My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 189: 190

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Bai Qingyu said, "no! I just want to remind you to pay attention to your safety. Yuan Ming is also the younger brother of Yuan Ye, the boss of Hualong gang. I'm afraid that this guy will retaliate against you after he runs away! "

"Are you secretly in love with me when you are so worried about me?" Shen Lang joked with a smile.

"How can I love you? Go and daydream Bai Qingyu's face turned red and she almost didn't drop her mobile phone on the ground.

But before, Bai Qingyu did feel a little bit about the waves. But since he saw that this guy was a murderer, Bai Qingyu's favor for Shen Lang completely disappeared.

After hanging up, Shen Lang was relieved. He didn't want to take care of the troubles of those underground forces.

This weekend, Su Ruoxue and Liu Xiaoxiao didn't have to go to work today. They could have had a good rest.

However, in the morning, a news from Tianrong international group sent Su Ruoxue's mood to the bottom of the valley.

Because before Tianrong international owed a huge amount of debt, half of which was accounted to the chairman of Suyun mountain.

Now the creditors have come to collect the debts almost at the same time, and even the lawyers have been found.

It's very likely that the Luo family is also interfering, but things have come to this point. Su Ruoxue is very anxious. She doesn't know where to collect so much money for half a while.

She and Liu Xiaoxiao have been discussing countermeasures in the living room since early in the morning, with anxious faces.

Shen Lang tried to persuade two beautiful girls, but it didn't seem to work.

"Xiaoxue, what are you going to do now?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked anxiously.

Su Ruoxue sighed: "what else can I do? Help my grandfather through the crisis first. Tianrong international still owes a lot of debt. Qiao Lan's grandfather has to pay at least half of the debt, otherwise he will be sued by the creditor. "

While drinking coffee, Shen Lang said, "I'm here. I'll make sure my grandfather is OK. If I go to court, I'll have to ask if I agree! "

"Shen Lang, I know you care about your grandfather, but don't fool around!" Su Ruoxue said worried.

"By the way, how much debt does grandfather owe?" Shen Lang asked suddenly.

"At least Five hundred million! " Su Ruoxue gritted her teeth.

Shen Lang shrugged: "five hundred million That's all. I thought how much it would cost! "

"Poof!" Liu Xiaoxiao choked and turned white: "I really doubt if you have the concept of money. Do you think five hundred million is as simple as a number?"

"All the liquidity of Aya international, together with the sale of some land, should be able to scrape up 100 million. We can pay off some of the creditors' debts for the time being. Let's take a step at a time. " Su said.

Sun Huo was robbed 10 million by the last storm, but his money is still far from enough.

Of course, he can ask his younger martial sister to pay, but Shen Lang is embarrassed to ask for Yi Lian's money when it comes to men's face.

Shen Lang has several ways to make money. Of course, the simplest one is to blackmail big people, but he still disdains to do such a thing.

Or, another high-level task of blood diamond list, but Shen Lang can't leave Su Ruoxue for too long.

In addition, other ways to make money, to make 500 million at a time, is really a bit difficult.

Su Yunshan is also very distressed today. He didn't expect that those companies would come to collect debts so soon, and the pressure is very tight. Su Yunshan has no choice. He specially came to zhengjiazhuangyuan to meet Shen Lang and Su Ruoxue.

"Don't worry, grandfather. If there's nothing I can do, I'll sell the company and take the money you get to pay off the debt." Su said.

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In fact, Shen Lang wants Su ruoxie not to be the president of the company. He is very happy to have a beautiful girl at home. She can be both good and bad.

It's a pity that this pretty girl is very persistent in her work.

Su Yunshan sighed: "it's all my grandfather's incompetence! But don't give me the money. It's enough for you to live a comfortable life in the future. "

"No, Grandpa. If you can't pay your debts, you'll be arrested." Su Ruoxue is in a hurry.

Su Yunshan shook his head: "the main problem is still not enough. Those debts have been delayed for a long time. At least in the near future, we have to pay them 100 million in advance. Otherwise, we will still default."

"In other words, we need to get a hundred million first?" Shen Lang asked.

Su Yunshan nodded and said, "that's about what it means. You'd better give up. It's my fault. I should take it on my own. "

"Director Su, I can persuade my grandmother to let the Zheng family lend you some money to repay the debt first." Liu Xiaoxiao said quickly.

Su Ruoxue shook her head and said, "how can the Zheng family go to the muddy waters of Tianrong international? Xiaoxiao, it's not so easy for you to borrow money. Don't bother you

"But..." What else does Liu Xiaoxiao want to say.

Shen Lang interrupted: "it's only 100 million. Don't worry, Grandpa. I'll get it for you soon."

Everyone was stunned by this.


Nine o'clock in the morning, 117 Jun'an Road, Longhang casino is open.It's in a luxury private room of Longhang casino.

Yechen is sitting on a high-end leather sofa, smoking a cigar. Beside him stood a beautiful girl, who was yechen's sister, yexingkong.

The exquisitely carved face, shining black hair scattered on the shoulders, and black bows tied on the ends of the hair, make the trend popular but elegant.

Wearing a Plaid Dress with a deep V neckline, it shows the perfect figure, white legs exposed in the air, refreshing dress, but exudes incomparable charm.

"Brother, I'll smoke less in the future. It's too bad for my health." The night sky shakes its head and turns its mouth.

"I'm used to it. How can I quit smoking?" Yechen smiles.

"Sister, have you talked about boyfriends at school recently?" Night Chen smiles to ask a way.

The night star sky hands crossed in front of the chest, hummed: "your sister, my eyes can be high, how can those weak boys in the school enter my eyes."

Yechen joked: "it seems that your cousin is right. It can't go on like this. It's so demanding. When no one wants it, what can we do? "

"No one wants it, no one wants it. Your sister doesn't like an ordinary man." Night star sky, mouth corner a bend.

Night Chen is about to speak, a horse in a suit suddenly walked into the private room, look hurried to say: "brother Chen, something happened!"

Night Chen brow a wrinkly: "what happened?"

"The man of Luo TIANYAO is ah Kuan! Ah Kuan seems to have brought a fierce old man to kick the field. That guy won more than 10 million yuan in our file in less than half an hour! That guy is still winning! " The horse son facial expression nervous toward night Chen say.

"Well! A cheat? I'll meet that guy. " Yechen pinches the cigarette and gets up and goes out. ##### , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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