My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 2596: 2598

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"Sword field!"

Shen Lang's sleeves are rolled, and a large area of sword shadow space rushes out like a waterfall to resist the colorful God Huang.

"Bang bang!"

The violent explosion sounds like the collapse of heaven and earth, as if to tear up the sky!

The sword shadow space stretched by the waves was distorted, which resisted the attack of the four mid Mahayana monks.

The silver thunder spear offered by the white robed elder is powerful, and it pokes a big hole in the sword shadow space. Finally, the waves barely stop it.

Teng long and Zhong Wangu hide away with their own friars, and their eyes are in a state of horror. The goddess of Tianyin forcibly starts the mountain protection array, which seals the exit inside and outside, so that they can't leave.

"Damn, the voice of heaven is crazy!"

Zhong Wangu scolds secretly in the heart, don't want to understand why the heavenly voice Saint girl suddenly to charm son hand.

Meier didn't expect that the goddess of Tianyin was so brave. She realized that the situation was not right. She changed her posture from colorful Phoenix to human form, so as not to be attacked as a target.


The blood in Meier's body was in disorder. She coughed up a big mouthful of blood. Her face was very pale, and her breath became very weak.

"Are you all right?" Shen Lang was surprised and quickly picked up mei'er.

"I can't die! Smelly man, I don't like that you are too close to me, stay away from me... "

as like as two peas, she pushed herself away from the waves. She was very unsuited to close contact with the opposite sex.

Shen Lang kept a distance of about half a meter from her, and quickly said, "Meier, just now after the goddess of Tianyin asked about your relationship with lefeier, her attitude changed a lot. I guess she did something to lefeier. She was worried about the Revenge of Tianfeng clan after finding out the truth, so she wanted to kill us! "

"I guess this woman is not a good thing! Maybe this woman is the reason why Phil is possessed

Shen Lang said that it's very possible for Meier Qi to have a pretty face. Otherwise, she would not take such a big risk to be an enemy.

She glared at the goddess of Tianyin and said coldly, "do you Tianyin mountain bully me so much? Not afraid of the Revenge of our Tianfeng clan? If you dare to fight again, Tianfeng clan will never die with you in Tianyin mountain! "

Teng long didn't want to make a fuss. He roared: "saint, Teng Mou advises you not to do stupid things. This friar is the colorful God Huang of Tianfeng family. You have to consider the consequences when you do this!"

The holy daughter of Tianyin snorted coldly: "I don't need your advice when I do things in my palace! Five elders, continue to attack. "


Even if the five elders were reluctant, they were forced to continue to attack Shen Lang and mei'er.

Mei'er is impatient and eager to fight the nirvana flame, but the power of her disordered blood makes her vomit blood one after another.

"Meier, I'll deal with these friars. Just take care of lefeier!"

Shen Lang stands in front of Mei ER and pushes the sword field to the extreme. A large area of sword shadow space is like an iron wall.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

There was another explosion, and Shen Lang once again resisted the attack of the five elders.

Meier bites her teeth. Knowing that she is in a bad state, she has to sacrifice a magic weapon to protect herself and lefeier.

"A group of useless rubbish, step back for me and let my palace do it by itself!"

The goddess of heavenly sound rises from the sky and quickly plucks the strings of the green harp. A strange and ethereal sound of the harp rings. A large purple light suddenly emerges from the harp, sweeping towards Shen Lang and Mei Er like a sea wave.

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The heavy waves urge the sword shadow space, trying to resist the purple light.

An unexpected scene appeared. The purple light directly passed through the sword shadow space and attacked Shen Lang and mei'er with lightning speed.

"Be careful, it's a spirit attack!"

Shen Lang's heart is very big, and he immediately uses the golden light to touch the top, and presses Meier's thin arm.

As soon as the golden ape pattern on the chest shines, large golden awns gush out of Shen Lang's body and reach Meier and lefeier. They are covered with a layer of golden awns.

After the purple light passes through the sword shadow space, it bumps into the golden awn on Shen Lang's and Mei er's body surface. At first, it makes a dull sound, and then it turns into nothing.

Although Shen Lang's golden light stroke completely resisted the spirit attack of the goddess of heavenly sound, he could also feel that the golden light around his body was violently impacted by purple light at that moment! It can be seen that the attack of the spirit of the goddess of heavenly sound is so strong that Xin Kui has the magic skill of golden light caressing the top.

"Just a monk in the early days of Mahayana can resist the attack of the spirit of our palace. Who are you?"

Tianyin saint's eyes were extremely cold and her expression was very unexpected.

You should know that even the late Mahayana monks may not be able to resist the spirit attack launched by the magic weapon "ghost willow konghou"! At present, the boy's spirit defense magic power is weird.

"I don't want you to worry about who I am! Sword fieldShen Lang's face is ferocious, his long hair is windless, and he points forward with his right hand.

He knew that there was no need to negotiate now, and the eight old women of Tianyin would not let them go. Now the only way to survive is to kill a way of life!


The fierce white sword shadow rushes out from the front of Shen Lang like an avalanche and turns into a huge whirlpool of sword shadow. Millions of sword shadows collide endlessly in the whirlpool and burst out with infinite power. They go straight to the voice of heaven!

Tianyin saint's face changed slightly and she put away her contempt.

As a monk at the peak of the late Mahayana period, the goddess of heavenly voice can see that the power of this supernatural power is by no means comparable to that of the ordinary half hanging son.

"The sky!"

With a light drink from the goddess of Tianyin, Su Shou quickly plucked up the strings to push the ghost willow konghou to the extreme, playing the "sky" in the seven laws of Tianyin.

The melodious sound of the piano is also up and down, up and down, tactful but passionate, and there is a roar like the morning bell in the sound of the piano!

Suddenly, a large number of golden filaments poured out from the harp of the ghost willow of the goddess of heavenly sound. Countless golden filaments gathered in front of her, forming a valiant female warrior God with a body length of 10000 meters!

The female warrior God lives in a state of virtual shadow. Her face is indistinct. She holds a huge blue sword in her right hand and a white shield in her left hand. She is wearing gold armor. She has a graceful posture and is outstanding in martial arts.

The goddess of Tianyin stood on the shoulder of nvwu God and spat out: "kill!"

At the command, nvwushenji waved her blue sword like lightning, and chopped it down towards the huge sword shadow whirlpool.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The huge sword splashes out the faint light like stars, which makes the space collapse and rotate. The huge power of the explosion forcefully counteracts the power of the sword shadow whirlpool!

The female warrior God set up a white shield and covered with a layer of white light barrier to resist the aftereffects of the explosion.

"It's extraordinary for you to attack so much, but that's all." In the eyes of the goddess of Tianyin, there is a sudden killing.

This talent had such a magic power in the early days of Mahayana, so it must have a good background. Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the wind in the forest. This son can't stay in Shanyue. He has to work in other places for one month in October and can't come back until the fifth of next month. Update during work is still the same, the amount of update will not be less, but it has to be changed in the evening, excuse me.

Besides, there should be another chapter before 12:30 this evening. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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