My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2264: 2266

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"What is it?" Hua Ziling asked.

"Together with ten archaic decrees, they can be spliced into a damaged space treasure, which can barely resist the internal pressure of the damaged space!"

Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"What Huaziling was surprised.

This sentence was said by the ghost of the seven color swallow deer, and it should be reliable.

In fact, the archaic God order is a magic weapon created by the wood spirit clan in the archaic dreamland to shuttle to the ancient spirit world adjacent to the archaic dreamland.

At the beginning, the seven color tuntian deer found the location of the other two chaos fruits, but they couldn't gather the ancient gods' orders, so they had to give up.

The damaged space in the archaic dreamland is extremely dangerous. Even if the Mahayana monks enter it, the physical body will be destroyed instantly by the powerful power of space!

Now, Shen Lang only needs to collect ten ancient magic orders to have the chance to enter the damaged space to get the fruits!

There is one more thing worth mentioning when it comes to the reason why the Taigu God order appeared in chuyun plain.

A few years ago, there was another Muling clan in the archaic dreamland who had been cultivated into a flesh body. This Muling clan shuttled to the junction of niumo clan and Julu clan in chuyun plain through the archaic divine order.

This scene happened to be discovered by the demon Xiu of the niumo clan and Julu clan. The cultivation of the Muling clan was not high, and the Taigu God that he carried was naturally taken away.

It was because of this that the friars of the two families robbed the Taigu decree.

"Shen Lang, do you really feel like taking the risk?" Flower purple Ling listen to Shen Lang said to enter the damaged space, still some worry in the heart.

"I have promised the ancestors of the great apes that since they have the ability, they can't break their promise. If we find two chaos fruits, we will return the favor. "

Shen Lang said in a deep voice.

"All right."

Flower purple spirit sighed should be a, she in the mind also clear Shen Lang will so decision.

After the great ape and Julu demons had been rehabilitated for some time, Shen Lang began to lead the team.

After walking through the desert for half an hour, Shen Langhua Ziling and the demons finally crossed the desert.

The front is a wasteland, and the end of the wasteland is a rolling barren mountain.

This area is no longer covered by dust and colorful fog. The monks can directly see the foot of the barren mountain, and the gigantic Kunpeng in the sky!

Shen Lang and the other demons stopped and looked at the Kun Peng. A chill rushed to his spine and made his scalp numb!

At the foot of the whole barren mountain lies a strange beast in the shape of a whale. Its body is bigger than that of the mountain. It's extremely shocking!

The whole body of the giant whale is pale gold, with a body length of one million meters. It grows a pair of huge meat wings. The pale gold scales on its body release a gorgeous halo, which is as bright as the stars. The released breath of terror suppresses the eternity and extinguishes the sky!

"Damn, is that you Tian Kunpeng?"

"Li It's amazing

"You Tian Kun Peng, who is worthy of the rank of true immortal, has been thousands of miles away from that guy, and can still feel such a powerful breath!"

All the demons behind Shen Lang were in a commotion, and their voices trembled.

The breath of this sky blocking Kunpeng is too terrible, and the huge sense of oppression can make people suffocate!

At present, in the area where Shen Lang and the demons cultivate themselves, there is no five element aura in the air as before. It seems that even the five element aura in the air has been sucked away by this Kunpeng.

Thanks to this, even in the distant scene, Shen Lang can also see clearly with the help of lingmu Shu.

You Tian Kun Peng fell asleep at the foot of the mountain. The huge Kun head also spewed out a light golden air flow with rhythm. The light golden air flow seemed to contain extremely terrible destructive power. Everywhere he passed, the space was torn open by the air flow.

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The waves are murmuring.

Damn, even the breathing when sleeping can have such a strong destructive power, you Tian Kunpeng's own strength does not know how strong it is!

That's not the point. The point is.

That you Tian Kun Peng's huge body blocked the entrance of the whole barren mountain, and all the surrounding space collapsed and destroyed, turning into a dark black hole.

Looking around, you Tian Kun Peng's huge body cuts the whole archaic dreamland into two parts, and can't enter the barren mountain by detour.

There is only one entrance to the barren mountain, which is hundreds of meters to the left of you Tian Kun Peng's head.

The left side of you Tian Kun Peng's huge head is the only entrance to the barren mountain. The entrance space is also unstable. The air flow from Kunpeng repeatedly destroys the space, and the space heals after being destroyed. It's very dangerous to pass through.

Just as Shen Lang was still waiting to observe, a large group of demon repair teams rushed towards them in the northwest.

"Watch out, the demons of other races are coming!"

With a deep wave, all the great ape demon Xiu put on a fighting posture.Looking closely, there are more than 180 demon Xius coming. There are more than one race, including unicorn, Saint lion and Golden Bear!

As a matter of principle, the eight major races in the archaic dreamland are all competitive and unlikely to form an alliance. There's not so much chaos for them in archaic fantasy.

The three groups of demon repair seem to be leaderless, the leader is not among them.

"Hand over the archaic decree quickly, or you will die!"

"That's right, hand over the archaic decree quickly!"

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Just snatch the Taigu God's orders from them!"

Because there was no leading demon Xiu, the three clans of demon Xiu gave out a loud cry.

But the meaning is very obvious, forcing Shen Lang to hand over the archaic divine order.

Before Shen Lang could speak, some anxious demons on the other side turned into noumenon directly and killed them.

Shen Lang's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He wanted to ask why. It seems that it's unnecessary now.

"Great ape, great deer, demon Xiu, kill me!"

As soon as Shen Lang gave an order, he changed nine changes of the bleeding spirit into the posture of the red eyed ox demon king. No matter what happened, he ran into a group of demons directly.


The flower purple spirit directly sat on the back of the red pupil ox demon king, offering sacrifices to the nine palaces immortal ring.

"Brothers of the great apes, kill them

Qing Yu takes the lead and turns into the green ape king of noumenon, catching up with the red pupil ox demon king.

A large number of giant ape demon repair also have become the body, roar everywhere, face fierce and fierce to kill in the past.

Julu demon repair is also closely behind the great ape demon repair.

Chaos is imminent.

"Eclipse collision!"

Shen Lang once again made a big move, hitting a "double winged Silver Lion" and a "iron backed black bear" of the second holy order, killing them on the spot.

"The Phoenix changes!"

The nine palaces immortal ring in front of huazi spirit turns into nine fire phoenix virtual shadows, and instantly kills a "snow unicorn" in front of a sub Saint level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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