My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3571: 3573

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After all, Xiniu Hezhou has a deep foundation. If it was so easily occupied by shituoling, the two sides would not have been deadlocked for so many years.

Although the shituoling army had an advantage at first, the six demon emperors of Xiniu Hezhou soon made a plan to deal with it.

The six demon emperors assembled their own forces to form an Alliance Army, fought against shituoling army, and severely attacked the ferocity of shituoling army.

After all, the shituoling army came from shituoling and was not familiar with the landform and distribution of forces of Xiniu Hezhou.

The Xiniu Hezhou League, which took the advantage of the home court, formed a network of encirclement against the shituoling army and attacked it together, which was very effective.

Shituoling army is not only attacked on many sides, but also trapped! You can't get out if you want to.

The six demon emperors of Xiniu Hezhou have reached a consensus to take advantage of this opportunity to completely annihilate shituoling demon repair! Root out the future trouble thoroughly.

The fierce fighting lasted for more than half a month, and the war situation reversed. Shituoling demon repair army retreated, and Xiniu Hezhou Alliance Army nibbled at shituoling army step by step.

The army of shituoling, relying on the large number of demon repair, barely defended the attack of the army of Xiniu Hezhou alliance, but the number of friars' casualties far exceeded the number of casualties of the army of Xiniu Hezhou alliance.

Qingshi, Baixiang and Dapeng were also seriously injured in the fierce battle with the six demon emperors in Xiniu Hezhou. The battle situation was extremely fierce, and the shituoling army was in danger.

But somehow, the war report came a week ago, claiming that the green lion and white elephant, the three demon emperors of Dapeng, were miraculously powerful, leading the shituoling army to break through the encirclement and suppression of the army of Xiniu Hezhou alliance, and killed the "Julu demon emperor" on the spot, while the other five demon emperors escaped with serious injuries.

The situation of the war was reversed again. The three demon emperors, green lion, white elephant and Dapeng, led the shituoling army to turn the tide, and defeated the whole army of Xiniu Hezhou alliance.

Now, the alliance army retreated to the "Flame Mountain" area in the east of Xiniu Hezhou to hibernate.

Shituoling occupied more than half of Xiniu Hezhou. The three demon emperors, green lion, white elephant and Dapeng, did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them. Instead, they led shituoling army to stay in the area of "Fuling mountain" in the middle of Xiniu Hezhou, frantically collecting resources, burning, killing and plundering, nourishing their energy, and preparing for the next round of March.

After the soul search, Shen Lang frowned.

It seems that the situation is much worse than I think.

Xiniu Hezhou is so powerful that it was beaten and maimed by shituoling within a month, and a demon emperor died!

The situation is a bit bad.

Shen Lang guessed that most of the three old demons in shituoling ate the blood baby fruit that escaped from Wanshou mountain, otherwise they could not have become so strong suddenly.

But what surprised Shen Lang was that the blood baby fruit that jumped out of Wanshou mountain should be the incarnation of ginseng fruit tree. How could the three old demons of shituoling have a way to swallow the incarnation of ginseng fruit tree and gain strength?

After pondering for a long time, Shen Lang felt that something was wrong.

The incarnation of ginseng fruit tree should not be obedient. Shituoling three demons, who devour the blood baby, estimated that some changes had taken place in themselves, so they didn't take advantage of the situation to pursue.

Shen Lang is too lazy to think so much. At present, the situation in Xiniu Hezhou is too chaotic, and the fighting power of the three demons in shituoling has increased greatly, which is a great threat to him. I must leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible!

In a short time, the goddess of Luocha had razed the whole Cuiyun mountain to the ground, and almost all the shituoling demons were destroyed.

Yuluocha turned into noumenon. His anger calmed down a little, and he finally took a bad breath.

"Yuluocha, it's time for us to go!"

After the wave urged, he rode the five clawed black dragon and flew to the north of Cuiyun mountain.

Yuluocha finished his wish and quickly followed the waves.

Shen Lang simply tells yuluocha the information he has learned from soul searching. When yuluocha hears the news of the fall of the giant deer demon emperor, her pretty face changes slightly, which makes her feel incredible.

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"The Julu demon emperor ranks fourth among the seven demon emperors in Xiniu Hezhou. It's not weak. Will it be killed by three old demons in shituoling? Did the three old demons break through Luo Tianxian's cultivation after they ate ginseng fruit? " Yu Luo Cha frowns a way.

"No way!"

Shen Lang snorted coldly: "if they really break through Luo Tianxian, how many other demon emperors in Xiniu Hezhou can escape?"

"In a word, even if the three old demons in shituoling don't break through successfully, they can't provoke. If they can avoid it, they can avoid it. Before I leave Xiniu Hezhou, don't act without authorization. "

Jade Luo Cha cold hum a way: "don't need to talk nonsense again, this seat again won't be silly to send to death."

"You know you're stupid, and you know yourself."

Shen Lang laughs.

"You're stupid. Your whole family is stupid! Dare to insult me again, I'm not finished with you! "

The jade Luo Cha is exasperated to become angry, cold Mou mercilessly stares at Shen Lang, that facial expression simply wants to kill a person.

"Good, good!"

The waves are a little depressing. This woman can't make a joke.

He didn't bother to provoke yuluocha any more, so he tried his best to urge Shenglong boots to fly quickly.About half a incense time later, they arrived at Liuyue lake. The teleportation array was located at the bottom of the lake, and a rather strong defensive border was laid.

Yuluocha made several impatient attacks, but failed to break the border. It can be seen that the defense of the border is strong, which should be laid by the immortal friar who is proficient in array.

"Let me do it!"

Shen Lang opened the yuluocha, and the holy devil's eye in the middle of his brow shot out a purple and golden light column, which was in the middle of the barrier at the bottom of the lake.

The border is impacted by the solitude magic light, and its surface is turbulent. At last, it is pierced by the magic light to defeat a gap.


After the wave urged, he flew into the gap.

Yuluocha is quite dissatisfied with Shen Lang's almost imperative urging voice. She feels like his valet, but she has to admit that her experience is not as good as Shen Lang's.

At the center of the transmission array, yuluocha is about to start the transmission array at the first time.

Shen Lang stopped and said, "wait, don't hurry. Just in case, we have to prepare for it. "

"What are you going to prepare?" Yuluocha asked.

"You are used to being the demon emperor, and you forget to be careful. This time I won't bother to say you are stupid."

Shen Lang shook his head helplessly and drank out a voice: "magic pupil of the sky!"

Suddenly, the holy devil's eye in Shen Lang's eyebrow radiated two purple and golden rays, and quickly wrapped himself and yuluocha's whole body.

Shen Lang's body began to twist and change, and turned into a demon Xiu with tiger head. He had two sharp fangs at the corner of his mouth, and his muscles were intertwined, just like the tiger pioneer.

Yuluocha, on the other hand, turned into a bear head. He was a big and fat man with sharp black hair. He was the vanguard of the black bear.

With the powerful ability of magic pupil, Shen Lang transformed himself into a tiger pioneer, and by the way, he transformed yuluocha into a black bear pioneer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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