killing pigs and dogs.


The explosion was accompanied by a lot of screams and wails. All the giants were killed by the air sword. The old people, children and women were not spared.

"Young master, you Said not to bully the weak. It's just the giant clan leader that's bad. There's no need to kill with the whole clan. It's cruel! " Xiaorou frowned slightly.

Shen Lang sighed: "although I don't like bullying, I can't calm my anger if I don't kill you. But for them, you would not be in danger. How can the lives of these giants be compared with the safety of xiaorou? I only care about the people I care about. I have nothing to do with the lives of others! " #####PS: I'm not lovelorn. I said earlier that I was an incompetent author. I'm sorry to catch up with the readers. If you want to read a lot of new books in a day, please read other people's books. At this speed, I can only write books for readers who are willing to read.

Those who are willing to play a star will play a star. It has nothing to do with the result. How long this book can be written is also up to me. I can only guarantee that there will be no eunuch, no break, and the plot will not disappoint the readers who pursue the change. I can't guarantee anything else. I'm really sorry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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