My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3224: 3226

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Ning Rufeng laughs and takes out a piece of golden rag from the storage ring. He sits on the ground and spreads out the rag to Shen Lang.

"What's this?"

Shen Lang frowned and saw that this piece of cloth was divided into two sides, both sides were golden.

All kinds of terrain are marked on the front, like some kind of treasure map.

On the back is a blurred ancient painting.

"This picture was taken from the yellow wind demon king's armor by me! I don't know what kind of material it is made of, but it contains some space energy. It can't be put into the storage ring, so it's taken by the yellow wind demon king. "

"I thought it was interesting, so I took it away by myself. By the way, I studied it, and I really found some famous things. Shen Lang boy, first look at the ancient painting on the back of this treasure map. " Ning Rufeng said mysteriously.

When Shen Lang heard the words, he looked at the back of the picture carefully.

The ancient painting on the back is very vague. It can be seen that there are a lot of auspicious clouds in the painting. Among the auspicious clouds, there seems to be a pool with colorful water. It seems that there are seven fairies playing music beside the pool, which is very magical.

"Where is the lingchi in this painting?"

Shen Lang was quite surprised. He only felt that the lingchi in the painting was ethereal and mysterious. It should be an extremely high-end place.

Ning Rufeng said with a smile: "you have asked the right question. I have studied it for a long time. I guess that the lingchi in the painting should be the" yaochi "where the queen mother of the West lived in the past."

"What! Is Yao Chi in the picture

Shen Lang was surprised.

Although he didn't know much about the history of zhenxianjie, he still knew what the queen mother of the West and yaochi said.

Although Xiwangmu has the name of "Queen Mother", she was not the wife of Haotian emperor, but the wife of Donghua emperor and the daughter of Donghuang Taiyi.

It is said that in the ancient times of lich, there was no division of immortal kingdom. The Eastern Emperor established the first generation of heaven in the dari temple on the top of kunxu, and became emperor of heaven side by side with his elder brother Dijun. He called himself Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor and ruled the whole immortal kingdom!

At that time, the emperor had a son and a daughter. The son was the emperor of Donghua, and the daughter was the saint of Xiling. They became husband and wife.

Since the Lich disaster, the earth has been broken into ten parts, and has become the ten immortals of later generations.

The first heaven was also destroyed. The emperor of Donghua disappeared, and the spirit of Xiling saint was almost destroyed. She dragged her half dead soul to Tianmu fairy land, and slept at the bottom of Tianshan Mountain for half a century. She didn't wake up until the end of the battle of Fengshen. Later, she called herself "Queen Mother of the west" and remarried to Haotian emperor.

Back to the topic, the residence of Queen Mother of the west is "yaochi".

"I checked the ancient books and found some statements about yaochi. It is said that the water of yaochi is colorful, which is quite consistent with the description in this painting. As for the seven fairies in the picture, they are most likely the seven daughters of Queen Mother of the west, the seven Pleiades stars Ning Rufeng said his guess.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows: "according to this, does this treasure map record the route to yaochi?"

"I doubted this possibility, but I didn't find out why. It is said that yaochi is on the top of Tianshan Mountain, bordering Tianting in the East. Since the end of the World War II, the Tianting and Tianshan Mountains have long disappeared, as if they had evaporated from the world. Countless great powers of later generations have gone through many twists and turns to seek them, but in the end they have failed. "

Ning Rufeng sighed and continued: "since this treasure map can be carried by the yellow wind demon king, it must have some credibility. As for some complicated routes depicted on Baotu, they may be some key clues. I don't have much Shou yuan, and I don't want to do anything about it. I just give it to you. It depends on whether you can find yaochi in the future. "

With that, Ning Rufeng throws Baotu to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took over Baotu and said gratefully, "thank you, leader."

It is said that the water of the Yao pool is called "holy water". If the friars can bathe in the Yao pool once, they can get great benefits.

If you master the clues later, you can try to find the legendary yaochi.

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"Shen Lang boy, what did you say to Jin Zhanyuan about the 200 year deadline? What does that mean?" Ning Rufeng asked curiously.

"The younger generation has a skill that needs to be practiced as soon as possible. Considering the relatively comfortable environment of the ancient utensils, they put forward a 200 year time limit." Shen Lang explained.

"I see. You can stay at the door of the ancient vessels. I will order you not to let anyone disturb your cultivation."

Ning Rufeng nodded and didn't study deeply.

Shen Lang once again expressed his thanks.

"You don't have to be so polite in front of me. I don't have any other ideas. I just hope you can make a great success in the future and bring a little bit of antique doors. " Ning Rufeng sighs.

"The door of ancient utensils is very kind to me. I will repay you in the future."

Shen Lang said solemnly.

"Well, if you have this heart, I will be at ease." Ning Rufeng nodded with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Shen Lang left the hall of the ancient vessel gate.

First, he went to the residence of shashaner in Houshan.Only Xia Shan'er set up a small tombstone beside the mountain stone outside her residence, on which was engraved "the tomb of Nangong Mo, my teacher", and under the tombstone were also the objects of Nangong Mo's life.

Xia Shan'er kneels quietly in front of the tombstone. Shen Lang doesn't disturb her. She is quite moved.

Poor Nangong Mo, no one mentioned it after he died. Only Xia Shan'er, a disciple, was still reading his old kindness.

Shen Lang wanted to ask Nangong Mo about Xia Shan'er's life experience at the beginning, but now when Nangong Mo died, Xia Shan'er's life experience has become an unsolved mystery.

"Elder martial brother, I make you laugh." Seeing Shen Lang coming, Xia Shan'er immediately wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looking embarrassed.

Shen Lang shook his head and comforted her.

Xia Shan'er didn't feel too sad either. She soon picked herself up and asked in a soft voice, "elder martial brother, is everything over for you?"

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "it's all over. In these two hundred years, I will practice in Guangtian palace. What's your plan, Shane? "

Xia Shan'er got up and came to Shen Lang, gently hugged Shen Lang, her head buried in his arms, with infinite tenderness in her shyness: "Shan'er just wants to accompany you."

"That's good!"

Shen Lang grins. His long practice is very boring. He also hopes that Xia Shan'er can be with him.

They are already Taoist lovers. They don't need to avoid suspicion. They can live together directly.

Previously, Ning Rufeng arranged a new cave for Shen Lang, which is located on a remote mountain in the back of cangluan mountain. The environment is particularly quiet.

Shen Lang takes Xia Shan'er to the cave. After several hidden prohibitions, he enters Guangtian palace.

Guangtian palace is a very private space. They have no spiritual bondage. They can't help but get intimate with each other for a while. After enjoying a good time, they just give up.

Shen Lang tells Xia Shan'er about his cultivation plan. He decides that after studying the first half of the second layer of jiuzhuandao thoroughly, he will begin to depict the new jiuzhuan FA seal. However, in the process of depicting the FA seal, he can't be disturbed.

By the way, Xia Shan'er proposes to protect Shen Lang's Dharma. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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