My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3616: 3618

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"Thank you for your help!"

He Taixu, the leader of Yushou mountain, looked up at the flying five clawed black dragon. He was very excited and cried out.

All the disciples of Yuhuo Mountain Gate also followed suit to express their gratitude.

After all, Qianqiu peak is the place where the waves soar. Shenlang still has some old feelings for Qianqiu peak.

The friars who attacked yuhushan were just a group of mobs. Shen Lang's five thunder method almost destroyed the main force of the enemy's army and helped yuhushan turn the war around in an instant.

Shen Lang can only help here. He pushes the Dragon Rising boots to the extreme and rushes to cangluan mountain at full speed.

At this moment, cangluan mountain has just started a war.

as like as two peas of a red boat, a huge red boat was driven into the mountains of Cang Luan before the time of a joss stick. All the deck men were dressed in red robes and wore masks, and dressed as those monks who attacked the beast.

"Dang! Dang! Dang

The warning bell has been sounded by the door of ancient vessels, and the heavy and harsh sound of the bell reverberates around cangluan mountain, resounding through the sky.

"The bandits of Longyan desert have come to kill us!"

Several patrolling friars of cangluan mountain flew into the door of the ancient utensils and roared out in fear.

In the blink of an eye, the friars of the ancient vessel gate rushed out in an instant and gathered in the square as quickly as possible.

"Start the mountain protection battle for me, don't mess up the battle!"

A loud voice spread throughout the gate. The leader Ning Rufeng rose from the hall of the gate and came to the center of the square.

Nearly three thousand years later, Ning Rufeng's appearance has not changed at all, and he is still careless.

"Meet the leader!"

On the square, a large number of ancient utensils disciples are bowing to Ning Rufeng.

"See you! Don't you make up your formation quickly and resist the enemy's attack at any time! " Ning Rufeng blows his beard for a while, stares at his eyes and shouts out loud.


With Ning Rufeng's command, more than 9000 disciples of the ancient utensil sect quickly arranged their formations and prepared to meet the enemy.

Just then.

"Buzz, buzz!"

There is a light curtain of earth yellow rising around the door, which is like the waves wrapping the whole door tightly.

"Father, the defensive array has been activated!"

Ning Xiaoyao comes to the square with several elders of the ancient utensils, and reports to Ning rufenghui in a hurry.

"Very good!"

Ning Rufeng nodded slightly, staring at the distant horizon, and his face was very gloomy: "Tut, I have long guessed that those foreign friars in Longyan desert would definitely do something, but I didn't expect that the other side's action was so fast!"

Ning Xiaoyao frowned and said, "there are so many sects in Qianqiu peak. Why do they stare at our ancient utensils?"

Ning Rufeng shook his head and said: "little demon, you're wrong. These bandits from outside certainly don't only aim at our ancient vessel door. I'm afraid they want to swallow the whole Qianqiu peak! It is estimated that it is not only the ancient utensils, but also other schools in Qianqiu peak are facing the same crisis as ours. "


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Ning Xiaoyao's pretty face turned white, and then she realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Alas, the recent border turmoil in Meishan has brought a lot of foreign monks into Meishan. Before it was chiyun peak and Shaoyang peak, this time it's our turn to Qianqiu peak!"

"I expected this kind of crisis earlier, but I didn't dissolve the sect earlier. This time, the bandits in Longyan desert must have come prepared. I'm afraid the gate of ancient utensils will be more dangerous than good. " Ning Rufeng shakes his head and sighs.

Ning Xiaoyao bit his silver teeth and said, "father, you don't have to say anything depressing now. Now that we have reached this point, we can only fight to the end. I don't believe in the ability of those mobs who are shrinking in the ChiYan desert! "


Rather like the wind, only sighs, no more words.

Soon, a huge red spirit boat came to cangluan mountain in the distance. On the deck of the spirit boat, there were a lot of friars. The number of friars coming was 30000, and the momentum was magnificent!

"Damn it

Ning Xiaoyao witnessed the number of friars attacked by the enemy. Her pretty face was very white and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Guqimen is just a small school, with only 9000 disciples. The number of foreign monks who came here was more than three times that of the monks of the ancient vessel sect, and their accomplishments were no less than those of the disciples of the ancient vessel sect.

In contrast, the disadvantages of the ancient door are too obvious.

As the red warship came slowly, the disciples gathered in the square of the ancient vessel gate also found that they had a glimpse of the local terrorist forces, and everyone was in a panic.

Standing in front of the Lingzhou deck, the enemy leader is very big and has the early cultivation of Dixian.

The enemy leader yelled out: "who is the leader of the ancient vessel sect, get out of here for me!"

The whole cangluan mountain was filled with shouts of shock. The powerful spirit shocked the disciples of the ancient utensils and took a cold breath.

Ning Rufeng is about to soar."Father, beware of deceit!" Ning small demon quickly pulled Ning Rufeng, in the heart incomparable worry.

"Don't worry. Let me meet them."

Ning Rufeng shakes his head, indicating that Ning Xiaoyao doesn't have to worry.

As soon as the voice fell, Ning Rufeng flew out of the mountain protection array of the ancient vessel gate, looked at the Lingzhou warship opposite, and said with a smile: "I don't know if you are inspiring the troops, what are you doing to come to our ancient vessel gate?"

The enemy leader looked at Ning Rufeng for a few eyes, and tiger eyebrows picked: "this sesame seed sized sect, the leader is actually a Dixian master, which is a little interesting."

"I don't dare to be a master. I've always loved peace and didn't like fighting. I hope you're all right! "

Ning Rufeng's old face squeezed out a smile and said carefully.

If it is not a last resort, Ning Rufeng will not meet each other.

The leader of the enemy said with a grim smile: "since you are the same level Taoist friends, our commander will give you a face. As long as you surrender, all the friars will hand over the storage rings and submit to our Tianlong sect, our commander can spare your life! Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk! "

Ning Rufeng's face suddenly darkened and said calmly: "you are in a dilemma. It's not a good thing for you and me to fight together here. It's better to take a step back. You take back your order. I'll take all the friars of the ancient vessel gate and leave cangluan mountain! What do you think? "

The enemy leader sneered: "old man, what qualifications do you have to bargain with our commander? Now there are only two choices, either surrender to our Tianlong sect, hand over the storage ring, or die! "

"Ha ha ha, a group of mobs also want to force our ancient utensils to surrender. What a shame!"

Ning Rufeng's face was ferocious and his eyes were fixed on the enemy leader on the opposite Lingzhou deck. He provocatively said, "what's the ability to win more than you can win less? Do you want to fight with me alone? If I fail, you can handle this ancient door! "

The leader of the enemy was infuriated and said, "old man, do you think our commander dare not? Since you want to die so much, commander Ben can help you! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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