My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1820: 1822

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It's a pity that after chasing for half an hour, the peacock finds that the breath of the waves suddenly disappears and reappears in a very far place, and her face looks like earth.

"Damn, the boy left by the teleportation array!"

What Jinyan peacock didn't want to see happened. He should have thought of it.

The little beast was so cunning that he could deceive the eyes of the four ten level demons of the northern demon clan and kill his elder brother Fengling peacock.

This kind of scheming is just chilling.

The other side's intelligence quotient is so high that he may have thought about how to escape for a long time, but he can't think of using the teleportation to leave.

Jinyan peacock is very unwilling in his heart. Now, he can't watch Shen Lang run away.

Under careful induction, Shen Lang has reached the outer area of big green hill.

With the kid's cunning, most of the transmission array of Luoxia mountain has been destroyed. It's almost impossible to intercept the other side.

Daqingshan is the general arena of the moon worship League. Four of the top ten sects in the mainland of cold moon stand in Daqingshan, and there are three ancestors of Huashen period guarding the general arena of the moon worship League.

That boy must want to enter big green hill and seek the protection of human friars.

Although the intelligence quotient of golden flame peacock is average, but this matter can still think clearly.

This also confirms that Shen Lang is not a monster at all, but a human monk! That's why I want to seek the protection of human friars.

"Damn it

The gold flame peacock was furious. It turned out that they were overcast by the boy at the beginning. It was a good calculation!

He also knew that if he swaggered into the big green hill to kill the boy, it would make the three old men angry.

Jin Feng is cruel in his heart. He immediately takes out a transmission symbol from the storage ring and orders the demon practitioners of the northern demon clan to gather together and form a group to visit Daqingshan.

Jin Feng doesn't want to initiate the dispute between the demon clan and the human friars in the northern region, but Fengling peacock died miserably. He doesn't want to see Shen Lang jumping around and taking a shit on their head with the support of the human friars anyway!

Leading the demon repair army to get important people, the three old men in the spirit transforming period will definitely weigh the pros and cons. As long as they control their tone, the other party will not be unkind.

After burning the transmission symbol, Jinfeng throws a transmission symbol out and sends it out to the demon practitioners.


Shen Lang finally arrived at a town at the foot of the big green hill.

He didn't let down his vigilance for a moment, and flew quickly towards big green hill.

When he got to big green hill, Shen Lang didn't dare to show his blood spirit in a high profile. After all, he went to ask for help. It's not good to make any mistake. He fled in human form.

Daqingshan is the most famous holy land of Lingshan in the cold moon continent. Compared with the remote and small place like Luoxia mountain, it is just one place a day.

Daqingshan has a radius of one million Li. Countless Xiuzhen families and sects stand here. Four of the top ten sects in hanyue mainland, namely "beijianmen", "dulingzong", "hanpugu" and "Longxiao Palace", stand here. They have deep foundation and outstanding strength.

It is worth mentioning that each of the three sects, beijianmen, dulingzong and hanpugu, has one ancestor in the early stage of deification. These three are also the great elders of the moon worship League.

In fact, Shen Lang has no bottom in his heart. He can't be sure whether he will save himself or not. It's not necessarily that human friars are good, but it's often the opposite.

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Shen Lang has already thought out his words.

In a short time, he had entered the boundary of big green hill and flew to the general altar of the moon worship League.

The general altar of the moon worship League is located in the most prosperous town of Daqingshan. It is surrounded by walls made of solid crystal stones, and there are strong prohibitions.

A large number of monks patrol inside and outside, and there are some spirit animals and birds hovering in the sky, which are heavily guarded.

A tall purple golden hall is the main hall of the general altar, and also the place for the high-level discussion of the moon worship League. In addition to the main hall, there are many large and small sub halls, which are as gorgeous as the shuiyuncheng palace in Tianshui.

Although there were five great elders in the early days of the transformation of gods in the moon worship League, they usually ignored the affairs of the general altar of the moon worship League, and they were generally under the care of their disciples.

There was a master in the general altar of the moon worship League, who was the later cultivation of Yuanying. This news was learned by soul searching before Shen Lang.

As long as you don't see a monk in the apotheosis period, Shen Lang doesn't have any pressure in his heart.

He descended dunguang outside the city wall. Although there was a forbidden array in the town, it had no influence on Shen Lang, a top monk.

Since Shen Lang came to ask for help, he didn't dare to put on any airs and was ready to say hello before he went in.

Seeing that Shen Lang came down from the sky to the gate of the city, the two friars guarding the gate bowed respectfully and said, "I've seen you, the holy land of the general altar of the moon worship League is ahead. Do you have a pass token?"

Shen Lang was very familiar, and the two monks didn't know which sect he was."Two little friends, it's not easy to disclose my identity for the moment. Please also inform the master of the general altar of the moon worship league that someone wants to see him. There is something urgent to discuss! " Shen Lang said, not cold and not light.

After hearing this, the two monks looked at each other. One of them said cautiously, "I'm sorry! We can't be the master of this matter. The leader of the general altar is not something that foreign monks can see if they want to. Please find another way. "

Shen Lang is a little angry. He is very unhappy. His posture has been so low. Two gatekeepers want to shut himself out?

It's nothing to do with etiquette. The cultivation of immortals is identity. Shen Lang feels that his self-esteem has been trampled.

"What? As the late great friar of Yuanying, I can't even meet the leader of your league? " Shen Lang said without expression.

He didn't want to waste any more time, and directly released the pressure of Yuan baby's later period. The undisguised astonishing pressure, like a storm, spread out in all directions.

For a moment, the two monks at the gate were as if they were on top of the mountain. Their legs were paralyzed on the ground, and their scalp was numb with fear. There was a strong color of horror in their eyes.

Not only them, but also a large number of monks patrolling in the sky were affected by this powerful pressure, and their bodies were unstable.

The two monks who were guarding the gate began to see Shen Lang as very young. They thought that he was at most in the early stage of Yuanying, but they didn't expect that he was actually a great monk in the later stage of Yuanying!

Although they were in the same period of Yuanying, there was no comparison between the great friars in the later period of Yuanying and the ordinary friars in the early period of Yuanying.

"Before Master, spare your life! We are ignorant The two gatekeepers immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Just then.

"If the courtesy is not good enough, please don't be surprised."

In the purple golden hall of the general altar of the moon worship League, a light suddenly flew out and fell outside the gate of the city.

Guanghua Yilian is a handsome young man wearing a purple robe and holding a folding fan.

The young man looked rebellious. He glanced at the waves and said, "I am situ Ling, the leader of the moon worship League. Dare you ask me if you come to visit the general arena of the moon League , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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