My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2044: 2046

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The boat crossing the Styx river is not a magic weapon for flying. It can be imagined as a boat just for crossing the river.

So refining this thing is not a very difficult thing. You just need to mix some main and auxiliary materials together, and finally use the essence of Fengling to depict a wind system acceleration array.

If the speed is fast, it should be refined in less than three days.

Shen Lang laid a layer of defense around ziyunzhang to prevent the demon birds in the air from disturbing him.

After finishing these preparations, Shen Lang began to formally refine the boat.

First of all, I took out the Jinyang Cimu that the snow orchid emperor had given to me. This Jinyang Cimu is like a coconut tree, with strong branches and golden radiance.

As soon as the spirit tree is exposed to the air, the waves can feel a lot of Yang energy overflowing from the trunk.

The main material is the Jinyang Cimu, and the secondary materials are some Yang materials used to reinforce the boat, such as xuanyang spar, Yang animal bone and so on.

Shen Lang cut Jinyang Cimu into more than ten pieces, and then burned it slowly with dry sky ice flame.

At the same time of burning, Shen Lang also released Shengyang fighting Qi and Yuyang Jinlei to burn Jinyang Cimu together with Qiantian ice flame.

One day later, Jinyang Cimu was finally melted and refined into a large amount of golden thick juice, with a dazzling golden light on the surface.

Continue to melt and condense to form a small boat.

The waves compressed the boat as much as possible to make it stronger.

Another day later, the golden boat has been condensed into shape, the surface of the golden light, emitting amazing Yang energy.

The next step is to portray a powerful wind attribute acceleration array on the boat.

In fact, Shen Lang doesn't know much about arrays. At most, he can only be regarded as proficient. This boat is too small to depict a large array.

When he was still in the human world, he studied a Book of refining utensils called Tiangong atlas, which described 20 kinds of Rune arrays used to depict magic weapons, which could be borrowed.

In the manual of heavenly craft, there is a kind of Rune array, which is very suitable to be used as the acceleration array of small boats. It is called "rely on the empty to resist the wind Rune array". This set of Rune array is suitable for flying magic weapon, which can gain additional speed bonus.

If it's not a magic weapon for flying, it can also have excellent acceleration ability.

When Shen Lang was in the human world, he spent his time studying 20 kinds of Rune arrays in the manual of Tiangong, and he also knew more about these Rune arrays.

In addition, his current cultivation of divine consciousness is not what it used to be, so it's not so difficult to depict such a set of talismans.

After taking a deep breath, Shen Lang takes out the small bottle of Fengling essence he bought at the auction from the storage ring.

Then Shen Lang picked up the Fu pen used to make the Fu and dipped it with some essence juice of Fengling. According to the depiction technique of Feiyu Fengfu array, Shen Lang carefully stimulated the spirit power, controlled the essence juice of Fengling, arranged the array, and engraved the mark of the Fu in the golden boat.

Because the symbol array in Tiangong atlas belongs to micro array, it must be described in great detail.

Shen Lang has been depicting a day and a night. He is absorbed in every detail.

Kung Fu is not inferior to those who want to. He succeeded in the end. A complete set of seal cutting with the empty wind talisman array was made on the golden boat!

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In the end, Shen Lang integrates the auxiliary materials into the boat and reinforces the hull and the amulet array on the hull.

It took three days and three nights for Shen Lang to make the boat to cross the Styx river.

He couldn't wait to try, put the golden boat down into the sea, and hit a wisp of spiritual power towards the green amulet array on the boat.


The whole boat, like an arrow from the string, is moving towards the front of the sea level at an amazing speed.

The speed of the golden boat can almost catch up with the speed of Yuan infant friars.

After all, it's not a magic weapon for flying. The speed is amazing.

Shen Lang originally expected that it would take about 20 years to cross the Styx River, but with the speed of the boat, it should not take that long.


Three days ago, at the foot of the barren mountain.

The eleven monks who had been knocked unconscious by LAN xian'er gradually came to their senses and hurriedly untied sun Zihao and the old man in black robe who had been bound by the cloud swallowing lock under the big tree in the distance.

Seeing that sun Zihao was beaten to be a pig, all the monks in the spirit transforming period were surprised.

One of the leading monks in the later period of transforming God exclaimed: "little Lord, what's the matter with you?"

"I'll fuck your mother! A bunch of trash Hiss, ouch Sun Tzu's heroic Qi Zhi Sheng Yan, covering his cheek for a while, and his mouth was leaking.

The young city master, who is very influential, has never been humiliated to this degree since he was young. He would like to have Shen Lang skinned and cramped!

The old man in black robe was beaten so much that his body almost broke up and he had some difficulty breathing. After taking several top-level healing drugs, he was relieved."I will not kill you and swear not to be a human being." Sun Zihao roared hysterically.

The black robed old man coughed, and his face was very dark: "cough Young master, he has a high mind. It's not easy. Just now, he was fully capable of killing all the monks in our apotheosis period, but he only deliberately hurt us and left us alive. "

"You mean that boy is deliberately teasing us to make a fool of us?" Sun Zihao said angrily.

"No, that person should be terrified by the strength of the Lord of the city, so he didn't dare to be cruel. Young master, think about it carefully. If you go to the Lord of the city to help hunt down Shen Lang in this way, do you think he will agree to it? " Asked the old man in black.

Sun Zihao frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "my father has a good temper. If you know that I was abused like this by a boy in the middle stage of becoming a God, it would be strange not to pick my skin. My father always has a high self-esteem. He certainly won't go to hunt down a garbage in the middle of the transformation. That will damage his identity. Most of the time, he will let me continue to deal with it. "

If his father knew that he was fighting for a cauldron and was abused by others, he would never eat good fruit.

"The other party just grasped this point, making it difficult for us to turn to the city Lord, which is equivalent to the disguised helplessness." The old man in black robe has a sullen face.

"Uncle Hei, what should we do now? You can't watch that kid make waves outside, can you? I can't swallow that Sun Zihao's face was full of bitterness.

The old man in black robe couldn't swallow the same breath and said, "you can send someone to find out the origin of the Lianhua family cauldron, and find the friar who sold the cauldron, so as to find a breakthrough. In addition, in front of the Lord of the city, it can be said that the princess of Lianhua family fled. She was worried that she would cause some trouble to Tiannan Island, so she tried to ask the Lord of the city to come out in person. "

Sun Zihao looked ferocious and said, "OK! I'll try my best to explain to my father. Anyway, Shen Lang must die! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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