My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2215: 2217

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Chuyun plain belongs to the world of demon cultivation. Few human friars come here, but the demon cultivation here does not exclude the strong among the human friars, only the human friars who are garbage cultivation.

"As you can see, now a group of monks of niumo clan are gathering outside Huangtian city and are attacking the city. Our Huangtian city has opened a defensive array, waiting for reinforcements to arrive. " Lu Yong said with a frown.

Huangtian city is a large demon city in Julu. The high level of the Julu clan once paid a great price to invite a certain Buddhist power of the Terran clan to set up a top-level defense array in all the large demon cities in the territory of the Julu clan, which is called "Da Xumi Ruyi Wu Xiang Shen light shield".

This defensive array is so strong that even ordinary early monks of Mahayana may not be able to break it for a while.

The demon repair army of niumo clan has attacked outside Huangtian city for three days and three nights. If it can persist for two days, the reinforcements of Julu clan will arrive at Huangtian city.

Hua Ziling once came to chuyun plain to investigate the whereabouts of the five elements fairy land. Although she had never been to Julu, she was quite clear about the environment here. She was surprised and asked, "little girl, I have been to chuyun plain hundreds of years ago. I have heard that among the eight ethnic groups, only niumo and Julu have never dealt with each other. They often have disputes, but they are only disputes on the border. How did the bull demons attack the giant city of the Julu clan? "

"You don't know. Ten years ago, our Julu clan received a group of mysterious tokens called "Taigu Shenling". The high level of the niumo clan slandered our clan, saying that it was our high level that robbed what they should have found and launched a war. "

"The war lasted ten years, and each side had its own outcome. Just a year ago, the niumo clan suddenly had a powerful alien help, which beat our clan to retreat, and a large number of small and medium-sized cities were occupied. Recently, they have hit the core city of our Julu clan. "

Lu Yong sighed.

After looking at Shen Lang and Hua Ziling, Lu Yong continued: "in a word, the situation is critical now. Lu will make a long story short. The two Taoist friends are good at cultivating themselves. Please join the Resistance Army of Huangtian city. "

"If the demon repair army of the niumo clan invades the city, they will be enslaved for life or brutally killed, regardless of their status and race. If we can't wait for reinforcements, the friars in the demon city will have a chance of survival only if they fight to death! "

After listening to Lu Yong's words, Shen Lang and Hua Ziling's face was like earth color.

I didn't expect that as soon as they were sent over, they encountered such a mess.

Seeing that Shen Lang and Hua Ziling didn't respond, Lu Yong was in a hurry and said: "even if they don't agree, they will be killed by the niumo clan. It's better to fight against each other's demon repair army with us, so there may be a way to live!"

"If you succeed in guarding the city, the two Taoist friends can be regarded as the great benefactors of our Julu clan, and can get a large reward from the Julu clan's senior management!"

"This What is the power of huangtiancheng and the enemy? " Shen Lang's face was embarrassed and asked tentatively.

"The city leader of our Huangtian city is a great power at the peak of the early stage of integration. The ten commanders including me are all in the later stage of cultivation. There are more than 200 demon practitioners in the period of cultivation, 60000 demon practitioners in the period of transformation, and one million yuan demon practitioners in the period of infant cultivation."

"According to the spies, there are two demons in the early stage of their combination, more than 300 demons in the period of refining the void, one hundred thousand demons in the period of transforming the spirit, and two million demons in the period of Yuanying."

Lu Yong said in a deep voice.

According to Lu Yong, the difference in power between the two sides is not so great.

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Lang immediately entered the movie king mode, put on a sad expression, and sighed: "since there is no way to go back now, I can only promise Daoyou that Shen is willing to fight against the army of the cattle demon clan with the demon Xiu of Huangtian City, and get a chance of life."

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Seeing that Shen Lang agreed so simply, Hua Ziling couldn't help sending a message: "idiot, don't be bewitched by the other party! Who knows if this guy is telling the truth? If the power of the two sides is not so different, how can the demon Xiu of huangtiancheng shrink in the demon city? "

Shen Lang replied: "it's because I know what this guy said is a lie that I agreed. This guy will only falsely report the enemy's power. He certainly won't deliberately say that the power of Huangtian city is weak. He says that only the master of Huangtian city is a monk in the fit period, and that Huangtian city has at most one monk in the fit period. "

"Only a friar in his early years may not be able to threaten us. As long as we first stabilize the commander of Huangtian City, we will not be in any danger if we sneak away in the war. "

"Well, I'll trust you again. I hope you don't set yourself on fire." Huaziling sighed.

Huaziling also entered the mode of movie queen, hugged luyong, looked depressed and said: "it seems that I can only do this. I also promise Daoyou that I will fight against the army of cattle demons with huangtiancheng yaoxiu."

Seeing that they agreed so readily, Lu Yong was very happy. At least they were two monks in the middle and later period of the cultivation of emptiness. Although they were not enough to turn the war situation around, they also added a little bit of fighting power. Maybe the Lord of the city would reward him.

"Since the two Taoist friends have agreed, please follow me to see the Lord of the city." Lu Yong said.Shen Lang and Hua Ziling have no objection. They immediately follow Lu Yong and a group of armored guards to leave the square and come to the Lord's mansion next to the square.

Even if they meet the friars in the early stage of the combination, they can retreat even if they are defeated.

In the main hall of the Lord's mansion, the Lord of Huangtian City drinks muggy wine while holding a female demon Xiu.

The reinforcements are delayed in the future, and the city protection array will not last long. The Lord of Huangtian city seems to know that the situation is over, and he is enjoying the last joy at the moment.

"Report to the city Lord, commander Lu Yong brought two people's Lian Xu period friars to come here and said that he wanted to see the city Lord." The demon repair who guards the door immediately enters the main hall and bows down.

"The friars of the human race? Let them in. " The Lord of Huangtian City raised his glass and drank heavily. He yelled without expression.


The gatekeeper retreated.

Not long after, Lu Yong took Shen Lang and Hua Ziling to the main hall and bowed himself to say, "Lord of the city, these two friars of the family of people in the cultivation period accidentally sent them to the city from the super long distance transmission array in the sea of clouds not long ago. They have agreed to defend the city with us and resist the attack of the demon cultivation army of the cattle demon clan.

"I've seen the Lord of the city."

Shen Lang and Hua Ziling clasped hands and said hello to the Lord.

By perceiving each other's breath, Shen Lang can see that the cultivation of the master of Huangtian city is only in the early stage of the combination, not the peak of the early stage of the combination as Lu Yong said.

Lu Yong is really pitching people. I thought they couldn't see it. Although Shen Lang only had the cultivation in the middle stage of cultivating deficiency, the strength of divine consciousness has exceeded that of ordinary monks in the later stage of cultivating deficiency.

All the soldiers have come to the city. The city leader is still drinking and playing with women, and he may have given up treatment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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