My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 1997: 1999

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Early the next morning, Shen Lang changed into xuanfengwei's clothes, hung a token on his waist and went to Taiyi League branch of Tianxu city to report.

Taiyi League has a huge branch, like a palace, with all kinds of institutions.

Such as Deacon's hall, Presbyterian's hall, Council hall, city Lord's house and so on. There are also lower level Shenfeng Pavilion, Xuanfeng Pavilion, internal affairs hall and punishment hall.

The place where Shen Lang reports is Xuanfeng Pavilion. Xuanfeng Pavilion is a tall and magnificent Pavilion, which is like a pile of white jade.

This is the meeting hall of xuanfengwei. Usually, there is no one. Only when necessary, the manager of xuanfengwei will call many xuanfengwei to discuss things and give orders.

According to Shen Lang's knowledge, there are 3000 Xuanfeng guards in Tianxu City, and some of them will be eliminated every year.

Those xuanfengwei whose honor value is too low will be eliminated, and some xuanfengwei will die because the task is too dangerous.

In a word, the number of Xuanfeng guards in Tianxu city has been maintained at about 3000, and they are all elites.

Xuanfeng Pavilion is an empty area with simple furnishings and no seats. Everyone is standing. This also shows the seriousness of Taiyi League in dealing with public affairs.

Almost all of them came. They were the nine monks who passed the examination yesterday. Everyone exchanged greetings with each other, which was very polite.

These new xuanfengwei look at Shen Lang with a trace of awe. After all, Shen Lang's strength is obvious to all.

Shen Lang politely exchanged greetings with the public. When they learned that he was a friar in the lower world, they were very surprised and looked at Shen Lang with shocked eyes.

"What? I'm friar Fei Sheng. What's wrong with me? " Shen Lang asked when he saw that everyone was so surprised.

"Hard No wonder Shen Daoyou's magical power is so amazing. He turned out to be a friar. " A strong man with a beard was surprised.

"Naturally, there's nothing wrong with it. We can see why Shen Daoyou's strength is so outstanding. Generally speaking, the monks who ascend from the lower world are quite powerful, and there are no weak ones. " Another square faced friar praised from the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, it's said that the snow night saint of the five saints in our Terran is a friar. His strength should be the first of the five saints!"

Another young man with pockmarked face talked and looked at him. He seemed to admire the holy king on a snowy night.

Just then.

There was a cold voice outside Xuanfeng Pavilion: "how dare you talk about Shengjun?"! Let me hear you point out to the emperor again. Be careful, our manager will send you to patrol the barren land on the border. "

As soon as the voice fell, a man came out of Xuanfeng Pavilion. He was green robed and had long hair. He looked like a young man. He was full of pressure.

In the later stage of the transformation? No, it's the peak of the spirit!

Shen Lang was awed by the pressure of the young man. He should have been a monk at the peak of the transformation.

There are few monks who stay at the peak of the cultivation of the spirit. These monks are usually stranded because they fail in the empty period.

If the monk at the top of Huashen fails to break through the practice of emptiness, he will not be able to break through the practice of emptiness again in his whole life.

Seeing that the young man claimed to be the "chief manager", the pockmarked young man who spoke just now showed his panic and said in a hurry: "my subordinates are wrong. I'll No more

The young friar didn't pay any attention to the pockmarked youth. He swept the friars around coldly and said indifferently: "from today on, you are the xuanfengwei of Taiyi League! That is xuanfengwei. Naturally, we should abide by the rules of xuanfengwei. Otherwise, our manager will expel you from Taiyi League at any time! "

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"My manager's name is Tang Gao. Please remember it for me. I don't want to say much nonsense. I'll explain the work of xuanfengwei to you. "

The manager Tang Gao said calmly, and the ten monks in the hall listened quietly.

After listening for a while, Shen Lang knew the work of xuanfengwei.

Xuanfengwei is a bit like the special forces, but more free.

Xuanfengwei has plenty of holidays and training time, but the premise is to complete a fixed number of tasks assigned by Taiyi League branch every year. If the fixed number of tasks is not completed within one year, he will be expelled from Taiyi League.

As long as the annual task is completed, xuanfengwei is basically free. Taiyi League will not interfere in any action except killing and setting fire.

The only thing under control is that xuanfengwei must be on call. However, it is usually when there is a major event in the Taiyi League branch that the Zhongxuan Fengwei will gather together, which is rare.

On the whole, xuanfengwei was a relatively easy job, but he had to listen to Taiyi League when necessary.

Those who disobey the order will not be expelled from the Taiyi League. They will be sent to the Criminal Court and punished. In serious cases, they may even be wanted by the Taiyi League.

Xuanfengwei's task can be chosen by himself. Tang Gao gives me a jade slip, which records the tasks that Taiyi League needs to complete.

Shen Lang looked at the list of tasks carefully. There are many kinds, some simple and some difficult.

Simple tasks include: collecting precious materials for Taiyi League; patrolling and maintaining order in Tianxu city; guarding XX's place; acting as bodyguard for XX; escorting XX, etc.The difficulties include: clearing up the alien ethnic groups in the northern border; arresting the wanted criminals of Taiyi League (some monks in the apotheosis period).

Simple tasks are basically not dangerous, but the honor value is very low, generally only a little, and it takes a long time, often more than half a year.

For example, to guard the world-class transmission array is one of the simple tasks, but it has been taken over by people, and the task period is five years later.

Difficult tasks are accompanied by a certain threat to life, especially the capture of Taiyi League fugitives is the most dangerous, often xuanfengwei died.

But this kind of task, get the honor value is very high. You have successfully captured a fugitive in the spirit transforming period. According to the level of the fugitive, you can gain 10-25 honor points.

In Shen Lang's mind, as long as he catches a few escapees, he can gather 100 honor points to meet the conditions for promotion to xuanfengwei captain!

It is not a problem to achieve this goal within half a year.

"According to the regulations, you new xuanfengwei must take on a task and be familiar with the work flow of Taiyi League," Tang said

With that, Tang Gao asked everyone to take on the task.

Xuanfengwei at the scene chose some tasks one after another. Maybe everyone thought that they just came to Taiyi League and were not familiar with the environment, so they all took on relatively simple tasks.

Shen Lang directly chose a task of "hunting down Liuhuo real person, the most wanted criminal in Tianxu city", which surprised everyone.

The Liuhuo immortal on the mission is the leader of the Exodus volcano in Tianxu city. I am a monk in the middle of the transformation of God. He was once in charge of the transportation of lingkuang in Taiyi League. He was wanted by Taiyi League for corruption.

Even Tang Gao couldn't help looking at Shen Lang more and frowning: "Shen Lang, this Liuhuo real man is a monk in the middle of the transformation of gods. He was also a leader of a sect. He is powerful. You Do you really want to get this assignment? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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