My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1769: 1771

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Shen Lang's scalp is numb. The most terrible thing happened. There are monks in the God transforming period in this place where the birds don't shit!

That's not the point. The point is that the elder brother of the white robed monk who just killed himself seems to be the one who pursues him.

He just killed his brother. If he was caught up, Shen Lang thought he would die miserably

The golden Mirs are like frightened birds, running away like mad dogs.

The monk's escape speed in the period of transforming the spirit was amazing, and he almost caught up with the place where Shen Lang was just now.

"Fourth brother, no!"

The lame old man had found out that the white robed friar had been killed. His whole body trembled, and his turbid eyes revealed despair and anger.

"Kill my brother, it's a terrible revenge! I'm going to tear you to pieces and refine your soul! "

The lame old man's face was twisted and ferocious. He looked up at the sky and roared, with strong resentment, hatred and anger in his voice.

After roaring, the lame old man flew out like a shell and chased the escaping waves.

The waves were shocked, and the golden Mirs' wings were filled with dense thunder and lightning. They beat their wings rapidly, which pushed the flying thunder escape technique to the extreme and further improved their flying speed.

After breaking through the waves, the ability of Feilei Dunshu has also been greatly improved, and the flying speed is at least five or six times of that of the ordinary late Yuan infant monks!

Although the lame old man was in the early stage of transforming the spirit, he was suffering from a hidden disease. In addition, he lost more than half of his spiritual power just now in order to get through the nine doubt tripod, and his escape speed was a little poor. For a while, he didn't catch up with Shen Lang, so he couldn't help jumping behind and swearing at his mother, and his face turned into a pigliver color.

"Damn it

Shen Lang was so upset that he brought in such a terrible old man that he was in great trouble.

Although he had great confidence in his own strength, he still had no chance to win in the face of the monks in the apotheosis period. Unless he can master the Shenfeng sword array or refine the dragon and Phoenix rings, he can still protect himself.

Although the lame old man couldn't catch up with Shen Lang for a while, Shen Lang couldn't shake him off.

"Young master, what should I do?" Xiaorou sends out a voice, the tone is very panic.

"No, it will be overtaken sooner or later!"

Shen Lang gnashes his teeth, and the time for his full exertion of Feilei Dunshu can last at most half an hour. Once the thunder and lightning in his body are consumed, his speed will be greatly reduced.

Although the lame old man in the rear was a friar in the early days of deification, his breath didn't seem to be so strong. He was far from the original Jinghong fairy and much weaker than Yuanhe Shuangsheng.

In addition, the opponent has broken a leg, so the combat effectiveness is estimated to be much weaker than that of the ordinary friars in the early stage of deification.

Shen Lang's brain is struggling, thinking about whether to fight with this lame old man.

"Boy, you pissed me off. If I don't kill you today, I swear not to be a man! "

The lame old man in the rear roared angrily, spitting out a ball of blood essence in his mouth, stretched out his hand and drew out the blood color seal, which immediately burst into a dazzling light.

The lame old man's back suddenly gave birth to a pair of blood colored wings. The wingspan is tens of meters wide, and a lot of blood light is surging on the wings.

I saw a bloody wings suddenly beat, lame old man's speed increased three times! Quickly and in front of the golden Mirs closer.

Shen Lang's divine sense felt that the lame old man's speed increased sharply, which was like beating a chicken's blood.

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Shen Lang gave up his escape completely. He clenched his teeth and was ready to take advantage of the lame old man's inattention to strike first!

The distance between the lame old man and the waves is shrinking bit by bit, when the distance between them is only 100 meters.

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"Nine changes of blood spirit!"

Shen Lang suddenly gave a violent drink and made nine changes of blood spirit. The golden light of the Golden Dragon on his arm soared. Shen Lang instantly turned into a ferocious and ferocious dragon with a body length of more than 1000 meters.

At the same time, Shen Lang also offered nine Leize lightsabers to the dragon.


The huge golden dragon roared, sending out a palpitating breath. The Golden Dragon's scales are bright, and the dragon's body is surging with a layer of golden blade storm.

The Golden Dragon pounced back on the lame old man behind him, opened his fangs and spewed out a powerful golden blade storm!

Storm like a giant tornado in general, the tuyere filled with a dense golden blade, momentum is extremely frightening. The golden blade storm blows away at the lame old man with unmatched power.

"Golden Horn dragon!"

The lame old man's eyes were shocked, and the sudden attack of the waves caught him by surprise.

What's more, shenlang's transformation into a golden Horned Dragon really exudes the same breath of an ancient giant, which frightens the lame old man for a moment. He thought that Shen Lang was a demon and a dragon.

However, the lame old man is also a monk in the apotheosis period. A golden Horned Dragon who can't reach the apotheosis period still makes him feel afraid.

"The beast seeks death!"The lame old man offered a black crutch and hastened to move it.

The shape of the black crutch is quite strange, dark and rough. On the crutch head stands a black skull with a big mouth open, and there is a dense black light in his mouth.

As the lame old man injected spiritual power into the crutches, the black skeleton crutches burst out a great black light, rendering everything around him into pure black.

"Du Tian Hunyuan magic light!"

The lame old man drank violently, and the skeleton on the crutch suddenly spewed a dense black light from his big mouth. The breath was terrible.

Shen Lang can clearly feel the terrible power of black light. He can't help but be scared out of the sky. The power of black light is comparable to the power of congenital clutch divine light!

Can release such terror attack, this black skeleton head crutch is absolutely a great treasure!!!

Under the shock of Shen Lang, he immediately turned back and tried his best to urge the Jiuli sword formation. The nine Leize lightsabers that curled around the top of the head turned into 81 sword lights.

At this moment, the black light released by the skeleton crutches hit the golden blade storm.


There was a wild roar. Shen Lang thought golden blade storm could at least resist for a moment, but he found that he was wrong.

The power of Du Tian Hunyuan's magic light was far beyond his imagination. The golden blade storm could not resist for a moment, and it was engulfed and annihilated by the wave like magic light.

Shen Lang smelled the breath of death, and his face was extremely ferocious. He madly urged the Jiuli sword array to stimulate the Yuyang Jinlei in Leize lightsaber.

Magic light belongs to evil power. Yuyang Jinlei should have great restraint effect on this kind of beam. I hope it can block this attack!

A large number of sword light formed a lightning tornado, and the shocking Yuyang golden thunder surged in the tuyere and hit the magic light.


The sound of the explosion is earth shaking and has the momentum of changing the color of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that Shen Lang underestimated the power of Honghuang Lingbao. The power of the magic light of Nadu tianhunyuan was really shocking. A large number of Yuyang Jinlei just persisted for a few seconds, and the lightning storm was gradually defeated by the magic light. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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