My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 270: 271

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Shen Lang's face was expressionless, holding Zhao Tian's arm in one hand.

Zhao Tian's face changed greatly. His arm was in a quagmire. He couldn't move a cent with any force.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zhao Tian raised his right leg and swept towards Shen Lang's waist.

Shen Lang's face was gloomy and he pulled.


A crisp sound, Zhao Tian's right arm was abruptly twisted by the waves.

"Ah Zhao Tian shrieked and his face twisted.

The huge power gap finally made Zhao Tian realize the reality, but it was too late.

Although the night sky has known that Shen Lang is unusual for a long time, it can't help showing a trace of surprise to see that he is so decisive and ruthless.

A group of horsemen under her showed a look of shock one after another. The boy didn't look like the kind of fighting role. I didn't expect that his strength was so amazing.

"Brother Tian!"

Seeing that Zhao Tian fell down like a dead dog, a group of strong men beside him were so shocked that they took out daggers one after another.

"The waves The night sky is beautiful, showing a trace of worry.

But soon the worry faded from her face.

See this group of strong men with a knife forward, the waves do not retreat into the front, even a few feet.


A scream came, almost at the same time, three people flew out directly.

There was a man who flew seven or eight meters away. There was a big tree on the side of the bar. The man hit the trunk of the tree on his head and fell face down into the mud.

All of them fell to the ground and wailed bitterly.

Shen Lang stepped on Zhao Tian's neck and said with a sneer, "I only want to ask you once. Where is Yuan Ye? If you don't want to be disabled, just answer me honestly! "

All the people around felt numb. The boy was too cruel!

The night star sky Dai Mei a Cu, Shen Lang body of that bloody and angry is really beyond her imagination, no wonder before her brother said let her less contact with such people.

Shen Langgang also has a generous smile and elegant conversation. Now he has become a bloodthirsty devil Such a man is terrible.

"Yejie, he is..." A horse came forward and asked.

"Don't worry about so many people. It's just the people I know." The night sky whispered.

"Yes, Yejie." The horse answered.

The bloody Zhao Tian was so scared that he begged for mercy and said, "I say, I say, please Please let me go

"Well, my patience is limited." Shen Lang snorted coldly.

Shen Lang learned from Li Fei that Yuan ye would come to the night beauty bar in Xicheng to kidnap the night star.

Ye Chen, the elder brother of night star sky, is nicknamed crazy dragon. No underground force in Huahai City dares to run wild in the territory of crazy dragon.

Yuan Yeping didn't dare to offend yechen easily, but during this period of time, Hualong Gang cut off the source of drugs and couldn't make ends meet.

In addition to the rebellion of Wan Tianpeng and the death of Huang Long, people at the top of the black dragon club already feel that Yuan Ye's management is too bad.

Yuan Ye is also in a bad mood recently. He was beaten into the hospital by the waves before. Now it's not easy to explain to the black dragon club. Especially the day after tomorrow, people from above will come to Huahai city.

In a hurry, Yuan Ye thinks of an idea. He kidnaps yechen's sister and earns a ransom of 100 million yuan.

Yuan Ye knows that yechen's Longhang Casino has a good business. This year, it's a year of wind and water. A hundred million yuan is still enough for yechen.

Although yechen is not easy to be provoked, he doesn't have his own power. It's just like a mess of loose sand. Yuan Ye thinks this guy is a piece of fat. It doesn't matter if he nibbles a little bit.

Even if the night Chen wants to revenge, after two days, the master of the black dragon club will come, this guy certainly has no courage to revenge.

Yuan yeqian calculated everything, but he didn't know that the waves would suddenly come out to stir up the situation.

"I I can call Mr. Yuan to come here! " Zhao Tian said in a hurry.

"Fight!" Shen Lang knew this guy didn't dare to play tricks.

Zhao Tian quickly took out the phone from his pocket and dialed Yuan Ye's number.

"What's the matter, has anyone brought it?" Yuan Ye's voice was soon heard on the phone.

In fact, Yuan Ye was drinking in a nearby hotel, waiting for Zhao Tian to take the hostages.

"Yuan Mr. Yuan, there's something wrong. I expect you to come and see for yourself. " Zhao Tianzhan said cautiously.

"No one! If you can't do anything well, I'll be right there! " Yuan Ye roared angrily.

After hanging up, Yuan Ye drove his Bentley car to the roadside on the side of the hotel.

"That's the car!" Zhao Tian pointed to the Bentley car on the side of the road and yelled.

When the car door opened, Yuan Ye strode down. As soon as he looked back, he saw Zhao Tian, who was covered with blood outside the bar, pointing to his side. Beside him stood a young man in a suit."Waves! It's you Yuan Ye was shocked. Why did the boy come here?

Shen Lang gave a cold hum and walked quickly towards Yuan Ye.

No! Something's wrong!

Yuan Ye's eyes turned, and he had a bad premonition. Seeing the heavy waves crossing the road, Yuan Ye got on the bus again in a hurry.

Although ten thousand of them were not convinced, Yuan Ye asked himself that he was not Shen Lang's opponent. Last time, the boy almost didn't kick him out of his mind. Yuan Ye didn't dare to fight with him again.

Sitting in the car, Yuan Ye quickly locked the door, just started, and saw the waves rush over.

Yuan Ye was startled. He quickly ignited the car. The engine of Bentley roared and was about to rush forward.

Shen Lang reached for the door and pulled it hard.

With a bang, the whole door of Bentley was pulled down by the waves, and Yuan Ye, who was sitting in the driver's seat, almost fell down.

Outside the hotel, the night sky and a group of horses came, just saw this scene, eyes almost fell to the ground.

This man is too fierce. He pulled the whole door off with one hand. How much strength does it take?

"I, fuck!" Yuan Yemu stared at the car without half the door, and was surprised to say nothing.

"Yuan Ye, I've been looking for you for a long time!" Shen Lang grinned coldly.

"You What do you want to do! " Yuan Ye's face changed, and he finally showed a trace of panic.

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"What do you want to do? I want to kill you!"

Yuan Ye was startled and said, "Shen Shen Lang, let's keep the bottom line of life! If I did anything to make you unhappy before, I apologize! I will never provoke you again

This guy is also the boss of Hualong gang. He has good mental quality.

"Yes? How can I hear Li Fei say that you want the people of the black dragon society to deal with me? " Shen Lang sneered.

"What! Li Fei, who is he Yuan Ye's face changed greatly and his eyes were wide open.

Damn, it's overcast! Yuan Ye looks ferocious in an instant. At the moment, he wants to cut Li Fei to pieces. He really can't dream that Li Fei will tell Shen Lang!

"Shen Lang, Mr. Shen Lang, you don't have to kill me. I'll..."

"What else do you think of yourself as? Oh, I never need a reason to kill people."

As soon as the voice fell, a silver light appeared, and a willow leaf Throwing Knife shot out of Shen Lang's fingertip penetrated Yuan Ye's throat.

"Poof Pooh."

Blood storm, knife pierced Yuan Ye's throat, nailed to the window.

"You You killed him? " The night star sky and a group of horses ran over and saw this scene, instantly petrified.

Shen Lang didn't move his face. He said, "kill it or kill it. Anyway, this guy has done all kinds of bad things."

The night sky was blue and white. At least she had seen the world. She took a deep breath and said, "Yuan Yuan Ye is the boss of Hualong gang. You will be in big trouble if you kill him! "

"That's my problem, too. It's none of your business."

Shen Lang takes out his cell phone and makes a call to Bai Qingyu.

"Well, what happened?" Bai Qingyu asked.

"I killed Yuan Ye." Shen Lang said with a shrug.

"What did you say?" Bai Qingyu was stunned. For a moment, he thought there was something wrong with his ears.

"Yuan Ye has already hung up. You should send the police to deal with it. It's on this side of the night beauty bar in Xicheng District." Said Shen Lang.

"OK, I'll be right there." Bai Qingyu took a deep breath and said in a hurry.

If others say that, Bai Qingyu must think that the other party is joking, but Shen Lang should not be joking about this kind of thing.

What is Yuan Ye?

The night sky is silent for a while. It's just killing people. Shen Lang can still laugh. This kind of man is really dangerous.

But she does want to thank Shen Lang, and Yuan Ye Ye XingKong of Hualong gang has heard about it. If this guy wants to kidnap herself, she can't escape. It can be said that Shen Lang saved her life.

No wonder Shen Lang said he wanted to thank him before. That's what he meant.

"Thank you Thank you for saving me Night starry sky a little cramped said.

"It's OK, it's OK." Shen Lang smiles.

Just at this time, a black Mercedes Maybach stopped at the roadside, and a man in a black suit came out, with a cold face, giving people a very sharp feeling. The man is yechen.

"Brother dragon!" A group of horses gathered around, and the night sky also walked quickly.

Yechen nodded to a group of horses and walked quickly towards the waves.

"Mr. Shen, what happened?" Night Chen asks a way.

Shen Lang simply said that Yuan Ye had sent someone to kidnap the night sky.

After learning that Shen Lang killed Yuan Ye, yechen was shocked. How could Yuan Ye, a big underworld, be killed so easily by Shen Lang?It's not what I saw with my own eyes. I can't believe it. Looking at Yuan Ye's body, yechen can't help but respect Shen Lang.

Yuan Ye is also a top player among the underground forces in Huahai city. Shen Lang's ability to kill Yuan Ye shows that his strength has reached a certain level.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Shen Lang, for saving my sister." Night Chen solemnly said.

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "I'm not here to save your sister. I'm here to kill Yuan Ye. Saving your sister is just by the way."

After listening to Shen Lang's words, yechen was relieved. He thought Shen Lang had a crush on his sister, so he came to save yexingkong.

If his sister is taken in by Shen Lang, yechen doesn't think it's a good thing. Although the waves don't look like lusters.

But this young man is too strong and dangerous. A few days ago, yechen heard that Shen Lang had kicked off the new casino built by the Luo family on the cruise ship queen. He couldn't help sighing in his heart. It seems that Huahai city is really in a bad situation.

Even the Luo family can't help taking this young man. For Shen Lang, yechen can only try to make friends with him.

"Mr. Shen is very polite. You have saved my sister this time. Yemou will certainly pay Mr. Shen a reward to your satisfaction." Night Chen says immediately.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I don't want the reward. I'm not short of money for the time being. Last time I took 100 million yuan in your field. I'm sorry. This time I'll pay you back. "

Night Chen two eyes a bright, the disposition of Shen Lang is very with him to the gas son, last time of affair he unexpectedly still can remember in the heart.

"I didn't show any affectation that night. Thank you, Mr. Shen. Is Mr. Shen free tonight? I want to invite you to dinner Night Chen says again.

"No, there are many things to do recently, and there is no time." Said Shen Lang.

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Shen." Night Chen said politely.

There were more and more passers-by, shouting. Several horsemen blocked the car door, and passers-by could not see the tragic death of Yuan Ye.

Soon, a police car followed.

Bai Qingyu finally got off work. Today, she was so tired that she wanted to have a rest. Shen Lang called and said that Yuan Ye had been killed by him, which scared Bai Qingyu.

Bai Qingyu tells Yang Hu the report. Yang Hu is also shocked. Yuan Ye is the boss of Hualong gang. Shen Lang will kill him. They immediately arrive at the scene with a wave of police.

Soon, there were a lot of police at the scene to maintain order.

"That's it. It's up to you." Shen Lang simply tells Yang Hu and Bai Qingyu what happened.

"Don't worry, drillmaster. You killed Yuan Ye, the leader of the bandit this time. It's really exciting!" Yang Hu's mood seems a little excited.

The eldest of Hualong Gang is dead, the second sun Huo is still in prison, and the third is now under the command of Shen Lang, and the gang is completely finished. Shen Lang made a great contribution this time.

Yechen and yexingkong are also very cooperative with the police, but they are a little curious. Shen Lang is still so familiar with the police. It seems that these police still regard Shen Lang as the boss.

Cruise ship queen, in a luxurious private suite.

Luo TIANYAO just finished his dinner. A Dao just got the news from the channel that Shen Lang was locked in the ice cellar by boss Zheng. He was almost frozen to death. Later, he was rescued by a group of military police.

"Damn, what a pity!" Luo TIANYAO couldn't help but burst into a rude remark.

"Yes, it's just a little bit close. Shen Lang's kid just hung up!" Dao also sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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