My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3115: 3117

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Ninety nine Tianxin flying swords formed a huge blade storm, like a huge wave towards the two frost giants in the rear.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

In the blade storm, the dense blade filaments cut the Frost Giant's body madly, making a sharp and harsh roar.


With a small amount of blue ice crumbs flying around, the Frost Giant roared violently, and seemed to feel a little pain.

Xia Shan'er is biting her silver teeth, constantly urging Tianxin sword Jue to attack Frost Giant repeatedly.

Frost Giant's high defense is appalling. Tianxin sword formula is difficult to break the Ice Armor of giant's body.


The giant was enraged and spewed out a column of cold light.

Xia Shan'er's pretty face turned white and tried her best to urge Tianxin sword Jue, which barely resisted the attack of Frost Giant, panting slightly.

Her attack is strong, but her defense is weak.

After all, Xia Shan'er has only the cultivation of the mid-term half immortal. Even though the chaotic immortal can give her a steady stream of chaotic spiritual power, her output of chaotic spiritual power is limited, so she can't exert more powerful defensive magic power.

"Elder martial sister Xia, are you ok?" Shen Lang couldn't help but ask, feeling that Xia Shan'er's breath was in disorder.

"Don't worry about me, elder martial sister can handle it!"

Xia Shan'er's face is quite dignified, and continues to urge Tian Xin Jian Jue to attack.


Shen Lang took a deep breath and increased his speed to the extreme. The thunder flew like lightning and rushed into the west side of the mountain forest.

Although Xia Shaner's attack has little effect, she can barely cause slight damage to Frost Giant, slow down the giant's running speed, and keep herself at a safe distance from the waves.

Seeing that Frost Giant was hardly hurt, Xia Shan'er felt her weakness, but she still clenched her teeth and launched an attack with all her strength.

Time went by.


Seeing that they could not catch up with the two tiny human beings in front of them, the two frost giants in the rear looked very angry and sent out two roars, which spread far away.

"No, the beast wants to inform his companion!"

Shen Lang's face became very ugly.

"What to do?"

Charlotte is beginning to panic.

Shen Lang was so anxious that he thought quickly about the solution.

The two frost giants in the back, like the maggots of tarsal bone, are chasing after each other. If they continue to run away, they may not be far away.

Although the former swamp terrain is suitable for escape, it can not limit the action of Frost Giant. The other side only needs to spit frost to change the terrain.

The only way is to hide in Guangtian palace! But if Shen Lang does this, he will expose the secret of his possession of Guangtian palace.

Xia Shan'er seems gentle and kind, but she is Lu Peng's fiancee after all.

If the news of Guangtian palace comes to Lu Peng's ears That's not a good thing.

So, no matter how bad the situation was, Shen Lang didn't easily expose Guangtian palace. He didn't want anyone to know that he owned this treasure.

The real fairyland is no better than the ancient spirit world. Be careful to sail for thousands of years!

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Even if Ning Xiaoyao and Xia Shaner were killed by the frost giant, they would not die. At most, their hunting trial failed and they were sent back to the forest of beasts.

But the waves are different. He must seize this opportunity. If he loses this chance, he may never get the nine turns again.

Shen Lang ponders whether to let Xia Shan'er be killed by the frost giant first, and then hide in the Guangtian palace when there is no witness?

Although it is shameless to do so, it seems that we can only do so.

After a while and a half, several frost giants appeared in the jungle behind.

Plus the two frost giants who are now chasing Shen Lang and Xia Shan'er, there are five giants staring at them!

Shen Lang deliberately slowed down and let the five frost giants catch up.

"Elder martial sister Xia, it seems that we can't escape this time. Since it's all death, it's better to spell it! "

Shen Lang stops running away and turns into a human figure. He pretends to shout at Xia Shan'er.

"Younger martial brother Shen, go! You have your own business to do. Although the elder martial sister has no ability, she will try her best to fight for some escape time for you! "

Xia Shan'er bit the shell teeth lightly and stopped in front of Shen Lang's body. Her beautiful face flashed across.

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment, and frowned: "elder martial sister Xia, I don't need your deliberate protection."

Xia Shan'er shook her head and said firmly, "I'm your elder martial sister. It's right to protect you! Come on, don't stay here, younger martial brother. Run as far as you can

Seeing that Xia Shan'er was protecting herself, Shen Lang suddenly lost his mind for a moment.

Xia Shan'er learns from Ning Xiaoyao, and turns Tian Xin's sword formula into a blade storm. She hits five frost giants with lightning speed and makes a roar.The five frost giants who are attacked turn their attention to Xia Shan'er. They seem to be enraged by Xia Shan'er's attack and roar furiously.


Five frost giants open their mouths and spit out the cold and white frost like waves, sweeping towards Xia Shan'er.

A huge amount of cold and white frost is swallowed up like a huge wave. Where it passes, everything in the mountain forest is frozen, and instantly becomes a world of ice and snow.

"The fifth terrace magic, Tianxin jiandun!"

Xia Shan'er's eyes are cold, her mouth spits out a mouthful of golden blood essence, and her hands quickly draw a mysterious seal in front of her body. She doesn't hesitate to consume her own energy to urge this method.

Ninety nine Tianxin flying swords were called back by her, and suddenly turned into dense white light filaments. The light filaments gathered more and more closely, and finally formed a huge white light shield, which stood in front of Shen Lang and himself.

Tianxin sword shield is made up of extremely strong destructive power. The surface of the shield is full of explosive horror energy, which can counteract and dissolve the destructive power. This is a kind of defensive magic, and it's also the most powerful defensive magic power of Xia Shaner!

Originally, Xia Shan'er could not perform this magic power with her cultivation, but she reluctantly released it by providing a lot of chaotic spiritual power support in the way of consuming her own essence and blood.

The next moment, a stunning scene appeared.

"Boom boom!"

A huge amount of cold light bombarded Tianxin sword shield, making a deafening dull sound.

All powers are blocked by the sword and shield.

With her own strength, Xia Shaner resisted the attack of five frost giants!

The waves were all shaken.

Looking at the thin figure in front of him, he was desperate for himself, and even willing to sacrifice Shouyuan to exert his powerful magic power. Shen Lang was in such a mixed mood that he couldn't say how miserable he was.

"Younger martial brother, what are you doing standing there? Let's go! I I won't last long The corners of her mouth were stained with blood, and her breath became more and more disordered.

"Elder martial sister Xia, it's just a hunting trial. It's not worth your spending Shouyuan here in vain!" The waves sighed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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