My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3706: 3708

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"Dong Dong Dong!"

Inside the cave, a series of deafening explosions continued for a long time!

No matter Shen Lang defends with all his strength, the outermost layer of Wutu crystal sand only supports a few breath time, and then it is scattered and collapsed by the terrible blood light energy.

The blood light lashed against the golden and jade light wall on the surface of Shen Lang's body. Within a few minutes, the surface of the light wall cracked with dense cracks.

The waves were terrified.

It's terrible! It's hard to describe the horror.

After really feeling such a violent energy impact, Shen Lang realized how terrible the destructive power of Gehong's self exploding spirit was!

After counting the rest time, there was a dull sound of "boom". The golden and jade light wall on the surface of Shen Lang broke like a broken mirror, and the blood light like a raging wave hit Shen Lang's body.

"Boom boom!"

Shen Lang's body was engulfed by endless blood light. In the harsh crackling sound, Shen Lang's body was full of holes and blood.

After the intense impact of the blood light, Shen Lang's whole body was blurred, his bones and collaterals were broken, his meridians were torn, and his organs turned into residue. The whole person could not see the human form, and his face was beyond recognition.

Shen Lang's body would have been torn apart if it hadn't been for the nine turn seal in Shen Lang's body to connect and fix his body like a chain.

Fortunately, Shen Lang just swallowed the spirit liquid spilled by willow spirit wood, but the effect of spirit liquid did not completely disappear. With the glass heart lamp in his body protecting his heart, Shen Lang's life was barely saved.

But he still fell into the ruins because of his heavy injury, and his spirit was like a thread.

Not only Shen Lang, but also several other monks were affected by the destructive energy produced by the self explosion of the spirit of Gehong's ancestors. They were injured to varying degrees and buried in the ruins.

Only the princess Lianxing reluctantly resisted all the energy shocks with a bloody jade Ruyi.

The most amazing thing is that even though it suffered such a strong explosion impact, the underground cave of Tianxuan mountain was not destroyed! It seems that the underground cave is also protected by a very strong defense barrier.

The sound of the explosion lasted for a long time, which gradually subsided.

As the target of Gehong's self explosion attack, Shen Lang's energy impact is more than ten times that of other monks. It's a miracle that he can save his life.

I'm afraid that before Gehong's death, he never thought that Shen Lang could survive after he suffered a spiritual explosion.

"No I can't yet Here it is

Among the ruins, Shen Lang dragged his last breath, turned over, took out the willow wood again, and pressed it on his bloody chest.

I saw the last drops of emerald green liquid oozing from the willow branch, and it fell into the wound of Shen Lang's chest.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

Shen Lang's whole body is surrounded by a green light. The broken bones, meridians, and even the organs and viscera in his body are being repaired at an adverse speed!

In this process, the breath of the waves rose rapidly, and the original breath was as smooth as a gossamer.

Seeing the rapid recovery of Shen Lang's injury, mei'er was at ease. She was also shocked by Shen Lang's supernatural means.

If other monks were to die several times, it would be incredible that Shen Lang could turn the bad into the good again and again! He is worthy of being the object of his secret love.

After encountering the storm, Meier can no longer hold other opposite sex in her eyes.

Just after a few breath, Shen Lang's body had completely recovered and he got up from the ruins.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo

Shen Lang took a few breaths with lingering fear.

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If it had not been for this willow tree, I would have died twice.

Shen Lang looked at the withered willow wood in his hand, and his mouth showed a bitter smile for the rest of his life.

At this time, a sound like a silver bell came from the ruins of the cave.

"I've lost sight of the princess before. Shen Daoyou's skill is really amazing."

Hearing the sound, Shen Lang felt excited and looked around quickly.

The princess Lianxing in the corner is looking at herself with great interest, with a meaningful smile on her lips.

This Terran friar was so seriously injured that he recovered in an instant? This method is unheard of by Princess Lianxing.

In addition, Shen Lang's unusual performances also surprised her.

It's hard to imagine that a monk in the early days of the celestial being could have such great ability.

For a moment, Princess Lianxing felt that Shen Lang was too mysterious, and immediately she had a little interest in this Terran monk.

"The princess praised me falsely. Shen was just trying to get his life back." Shen Lang not cold not light said, the heart is still vigilant.

"I don't like to owe people. I really want to thank Shen Daoyou for saving her life this time."

Princess Lianxing bent down and bowed to Shen Lang with a big bow. The corner of her mouth tilted up slightly, revealing a row of pretty white teeth. She seemed to have a slight liking for Shen Lang.In Weixin's boat, gongzhongzhe "Huayou mountain moon" has fairy characters in it, and is also a spoiler.

Without waiting for Shen Lang's reply, three monks, Jinkui demon emperor, Baimei venerable and Buddha sea master, crawled out of the ruins one after another.

The three were disheveled, their faces were not very good-looking, their bodies were scarred, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

Fortunately, just now the spirit of Gehong's ancestor exploded, and the target of attack was not them, so the three of them were not seriously injured, just a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Shen Lang was safe and sound, there was nothing wrong with him. The three monks, including Jinkui demon emperor, could not hide their astonishment.

"I'm surprised that Shen Daoyou is safe and sound." The white browed venerable tut tut said.

"Amitabha, we underestimated Shen Daoyou's strength at the beginning. Thanks to Shen Daoyou's efforts just now, otherwise we'll just fall into the hands of old Ge Hong! " Master Fohai put his hands together and said with emotion.

"I'm a wise emperor. It's really bad luck that I should be calculated by Ge Hong this time!"

Jinkui demon emperor angrily scolded.

"Don't be angry, Taoist friend Jinkui. The spirit and form of old Ge Hong are all gone. It's over. We have also gained the method of setting up the array by reversing heaven and earth, which is worthy of our visit. " Master Fohai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, at least this experience let us know the feasibility of breaking through Luo Tianxian." The white browed master stroked his beard and said, with an excited expression.

Shen Lang didn't want to get involved with the monks in front of him too much, so he said: "since the matter is over, Shen doesn't want to stay here. Goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Lang was ready to leave the underground cave.


The Jinkui demon emperor suddenly stopped the waves.

Shen Lang turned around and looked at the Jinkui demon emperor. He asked calmly, "what's the matter with Jinkui Taoist friend?"

"Shen Daoyou, you got the fragments of old Ge Hong's divination disk. Do you want to take them away just by asking what we mean?"

Jinkui demon emperor glanced at Shen Lang and asked impolitely.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and said with a dry smile, "Oh? According to Daoyou Jinkui, what should Shen do with this piece of divination disk? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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