My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3579: 3581

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"This is the sea of clouds."

Yuluocha looked at the blue scroll in the crevice of the mountain, and stood on the high side.

"Friar ho is sneaking outside!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of shaking and drinking in the scroll.

Then, a demon Xiu in silver armor flew out of the cloud chart with hundreds of guards guarding the cloud chart. Hundreds of escape lights rose like meteors and quickly came to shenlang and yuluocha.

"Luocha demon emperor?"

The first demon Xiu in silver armor was shocked when he saw the whole picture of yuluocha.

Hundreds of guards in the rear were also surprised.

They got the battle report as early as a month ago, saying that Cuiyun mountain was occupied by shituoling army, and yuluocha demon emperor had died.

At present, see jade Luo Cha demon emperor safe and sound appear in front of them, these guards for a time some return to God.

"Luocha demon emperor, you Not dead? " Armored demon repair can't help asking.

Jade Luo Cha pretty face icy cold way: "if this seat died, can live jump disorderly stand in front of you?"

"If you are impolite, please forgive me

Armored demon repair surprised and happy, heavy toward the jade Luocha embrace boxing.

Yuluocha is still alive, which means that their remaining forces in Xiniu Hezhou have gained another fighting power!

"No need to say more nonsense. Take me to see the Scorpio demon emperor immediately. I have something important to convey!" The jade Luo Cha face has no facial expression way.

"This Please wait for a moment. I'll tell the news of your return to the major demon emperors and let them come out to meet you in person! "

Armored demon repair respectfully said, words or quite alert.

This is confirmed to have been killed in the war of the Rocha demon emperor suddenly come out alive, a bit incredible.

Although armored demon Xiu can't see what's wrong with yuluocha, he still thinks it's better to take it easy. In case the spy sent by shituoling sneaks into the sea of clouds, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Speed up!"

Yu Luo Cha frowns a way.


Armored demon Xiu bowed to answer the way, then turned into a silver light and flew into the sea of clouds.

In a short time, five amazing light escapes from the sea of clouds. In the blink of an eye, they come to yuluocha and Shen Lang, who are the five demon emperors of Xiniu Hezhou.

The Scorpio demon emperor, who was the leader, was wearing black armor and had a rebellious face. His scarlet eyes showed amazing evil spirit, giving people a sense of cold and sharp!

The other four demon emperors are ranked according to their strength, which are purple winged snake emperor, red eyed demon emperor, silver armor demon emperor and giant rock demon emperor.

The eyes of the demon emperors are fixed on shenlang and yuluocha. Shenlang can obviously feel several cold and powerful divine senses hovering and sweeping on himself. The huge sense of authority makes people feel palpitating!

If it wasn't for Shen Lang's spirit strength comparable to that of Tian Xian friars, I'm afraid they would be suffocated by the spirit pressure of these demon emperors.

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After confirming that they didn't perform any transfiguration, the Scorpio demon emperor's gloomy and cold eyes locked on yuluocha: "yuluocha, I didn't expect that you not only didn't die, but also broke through the peak of heaven!"

Originally, yuluocha was ranked at the bottom of the seven demon emperors because of poor cultivation. Now she has also broken through the peak of immortals, and can be regarded as equal to other demon emperors.

After perceiving that yuluocha's accomplishments had risen greatly, several demon emperors looked different, but none of them came out to congratulate.

Looking at the surprised appearance of these demon emperors, yuluocha was still a little cheerful, but he didn't show it too much. He only said indifferently: "I'm also in great danger. I'll have a good fortune. I don't care about my business. I heard that you've suffered a big loss under the hands of the three old demons in shituoling?"

This words a, Scorpio demon emperor etc. facial expression not too good-looking.

"Well, now that you know the news, why ask more. If you had joined us at the first time, the situation would have changed. " Scorpio demon emperor not cold not light said.

Yuluocha was very dissatisfied with the Scorpius demon emperor's indifference, biting his silver teeth, said: "our Luocha palace is the first target attacked by shituoling army. When I face the white elephant demon alone, I almost die. What chance do I have to join you? I come here today to help you, not to listen to your complaints! "

"Yuluocha, you'd better restrain your bad temper! I ran away and abandoned Luocha palace. It's good that Taoist brother Scorpio is willing to take you in now. You even accused us in return. It's ridiculous! "

The purple winged snake emperor's face is overcast and fierce. He doesn't deal with yuluocha all the time. He really can't stand this woman's arrogance.

The jade Luo Cha pretty face iron green, explain a way: "who say this seat is on the run! Our Luocha palace is outnumbered. Is it proper for us to be killed? When Cuiyun mountain was occupied by shituoling army, you didn't help me at all

"Luocha demon emperor, since you have escaped, why don't you join us earlier?" The red eyed demon emperor asked with a frown.Yuluocha was angry and said angrily: "no comment! I don't want to explain to you any more. "

"Yuluocha, if you don't want to say it, we don't bother to ask. However, since your Luocha palace has been destroyed, don't call it "this seat." The purple winged snake emperor sneered.


Yu Luo Cha's pretty face flushed with anger and was about to speak harshly.

"Slow down! Yuluocha, don't be impatient for a while. Don't make sarcastic remarks to the other Taoist friends! Now that Xiniu Hezhou has been robbed, if we have time to talk about it here, we might as well think about how to fight against the army of shituoling. "

Scorpio demon emperor stood up and stopped, finally said a word.

The emperor of purple winged snake snorted coldly and said nothing more.

"Yuluocha, when you come to join us this time, you don't bring any troops except this male pet?" Scorpio demon emperor glanced at Shen Lang and asked to Yu Luo cha.

Shen Lang was all uncomfortable, but he didn't say much.

Yuluocha's anger rose again, and said angrily: "first of all, this man is not my favorite! In addition, our Luocha palace has been completely destroyed. Where can I find troops? If you don't welcome me, I'll leave now! "

Scorpio demon emperor look eased down, deep voice advised: "yuluocha, you don't misunderstand. You are willing to come and help me, Xiniu Hezhou. I'm not happy yet. How can I not welcome you? This is not a place to talk. Let's go in and talk. "

After that, Scorpio demon emperor quickly put out a please, the performance is still polite.

At present, Xiniu Hezhou is short of manpower. He doesn't want to let yuluocha go. What's more, yuluocha has broken through the peak of Tianxian, and will certainly play a great role in the future war.

"If I hadn't been worried about Xiniu Hezhou, I would have been too lazy to deal with you arrogant people."

Yuluocha angrily rebukes her voice. After all, she still has a sense of belonging to Xiniu Hezhou. She forcibly suppresses her anger and follows the Scorpio demon emperor to enter the sea of clouds.

Shen Lang is trying to catch up with yuluocha, but he is blocked by the Scorpio demon emperor.

"This Taoist friend is not of our race. You'd better go back and forth from there! We are not allowed to join the Alliance Army of Xiniu Hezhou. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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