My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2359: 2361

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Liu Yunmeng raised his eyebrows: "hum, you asked the right person about this question. My girl is the body of reincarnation. After the fall of her body, her soul has been wandering around the reincarnation mountain in the ghost world, so I know more about reincarnation mountain. "

"There are many" wells of reincarnation "in the reincarnation mountain. The souls of the dead in the ancient spirit world, the ancient demon world, the ghost world, and even many lower interfaces connected by these three worlds will flow out of the wells, and then enter the reincarnation tunnel in the reincarnation mountain, and reincarnate to life."

Shen Lang asked curiously, "where is the reincarnation tunnel?"

"The reincarnation tunnel is a long and narrow valley in the middle of the reincarnation mountain. It is the only way for the dead to be reincarnated." Liu Yunmeng explained.

Shen Lang asked the key point: "does Yunmeng know the way to enter reincarnation mountain?"

Liu Yunmeng shook his head and said, "I don't know. There is a unique force of law in the reincarnation mountain. Generally speaking, it is impossible for living creatures to enter the reincarnation mountain. "


Shen Lang frowned.

"Don't be disappointed. When I was still in the state of soul, I once met a monk who entered reincarnation mountain, and she was only a ghost monk in the period of fitness. This shows that there should be a way to enter the reincarnation mountain, but we don't know it. " Liu Yunmeng said.

As soon as he said this, Shen Lang was relieved. Since he had a way to enter reincarnation mountain, he was more at ease.

"However, there are a lot of" positive and negative whirlwinds "in the reincarnation mountain, which will involve all the souls wandering in the mountain into the reincarnation tunnel. The positive and negative whirlwinds are very powerful. If the body of a common monk in the period of combination is hit by the positive and negative whirlwinds, he will surely die! "

"Moreover, the positive and negative whirlwind will also separate the spirit and body of the monk. This wind will not destroy the soul of the monk, but it can make the monk's memory completely lost! The souls that come out of the well of reincarnation will all lose their memory after being hit by the positive and negative whirlwinds, preparing for reincarnation and rebirth. "

The reason why Liu Yunmeng's original soul was trapped in reincarnation mountain for hundreds of thousands of years and did not escape into reincarnation is that the spirit of reincarnation body host is special and will not be affected by the power of reincarnation.

"So Shen Lang, if you really have a way to enter reincarnation mountain, you must be well prepared. Although your physical defense is enough, your spirit defense may not be able to resist the positive and negative whirlwind. Since Yisheng Zhenjun's mantra can't be used, you'd better get another powerful magic weapon to protect your body. The monks in the ghost world mainly cultivate the spirits. There should be a chance to get the top defense magic weapon for spirits. " Liu Yunmeng said without hesitation.

"Thank you for the reminder."

Shen Lang gives thanks.

Although there are a lot of magic weapons in his storage ring, the best one is the level of the first-class spiritual treasure, which can't be used widely.

What I need to do now is to find a way to enter the reincarnation mountain, and find a way to get another top-level magic weapon to defend the spirit.

The strong in the reincarnation mainland must have a better understanding of the reincarnation mountain in the mainland. This is a breakthrough.

After discussing with Liu Yunmeng for a while, they plan to go to "luohun mountain", the most prosperous cultivation Holy Land in reincarnation mainland. One is to see if they can find a top-level magic weapon to defend spirits, and the other is to collect information about reincarnation mountain.

"Miss Yunmeng, are you really going to work with me?" Shen Lang couldn't help asking.

"Well, are you still worried that I will drag you down?" Liu Yunmeng gave a white look at the waves.

"No. I think that with the strength of Yunmeng girl, you can move more freely in the ghost world. " Shen Lang explained quickly.

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"I'm not familiar with my life and land here, and I have a care for them together. I came to the ghost world to find a way to break the connection between the spirit and the soul lamp of my life. Our purpose is not in conflict. " Liu Yunmeng turned his head and said it coldly.


Shen Lang nodded slightly. At first, he wanted to say that he would protect Liu Yunmeng, but then he thought that his cultivation was not as good as that of a woman, so he didn't mean to say it.

The reincarnation continent is vast and sparsely populated. Its power and heritage are not as good as other continents in the ghost world. There are only a few Mahayana monks in the reincarnation continent.

The whole reincarnation continent is controlled by the three major Guixiu sects, and all the races and forces are attached to the three sects. Luohun mountain is basically controlled by Guiming sect.

Luohun mountain, located in the center of reincarnation mainland, is the most prosperous cultivation Holy Land in reincarnation mainland. "Guimingzong", the first of the three major ghost cultivation schools in the reincarnation mainland, stands in luohun mountain.

These three sects are powerful. Take guimingzong for example, there are 8000 ethnic forces under its control. There are two Mahayana ancestors in guimingzong, who are unknown in reincarnation mainland.

Shen Lang and Liu Yunmeng are very far away from luohun mountain. It will take a hundred years to fly directly to luohun mountain.

However, there are many teleportation arrays in reincarnation mainland. As long as it is not a small race, there will be one or two teleportation arrays in each race.

There are more than one hundred times more races in the ghost world than in the ancient spirit world. There are many exotic races, so the monks in the ghost world are not exclusive. As long as you are strong, you will get the respect you deserve.Shen Lang and Liu Yunmeng will politely borrow each other's teleportation array and pay a certain reward when they pass through each race's territory.

It is worth mentioning that the currency of ghost kingdom is also celestite and big celestite.

Seeing that their accomplishments were strong, the Guixiu people were also very respectful, so naturally they were allowed to borrow the teleportation array. Even the Guixiu leaders of many races warmly welcomed them.

Thanks to this, Shen Lang and Liu Yunmeng also have a clearer understanding of the ghost world. By the way, they also know some rumors about reincarnation mountain.

It is said that reincarnation mountain is shrouded by a mysterious force of law. As long as it is a living creature, it cannot enter it.

But every three thousand years, the reincarnation tunnel will produce a mysterious phenomenon called "ghost pit eruption".

The eruption of the ghost pit will cause the turbulence of the law force around the reincarnation mountain. At that time, the powerful monks in the ghost world can borrow some materials to disguise as souls and enter the reincarnation mountain within a specific period of time. They will not be rejected by the law force.

In the past, the eruption of the ghost pit would spew out some top-level exotic treasures, so many great monks were eager to search for treasures in reincarnation mountain within the time limit of the eruption of the ghost pit.

Shen Lang was very excited to learn the news. Although the intelligence was not enough, at least we can be sure that reincarnation mountain can really enter!

It took Shen Lang and Liu Yunmeng more than half a year to reach luohun mountain.

Luohun mountain is the most famous cultivation Holy Land in reincarnation mainland. There are thousands of Yin veins intertwined with each other. The Yin spirit power is extremely abundant and the Zhong spirit is graceful.

It's like a large-scale city of the human race. There are many kinds of buildings. There are many cities and chambers of Commerce. There are even various entertainment places for monks, such as restaurants, teahouses, brothels and brothels

There are also forbidden empty arrays in the mountains, but the monks above the cultivation period are not affected. Shen Lang came all the way and found at least dozens of elusive lights at the level of refining emptiness. It can be seen how prosperous luohun mountain is. The most elite ghost cultivation in reincarnation mainland is gathered here, which is no less than the top ten large cities of the ancient spirit world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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