My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2060: 2062

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Shen Lang frowned tightly. The so-called "nine calamities" is a kind of great calamity when the friars of Mahayana break through. The friars of Mahayana also suffer this kind of calamity every 100000 years.

"In a word, the harm of Ying Ke's body will be exposed after Mahayana. If the host can advance to the peak of Mahayana in time, and want to fly to the true immortal world, the power of the immortal robbery that Nagu mainly bears will be ten times higher than that of the normal immortal robbery! That's why I've been stuck at the peak of fitness. " Yunchenzi explained in detail.

"The 99 level heavenly punishment with a hundred times power Isn't it certain to die? " Shen Lang was surprised.

Yun Chenzi said with a smile: "it's true that ordinary monks are bound to die, and the monks in the later period of Mahayana may not be able to bear such a degree of natural punishment. I spent hundreds of thousands of years studying the Tiangang Chunyang sword Scripture just to survive this disaster! In fact, as a teacher, I have a certain degree of assurance that I can successfully survive the robbery, but it's not safe yet. "

"In ancient times, the top Mahayana monks in the spiritual world spent a lot of money to cultivate a kind of supernatural power called" Xuanyu "in order to survive the disaster. The power of this divine power is that within a certain range, the power of some laws between heaven and earth can be mastered by the monks themselves. I learned the "sword realm" from the sword Scripture, but I have only half completed the cultivation of this magical power. "

Shen Lang was at a loss. He had never heard of the supernatural power of the mysterious region, but this supernatural power could let the friars themselves control the laws of heaven and earth! It's too bad.

"It doesn't matter if I don't understand. You'll know that later. I have only cultivated half of the mysterious realm, but I can fight against the mid Mahayana friars with this magical power Yun Chenzi talks with great enthusiasm.

"In the middle of Mahayana?"

Shen Lang's heart was shocked with awe.

Yun Chenzi is just a top-notch cultivation. He is not inferior to the mid Mahayana monks in his ability If it's said by others, Shen Lang certainly doesn't believe it, but yunchenzi doesn't need to be forced.

In the scene just now, the jade faced boy in the middle of Mahayana was very polite to Yun Chenzi, just like a friend of the same generation, which showed that their strength should be very close.

For example, Shen Lang is arrogant when he treats monks who are weaker than himself, especially those in Mahayana period. It's very realistic to cultivate the fairyland. If not for the similar strength, would the Mahayana friars be friends with the fit friars?

Shen Lang was very excited to think that his master was so powerful.

There were still many doubts in Shen Lang's heart. He continued to ask, "why did master choose me as an apprentice? When I was in the human world, my accomplishments were so weak, but it was just jiedan period. "

He doesn't believe that he is a dreg of jiedan period. He will also be favored by yunchenzi.

The smile on yunchenzi's face gradually disappeared, and he said: "there are two reasons. First, you are really talented, and you have my Tiangang Chunyang sword Scripture, which makes me think of accepting you as an apprentice. Second, as a teacher, I saw that your body had been tampered with! "


Shen Lang's face changed greatly. He quickly recalled his memory in Penglai mountain and shook his head and said, "master, it's impossible. I was a monk in jiedan period at that time. How could I have been tampered with my body?"

"You can't see it's normal. After all, the man It can't be inferred from common sense. "

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Yun Chenzi said something meaningful, and then asked: "apprentice, where do you get the source of Shengyang fighting Qi?"

Shen Lang doesn't know why Yun Chenzi asked this question, and then he explains to Yun Chenzi what happened in the man temple at the beginning, saying that he got his Shengyang fighting Qi from the man temple.

"Pretty God, Xifeng? Well, it is A cold light flashed through yunchenzi's starlike eyes.

Hearing what Yun Chenzi said, Shen Lang was very surprised and asked, "master, do you know man Shen?"

"It's more than recognition! Xi Feng came to Nanyuan thousands of years ago. I killed him and found that he had already been occupied. This Xi Feng is not the Xi Feng in the human world. " Cloud trace son shakes a way.

"Master, I don't quite understand you." Shen Lang frowned.

Cloud trace son didn't answer Shen Lang's question directly, way: "Shen Lang's apprentice, Zhang Daoling and you contact?"

"Yes, master, how do you know? Zhang Daoling is a great benefactor of Tu er. He once saved Tu er's life in the human world. " Shen Lang was in a hurry. He was even more puzzled. How could it be related to Zhang Daoling.

"The source of Shengyang fighting Qi you got in man temple was actually manipulated by the old man Zhang Daoling. Apprentice, it can be said that the moment you step into the world of cultivating immortals, you will be calculated by this old monster! " Cloud trace son sink voice say.

"What, this..."

Shen Lang stood there, as if he had heard a big secret!

"Not only you, as a teacher, but also Xi Feng, a man God, have been calculated. Zhang Daoling is very secretive. Up to now, I don't know what his purpose is. He doesn't know how many thousands of years he has lived. He has practiced divination, which can spy on the secrets of heaven, predict the future of all things, and even life and death. "

"There is only one characteristic of the monk who is targeted by Zhang Daoling, that is, his divination can not calculate the future of the monk, which is known as the" unpredictable life style ". According to Zhang Daoling's target, there are three unpredictable people in our human world. They are you, me and Xi Feng. ""It is said that in Fangcun mountain, Zhang Daoling has received a lot of Pro disciples, and some of them will disappear. Especially those disciples who broke through the Mahayana period, all of them seemed to evaporate from the world, and the cause of death was unknown. I guess that the reason why Zhang Daoling has lived for thousands of years and has not yet ascended is that he lacks some conditions to ascend, so he focuses on those whose fate is unpredictable, and tries to devour the spirits of such monks and achieve the secret

Yun Chenzi sighed a long time, and his face was dignified.

Shen Lang was stunned to hear that. He really felt incredible. Zhang Daoling, who was like a spring breeze in the human world and repeatedly rescued himself, was not the kind person in his imagination?

Shen Lang couldn't accept it for a moment. He asked, "master, how did you find this?"

Yun Chenzi said: "because I was once a disciple of Zhang Daoling, I got a letter from a disciple of Zhang Daoling by chance and learned some secrets about Zhang Daoling. Later, I fled to Nanyuan in the wasteland. Xi Feng is one of Zhang Daoling's disciples. One of his early Mahayana detachments once came to Nanyuan and tried to catch me back, but I killed him later. "

"Shen Lang, the reason why I accept you as an apprentice is that you are also an unpredictable person, and Zhang Daoling has left a mark on the origin of your Shengyang battle Qi. He can use the divination to calculate your present situation. This is also the reason why you came to the land of Nanyuan. The land of Nanyuan is shrouded by the power of the law of the goddess's tomb. Zhang Daoling can't calculate this place through the divination of Tianji. It means that when you get to Nanyuan, Zhang Daoling can't control and peep at you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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