My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2083: 2085

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The monks were surprised.

Cold frost is really incredible, questioned: "wuse Daoyou said so much, let me wait how to believe you? Don't blame Leng for being more direct. Would you be so kind and give us the map for nothing

Monk wuse said with a smile, "don't misunderstand me. Although I also want to search for treasure in the depths of the goddess's tomb by myself, I have no self-confidence. The monk who was once robbed is a good example. The poor monk and master warned me that there might be living life in the depths of the goddess's tomb, otherwise the former monk would not be taken away. "

"I really don't have much confidence to go into the depths of the goddess's tomb alone, but it's totally different with your help. But you can rest assured that the tomb of the goddess will not be too strong even if there is life. "

Long Quan interrupted: "there is no basis for empty talk. Evil spirits are a good example. If there are evil spirits everywhere in the tomb of the goddess, shall we not go to die? "

Monk wuse said with a smile: "ha ha, if evil spirits are to appear, there must be evil clouds. The number of evil spirits in the tomb of Goddess is basically fixed. Now the evil clouds are all floating to the blood Lotus Mountain, but it's a good time for us to take action. Moreover, the map on the jade slips can avoid the haunting area of evil spirits. "

Cold frost frowned and said, "even if it's true, as Taoist friends say, there is still an unknown threat in the depths of the goddess's tomb. If we rush into it, we may not be able to retreat."

"If you want to get the treasure of the goddess's tomb, you must take some risks. Leng Daoyou wants to get the treasure of the goddess's tomb without taking any risks. How can there be such a good thing? The purpose of the poor monk is very simple. He wants to gather some Taoist friends to go into the goddess's tomb and look for treasure. "

"Anyway, I have the confidence to enter the depths of the goddess's tomb. My Taoist friends who trust me can join the team. I will lead the way to huangquan Road, and we will brush each other to deal with the threat. If we can find the treasure in the tomb of the goddess, we can share it equally and reap both fame and wealth. Isn't it beautiful? " Wuse monk laughs.

Hearing this, the monks are really eager to try.

It's said that the goddess of the Styx river is a real immortal beyond the ancient spirit world! The treasure she left behind must be extremely against the heaven. Maybe there will be some fairy fruit flat peach. After eating it, her accomplishments will soar and become an immortal.

Of course, this possibility is almost zero, but it does not prevent the friars YY from taking a look.

Moreover, all the powerful disciples and children in Nanyuan are proud to find the treasure of the legendary goddess's tomb, which not only benefits them, but also keeps them in history.

Reputation is also something that the great energy disciples and children of Nanyuan place prefer.

"I would like to search for treasure with my friends of wuse Taoism." Longquan closed the folding fan in his hand and took the lead in saying.

The main reason is that monk wuse seems to have a plan in mind. He should not make fun of his own life. In this way, he can judge that the other party really knows how to enter the depths of the goddess's tomb.

"I'm willing to look for treasure together!"

"I will, too!"

Most of the monks said that in a flash, nine of the ten monks agreed to go to the depths of the goddess's tomb with monk wuse to search for treasure.

Frost is the only one who hesitates. Although he cares about his life most, the treasure of the goddess's tomb is also a fatal temptation.

In the end, Leng Tianshuang gritted her teeth and said, "Leng is willing to go with wuse Daoyou."

Seeing that all the people agreed, monk wuse was very happy and said, "with the help of you Taoist friends, there must be great hope to find the treasure."

"It's a pity that the evil shadow Taoist friends are not here, otherwise they will be more confident." Wuse monk added a word, his face showed the color of regret.

A monk who has not escaped to the tightrope bridge has little hope of survival. As strong as evil shadow, it may not be able to block the attack of evil spirits.

"Well, it's a big problem to have him!" The frost shrugged in the cold.

Although the words were more explicit, the monks thought it was such a truth.

The evil shadow's strength is so abnormal. If he finds the treasure, he may take it by himself.

Well, there's Shen Lang, too.

Frost hopes that Shen Lang and Xie Ying are dead. However, the absence of Yuyao made frost feel a pity.

"Although you Taoists have already got the map, I will still lead the way in order to show my confidence. But I have to declare in advance that the poor monk is a little selfish. "

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"There are several important places in the map that are not marked. Only poor monks know what threats there will be and how to deal with them. Therefore, you should try your best to protect the poor monks. If I'm dead, don't think about the treasure. "

Wuse monk said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the monks could not help cursing in their hearts. The bald donkey really kept his hand!

It is said that it is to lead people to search for treasure, but actually it is to use them as protective umbrellas. But at the thought of the goddess's treasure, the monks were willing to be used. Anyway, as long as the treasure could be distributed.

Before that, the monks discussed with monk wuse about the ownership of the treasure.Wuse monk readily agreed to share the treasure equally among the monks, which was an agreement.

Yuyao, who was completely hidden, saw everything and knew everything.

I didn't expect that this wuse bald donkey had such a big secret!

"The waves are also..."

Yu Yao Bing Xueming guesses that Shen Lang may also get the map provided by Wu se bald donkey, and may also be bewitched by it.

No wonder Shen Lang insisted on entering huangquan road before he got the map first.

"No, the bald ass is so insidious!"

Yuyao immediately reflects that the reason why monk wuse first provided the map to Shen Lang was that he took a fancy to Shen Lang's strength and let Shen Lang explore his way first!

The damned bald donkey pretended to be the leader. In fact, the route he took was the first step of Shen Lang!

"It's not too late. Let's start now."

Monk wuse gave a loud drink and took the lead in entering the middle of huangquan road. According to the route of the map, he walked toward the northeast.

It's the same route Shen Lang has taken.

Ten monks followed.

Yuyao didn't have a good way. After all, she didn't get the map and didn't know the specific route. She had to keep up with the ten monks carefully to make sure they were not found.

As for Shen Lang, Yu Yao could only pray that he would be safe.


On the other side.

Shen Lang according to the map route, through an hour later, actually through the huangquan road!

Except for the bone worm in the bloody woodland at the beginning, Shen Lang didn't encounter any threat in the whole process, just like walking through a labyrinth, walking out of the yellow spring road that made the friars scared.

You know, in the history of Nanyuan, only one monk could cross the huangquan road.

This is enough to show that the map route is true! It really keeps him away from almost all the threats!

Shen Lang was overjoyed. He didn't expect that wuse bald donkey could get a real map!

At the end of huangquan Road, it looks like a cave. Outside the cave, you can see a blood pool. In the middle of the pool is a blooming blood lotus! The vast momentum of the blood lotus can't help but let people look directly at it.

as like as two peas in the black pool, the blood lotus in the blood pool is one of the twelve blood lotus species.

This makes Shen Lang more sure that he has reached the end of huangquan Road, and Xuelian is just like the coordinates. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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