My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3390: 3392

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As soon as these words came out, the heads of the three tribes of Gumu were all bright in front of their eyes.

"Brother Lian Gu, are you sure the power of the seal is weakened?" Hallmark asked.

"Eight points sure! Although the seal power of the rock gate has been weakened, the breaking of the ban will still be more difficult than expected. Anyway, it's worth a try! " The man who made bones said calmly.

He didn't hesitate to spend his blood essence to start the Shura Blood River formation, but he was not willing to give up.

"Well, that being the case, let's go according to the original plan."

Black rock interface road.

Blood Ji and holy mark two people also nod to echo a way, have no opinion.

The three ancient Mu tribes have provided half of the materials for arranging the Shura Blood River array. If they give up, they will lose a lot.

"How can we break through the door of the rock dragon?" The red Ling empress respectfully inquired to the bone refining immortal.

"It's very simple. The door of Panlong is a pure seal array. If you want to break the seal, you just need to attack with external force! Red Ling, you can order friar pansiling to break the ban now. "

With a wave of the sleeves of the bone refining immortal, he responded coldly.


The red Ling emperor nodded, then opened her voice and yelled: "friars of pansiling, now the seal of pansiling has been formed. Please make a good formation quickly and start to break the ban!"

Under the leadership of the red Ling emperor, the ten billion friars in pansiling led their own forces to launch a large-scale joint attack against the Dragon Gate in mid air.

Although the ants shake the elephant, the ten billion friars in pansiling also release the combined attack technique, which is so powerful that it is astonishing.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Wave after wave of tremors make people's eardrums painful, and the frequency is extremely high. People with colorful auras can't open their eyes.

Due to the severe energy impact, the surrounding area of Fairy Lake has been completely destroyed. The lake water has turned into nothingness, and the trees, mountains and rivers no longer exist. It has become a barren land with holes everywhere.

Huanghua Temple continued to maintain the operation of the Shura Blood River array and adopted the method of breaking the ban with the array.

The magic image of Luo in the array raises the Trident and fights with Yinglong on the door of Pan Long.

Although this Yinglong virtual shadow can't leave the door of the rock dragon, it can attack. Moreover, it is extremely powerful and can fight with Luo Zhen's phantom in Shura's Blood River Formation!

The attack from the outside has no influence on Luo Zhen's phantom and Ying Long's virtual shadow. The two spirit bodies fight hard and are powerful.

Shen Lang mingled with the monks of Huanghua temple and followed them to attack the door of Panlong.

In order to make the trip to Pansi cave go smoothly, Shen Lang naturally reserved some things, holding the Xiapin immortal spirit stone to restore the chaotic spirit power, and attacking at the same time.

When Shen Lang attacks, he always keeps his chaotic power full.

The ten billion friars of pansiling attacked for half a day, and finally widened the gap of the door of Panlong!

Although it is far away from breaking the door of Panlong, there is a glimmer of hope.

"Everyone work harder. The seal of the silk hole also needs energy support. Once our attack consumes the energy of the seal of the golden gate, the power of the seal will collapse! It will be so easy to break the gate then! "

The red Ling emperor's daughter cheered high and took the lead in encouraging the public.

The friars of zhongpan Siling exert their magic power more and attack the door of Panlong crazily.

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After all, the friars in pansiling are a mixture of good and bad. Many of them are not willing to waste their spiritual power to supplement their consumption.

The emperor Hongling ordered several elders of Huanghua temple to distribute 10 billion inferior immortal stone to other forces for the consumption of monks of small and medium forces.

At the request of the red Ling emperor, the three families of Gumu had to hand out seven or eight billion pieces of inferior immortal stone with the monks of many forces in pansiling.

In the twinkling of an eye, three days passed.

Friar pansiling is still persistently attacking the door of Panlong. The golden light on the surface of the door is a little dimmer than three days ago, and the gap of the door is much larger, which is half a meter long.

This gate seems to be able to squeeze into a person, but there is a violent fluctuation of energy released in the crack of the door, which is strong enough to kill a Dixian's body!

In desperation, the red Ling emperor had to order pansiling's ten billion troops to continue to attack Panlong's gate.

Maybe the seal energy will disappear only when the door is fully opened.

As a result of the continuous urge chaos spirit attack, pansiling army has been extremely tired. They hold the immortal spirit stone in their hands to absorb the chaotic spirit power while casting.


A violent explosion sound is like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. Luo Ying's phantom, who has been fighting with Ying Long's virtual shadow for a long time, suddenly gets angry and cuts down half of Ying Long's tail with a trident."Roar!"

In the mouth of Yinglong, there was a shrill howling sound. The body was bright and dark, and there was a sign of collapse!

The bone refining immortal spits out another mouthful of blood essence, which makes the spirit energy of Luo Zhen's phantom soar by three points.

Luo Zhen's phantom took advantage of the situation to pursue, waved the Trident and cut Yinglong's body into several pieces!

After a few whines from the virtual shadow of the dragon, the body finally collapses and turns into ashes!

The power of seal is greatly weakened without the blessing of Yinglong.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Under the attack of ten billion friars in pansiling, the door of Panlong finally had a more obvious movement, making a "buzzing" sound and moving inward bit by bit.

Although the speed is comparable to that of ants, the door of Panlong is really opened at the speed visible to the naked eye!

The immortal bone refiner and other celestial friars breathed a long breath, and their faces were in ecstasy.

"You Taoists of pansiling, the seal is only a little bit short of being completely broken. Attack with all your strength!"

The eyes of the emperor and the lady in red silk shine, and they shout.

The friars of pansiling, seeing the play, attacked the door of Panlong with twelve points of strength as if they had beaten the blood of a chicken.


After several rounds of violent attacks, the door of Panlong was finally completely opened.

Inside the door of the dragon, the golden awn gushed out. It lasted for a long time like the sun burst. The dazzling golden awn contained powerful energy, powerful enough to kill the earth immortal friars!

The real bone refiner made a quick decision and quickly ordered the monk Huanghua temple to urge the Shura Blood River formation to counteract the golden awn energy gushing out of the door of the rock dragon.

A few minutes later, the golden awn that gushed out of the door of the Dragon gradually dissipated, and the power of the seal had disintegrated.

Although the power of the seal nearly collapsed, the rock gate still did not disappear. The inside of the gate has become a strange space vortex, and the whole space around the fairy lake has become twisted and rotated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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