My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2298: 2300

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There is no division between the two attacks.

Shen Lang took advantage of the phantom demon butterfly's fright, quickly approached and pulled the girl over.

Without waiting for the phantom demon butterfly to respond, Shen Lang attacked first and spewed out nine fire god embers.

Sheng Ruo the flame of the sun formed a flame vortex, swept toward the phantom butterfly.


The phantom demon butterfly took a cold breath. I didn't expect that the attack of the waves came so fast!

"Magic light!"

He retreated quickly, and his wings beat fiercely. The dark golden wings suddenly burst out a large amount of light, and ran into the whirlpool of fire.


There was another earth shaking dull noise. The waves retreated a hundred meters, and the apricot yellow light wall in front of the body resisted the aftershocks of the explosion.

The phantom butterfly was blown away by the power generated by the explosion, and a large amount of black smoke was emitted all over her body.

"Ah! You are... "

The girl in Shen Lang's arms was shocked and looked at Shen Lang's face. She immediately stood there with a big mouth. She was so shocked that she couldn't speak!

"Sir, who are you? Why do you break into the territory of my fantasy butterfly clan?" The phantom demon butterfly stares at the waves in the air and roars with gnashing teeth.

On the surface, this man is only a late monk of cultivation, but from the combat power he just showed, he is mostly a combined monk of hidden cultivation.

How can you suddenly kill such a character? The phantom butterfly's face became very ugly.

"I don't care who I am. As for why I intruded into the territory of the Magic Butterfly clan, I naturally wanted to kill you! "

Shen Lang smiles, turns his right hand and calls back Hunyuan gold sword.

Feeling the horror of Shen Lang's whole body, the phantom demon butterfly was extremely alarmed and roared around: "are you all watching the opera? Give it to me quickly

"Enemy attack

"Support the patriarch

More than a dozen elders of the illusory butterfly clan around the area yelled out one after another, trying to use their magic power to attack Shen Lang.

"Five colors of magic light!"

Shen Lang glanced at the mob and spewed out five colors of magic light.

The thick multicolored light column, like a laser gun, sweeps through the elders of the illusory butterfly clan in the period of refining their emptiness. Where they pass, the elders of the illusory butterfly clan in the period of refining their emptiness are all under control.


The elder of the Magic Butterfly clan, who was in the early and middle stage of the practice, was shot by the five colors of magic light, and his spirit broke and died instantly!

Only a few elders in the later period of the cultivation of deficiency supported, but they held their heads and screamed, their faces twisted, their mouths, noses and ears gushed a lot of blood, and their combat effectiveness was zero.

Shen Lang waved the Hunyuan gold sword in his hand at will, and the dazzling golden sword light rushed out like a sea wave, devouring the restricted elders of the Magic Butterfly clan.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

After a burst of bombardment, the bodies of the illusory butterfly elders in the period of refining were hanged into a blood mist by the golden sword light, and they were killed on the spot.

It's almost just a breath. All the elders of the Magic Butterfly clan around are dead!

The girl in Shen Lang's arms was shocked beyond comparison. It was really 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi. I didn't expect that the man was so powerful that even she needed to look up to him.

"Five Five colors of magic light! Are you the demon Xiu of the giant toads

The phantom demon butterfly's eyes were frightened.

Shen Lang is too lazy to respond and rushes towards the phantom butterfly with Hunyuan golden sword.

The phantom demon butterfly was so scared that she cried out: "Daoyou, we have no injustice or hatred. Don't be impulsive! If you want these human cauldrons, I can give them to you. Don't fight any more! "

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All this nonsense is ignored. It's an aurora chop, and it goes to the head of the phantom demon butterfly.

The overwhelming golden sword light forms a golden straight line, in which thousands of golden sword shadows emerge, and the space is torn apart.

Under the panic of the phantom demon butterfly, he had to clap the butterfly's wings crazily, releasing a large amount of light, trying to resist the attack of the waves.

However, this counterattack is hard to shake Shen Lang's aurora chop.


The fierce golden sword shadow directly scattered the light. The sword shadow directly hit the phantom butterfly's head, and the other's head broke in an instant. The sword shadow strangled the butterfly into a blood fog, which was very miserable.

After a blow, half of the phantom butterfly's body disappeared and died on the spot.

The phantom demon butterfly's fighting power is very common. Shen Lang kills the enemy easily.

Shen Lang puts down the girl in his arms and rushes forward to drink the blood of the phantom butterfly.

"Gollum, Gollum!"

A large amount of blood poured into the throat. Shen Lang felt the blood boiling all over his body. The bones of his body clanked and the meridians burst.

In the center of the eyebrows, a cloud of blood spirit air flew into the body of the phantom demon butterfly.

The next moment, the spirit of the blood spirit pulls out the spirit of the phantom demon butterfly. The spirit turns into air and is swallowed by the waves.Intense pain hit again, phantom demon butterfly's blood is integrating into his body.

Maybe it's because there are many more blood vessels of Holy Level spirit beasts in Shen Lang's body, which restrict each other. The new blood vessels can be suppressed by the power of other blood vessels soon.

In a word, the storm did not suffer much.

In less than half a minute, Shen Lang had successfully engulfed the blood of the phantom butterfly, and a dark golden butterfly pattern was gathered at the waist.


After swallowing the blood of the phantom demon butterfly, Shen Lang's body suddenly gives out a roar. The spirit power in his body seems to explode, and the amazing spirit pressure spreads out all around.

His cultivation has finally reached the peak of the later period of practicing emptiness!

Shen Lang is in a good mood!

By using the six character mantra, Shen Lang quickly suppresses the manic spiritual power in the body and spits out a mouthful of turbid Qi.

When you open your eyes, the demon Xiu of the Magic Butterfly clan around you has already fled. They are scared by the terrible strength of the waves. Even the clan leader is dead. Naturally, they have no heart of resistance.

There were only seven Terran nuns shivering in the cage under the ancient tree, and all the women looked at the waves with panic.

Shen Lang waves his Hunyuan sword to split the prison and cut off the cloud swallowing locks on the hands and feet of the women.

"Well, you're free. Let's get out of here."

With that, Shen Lang took out some clothes from the storage ring and threw them to the seven nuns.

"Thank you for saving my life!"

The women were relieved and tears filled their eyes. Fortunately, Shen Lang was not the kind of treacherous person. They knelt down to thank Shen Lang one after another.

Five of them may have been frightened, put on their clothes in a hurry and left immediately.

There were two other nuns who looked down and could not care about their shyness. They said frankly: "elder, I'm afraid I can't get out of the golden green sandbar even if I leave. I'd like to be a maid of the elder generation. I can serve you with tea and water. I just want to be accepted by the elder generation! "

Shen Lang simply shook his head and said, "I don't want a maid. You can go. I'm not familiar with you. It's good to save your life. As for whether you can survive or not, it all depends on your own destiny. "

Seeing Shen Lang's direct refusal, the two nuns were very upset, so they had to put on their clothes and leave.

After all the seven nuns left, Shen Lang's eyes turned to the girl he had saved.

The girl is also wearing a pink skirt. She is a little shy and embarrassed when she is stared at by Shen lang. she quickly arranges her messy silk hair and make-up, bows down with a red face and says: "little girl, Feng Baixue, have you met brother Shen No, it's master Shen! "

"It's you! It's snowy and windy. We haven't seen each other for more than a thousand years. I didn't expect that we would meet again here. " Shen Lang said with emotion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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