My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1855: 1857

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He doesn't want to die yet!

In horror, Lei Ling's eyes are ferocious. He burns the blood essence in his body crazily, and two pairs of huge lightning wings condense from his back. He wants to use his second magic power, Lei Dun!

"Waste wants to run?"

Shen Lang has seen Lei Guang beast's escape skill twice. He can't watch the beast slip away from his eyes.

With a roar, the dragon's tail had already tied up his body, just like a hovering python, before the thunder light beast began to use the technique of thunder evasion.

The Dragon scales stand upright, like a sharp magic weapon of flying sword, deeply pierced into the flesh and blood of thunder beast.


Lei Ling uttered a howling cry. With a little effort from the golden Horned Dragon, Lei Guang's flesh and blood had been torn open countless huge wounds, and the blood splashed like a fountain.

"No You can't kill me! My uncle is not far away. If you kill me, he won't let you go! " Lei Ling couldn't move. He yelled with his last strength.

Shen Lang's heart was awe inspiring, and his face was overcast. "In that case, I'll kill you even more."

Lei Ling was frightened and said in a trembling voice: "no Don't kill me! I'm wrong, master! I really know wrong, thousands should not, I leiling should not betray you and the hostess! Please forgive me, I will be the spirit beast of you and the hostess again

"Well, there is no regret medicine in the world. Lei Ling, the last thing you should do in your life is to betray your master and hostess. Now you'd better pay for your life! " Xiaorou looks at Lei Ling with cold eyes, without any emotion.

Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue were very nice to Lei Ling, but Lei Ling wanted to kill her master. Xiaorou also thinks that Lei Ling's life should be like this.

"No, no, no! I know the secret of the treasure in Beihai ice cave. Don't kill me, master. I will tell you all the secrets of the treasure Lei Ling's eyes were congested and he gasped.

The waves turned a deaf ear, and without the slightest hesitation, the golden Horned Dragon tried its best to start the golden blade storm.

"Boom boom!"

The frightening golden storm shrouded the dragon's body, and instantly spread to the thunder beast's body, splitting on him.


Lei Ling uttered a terrible howl. The golden blade storm that attacked his body was like countless sharp knives cutting his flesh and blood. The blood was raging, and countless pieces of flesh and blood were flying everywhere.

Under the terrible attack of the golden blade storm, the badly damaged thunder light beast has no ability to resist. It has been abused alive. Its body is not shaped by the golden blade storm, and its whole body is torn by the golden blade storm. You can see the bloody bones.

After all, it's the top spirit beast of heaven and earth. Lei Guang beast's vitality is very strong. Even though it has been fatally injured, it hasn't died for a while.

Shen Lang, make sure you kill him!


The golden Horned Dragon was so mad that it opened its broad fangs and directly bit off the neck of the thunder beast.

The thunder light beast's neck was bitten off, and the blood gushed. After the last low howl, the breath gradually disappeared.

Lei Ling, kill!

The spirit beast who betrayed himself was buried in the hands of the waves after two escapes.

Shen Lang takes away Lei Ling's storage ring, and Xiao Rou has already finished collecting the spoils.

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After glancing at the silver unicorn on the head of Lei Ling's dead body, Shen Lang thinks it's worth using, so he urges Lei Ze to cut off the silver unicorn of Lei Guang beast and put it into the storage ring.

The silver unicorn of thunder beast, also known as thunder beast horn, is an extremely high-end refining material. However, leiling has only nine levels of cultivation. The effectiveness of this thunder beast horn will be greatly reduced, but it is still rare.

At this time, the gap in the gravel layer has been reduced to a round hole with a diameter of two or three meters.

The power of breaking the ban of the blood demon divine light has been almost consumed, and the gap of the ban is still shrinking rapidly, and will soon disappear.

Shen Lang and Xiao Rou are preparing to fly into the gap when they hear a roar from the distance: "ah!!! Human friar, but dare to kill my nephew, I will tear you to pieces! "

In the north of the desert came a giant ape with broad mouth and tusks. His eyes were cold and his body was frightening. He was 2000 meters tall and his body was like a mountain. His breath was very fierce.

"No, it's the great ape!"

Shen Lang is so scared that his scalp is numb. He has the blood of the great ape. He knows the breath of the great ape very well and will not admit it wrong.

The other party is probably the patriarch of the great ape clan, the great ape of Qingshan! Ape strong is just the brother of the giant ape named Jinlie in thunder canyon.

Lei Ling's words before he died have come true. The giant ape is really in the ice desert.

The waves, like frightened birds, quickly picked up xiaorou and drilled into the gap in the gravel layer.

The great ape of Qingshan is the top spirit beast of heaven and earth. The battle power of the great ape of the tenth level is much stronger than that of the golden flame peacock. Shen Lang can never be his opponent.With a plop, Shen Lang and Xiao Rou get into the gap and enter the underground.

Just a few seconds after they jumped in, the gap in the gravel layer shrank sharply, gradually disappeared, and the prohibition resumed as usual, and became a thick gravel layer.

The giant ape flying to the north is astonishing in size, but it is extremely fast. In an instant, it comes to leiling's body.

Seeing Lei Ling's dead body and the remains of flesh and blood all over the place, ape lie's eyes were bloodshot and his huge Plush fists were pounding the ground madly. He said bitterly: "nephew Lei Ling No

Ape strong behind a distance, also followed eight nine level demon repair, because the speed is not ape strong, for a while still can't see the shadow.

Before xiaorou broke the ban, there was a lot of noise. In addition to the fierce fight between shenlang and leiling, ape Lieh, who was still searching, just heard it. Ape Lieh immediately followed the sound.

Unfortunately, when he came here, the war was over and Lei Ling died miserably.

Ape strong witnessed the scene that Shen Lang cut off Lei Ling's only role, and his anger has reached the peak.

Soon, the rear eight nine level demon repair also came to ape strong side, looking at the scene of the tragedy, all the demon repair face changed greatly.

Lei Ling is the little clan leader of Lei Guang beast. If Lei Xuan knows this, he doesn't know how angry he is.

"Emperor, this..." A snowstorm ape at the top of the Ninth level was shocked.

"Get out of here! There is a layer of prohibition in the place where you stand. Just now, the human beast escaped into the ground from the gap of prohibition. If the emperor does not kill him, he will swear not to be a demon! "

Ape strong all over the golden hair upside down, the whole body exudes a terrible murderous, let a person creepy.

The terrible murderous spirit made the eight nine level demon practitioners tremble, and I gave up a space in panic.


Ape lie opened his broad mouth and gave a roar. His arms flashed with gold. He waved his golden fists and released his power. He smashed at the forbidden gap where Shen Lang and Xiao Rou had just escaped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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