My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3743: 3745

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The huge demon storm is like a cloud whirlpool blocking the sky. It carries all kinds of burst energy, such as lightning, flame, wind blade, light beam and so on.

Where I've been, it's a mess!

"Boom boom!"

The demon storm smashed into the wall of the holy poison city with the force of destroying the withered and decaying. The dense explosion came one after another, the stone fragments were flying, and the fire was full of light.


On the wall, some monks who didn't escape in time were swept in by the demon storm. In an instant, their flesh and blood separated, and their bodies were twisted into pieces by the demon storm.

The walls of Shengdu city have been hit by several demon storms, but they are full of holes.

However, the walls of Shengdu city are built with solid crystal stones. It is not easy to completely collapse them.

"Enemy attack

The patrolling friars of the poisonous dragon sect in the city gave a warning after they raised their voice.

The holy poison city suddenly suffered great changes, and the people of the Dragon sect burst into a pot one after another, all of them were in a panic.

The green robed ancestor, who rushed out of the palace, uttered a deafening roar: "listen to the orders of the poisonous dragon sect, don't mess up, gather in front of the gate quickly!"

The roar of the green robed ancestor is like thunder, spreading all over the holy poison city.

In a twinkling, the poisonous dragon sect members came out one after another and gathered at the gate of the holy poison city as quickly as possible.

It is worthy of being the apprentice and grandson of the green robed ancestor. The reaction of the poisonous dragon sect is very fast. In less than two minutes, nearly 200000 members of the poisonous dragon sect have gathered in front of the gate of the holy poison city.

The number of poisonous dragon sect members is less than that of Huaguo Mountain friars, but their accomplishments are a little higher. There are eight hundred celestial friars alone, which is astonishing!

In a short period of millions of years, we have to say that the green robed ancestor is really a talent.

In fact, thanks to the independent space of Huaguo Mountain, the power of the laws laid down by Taoist Wukong in the past can make up for the weak laws of heaven and earth in the real fairyland to a certain extent, and make it easier for the monks under the cultivation of Luo Tianxian to communicate with heaven and earth. In fact, the cultivation environment here is no less than Huaguo Mountain in the era of five emperors.

Seeing that the city wall was about to be broken, the green robed ancestor said coldly, "the poisonous dragon sect members listen to the order and quickly perform the large-scale joint attack technique of" fire from the sky ". Before the city gate is broken, give Huaguo Mountain some color to look at those rubbish! "


All the members of the poisonous dragon sect responded in unison and raised their hands one after another.

Suddenly, a huge black array suddenly appeared in the sky above the heads of the poisonous dragon sect. In the array, there was a dark fire.

With the continuous casting of more than 200000 poisonous dragon sect members, the black fire in the array spreads rapidly like a dark cloud and turns into a sea of black fire. The flames all over the sky seem to pour down at any time.

The next moment.


A burst of blasting sound came, and the walls of Shengdu city finally couldn't hold up. They were blown down by the demon storm of Huaguo Mountain, and countless crystal stones and bricks were scattered.

The fierce demon storm rushed to the holy poison city like a raging tsunami, attacking the green robed ancestor and many poisonous dragon followers.

"Set fire!"

The green robed ancestor gave an order.

The 200000 poisonous dragon sect members tried their best to cast the magic, and the black array in the sky gushed out a huge fire, carrying the unimaginable destructive force, straight to the demon storm.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

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The dull explosion sounds all over the world, making people's hearts tremble.

The black sea of fire collided with the demon storm, and burst out a series of terrible sounds.

Storm and secluded fire are rampant in the holy poison city. Where they pass, buildings and even the land are instantly burned and turned into desolation!

Holy poison city is burning black flames everywhere, and it is still spreading to the inside.


The green robed ancestor's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Although he knew that Hengli could not protect ShengDu City, he watched his base camp destroyed and was in a terrible mood.

There is no way to compare Shengdu city with feilaijian.

The mountain protection array of feilaijian is the golden immortal array laid by Taoist Wukong in the past. Even the golden immortal of Daluo may not be able to break the defensive array of feilaijian.

In the independent space of Huaguo Mountain, the ancestor of green robe could not find the material to arrange the defense array, so he could only use the city wall to replace it.

But this time, as long as we defeat the mob of Huaguo Mountain, the poisonous dragon sect will soon be able to settle in Feilai stream!

Thinking of this, the green robed ancestor felt better at last.

After the explosion stopped, the green robed ancestor rushed out with more than 200000 members of the poisonous dragon sect for the first time to confront the Huaguo Mountain army.

The friars on both sides were at daggers drawn. The air seemed to be solidified, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

Green robed ancestor glanced at the White Ape King headed by Huaguo Mountain army, tut tut said with a smile: "tut Tut, isn't this the White Ape king of Huaguo Mountain? It's really a rare guest. What brings you here?"The ape King fixed his eyes on the ancestor of green robe and said with a grim smile, "old dog of green robe, I haven't seen you for many years, but you're very well alive. Unfortunately, your good days are coming to an end today! "

Green robed ancestor Yin Li said: "you monkey beast, you don't have much improvement in strength, but your bragging ability is getting more and more powerful day by day. Since you Huaguo Mountain of this group of waste specially came to die, I will help you

"All the members of the poisonous dragon sect listen to the order and kill them!"

The green robed ancestor was too lazy to talk nonsense. After a roar, he led many poisonous dragon sect members to fight against the Huaguo Mountain army.

"Children of Huaguo Mountain, follow the king and kill!"

The ape king held up his long golden stick, angrily issued a military order, and led the 300000 friars of Huaguo Mountain to charge forward!


The army of Huaguo Mountain roared fiercely, and the celestial elders led their own friars to charge.

On the way to the battle, the ape king did not forget to send a message to Shen Lang behind him and said, "brother Shen Lang, master green robe, this guy is good at a very strange poisonous cloud magic power. Ordinary friars will die if they touch it! I will restrain the green robed ancestor's action. Brother Shen Lang, you can lead Huaguo Mountain to attack the enemy and gain the advantage as soon as possible! Once they have gained an advantage, they immediately order the whole army to disperse and avoid being affected by the magic power of the green robed ancestor. "


The waves echoed.


Seeing the armies of both sides approaching quickly, the ape king, who took the lead in the charge, roared and roared. His whole body was burning with silver flame, and his body was expanding to tens of feet high. The long golden stick in his hand was also turned into a huge golden dragon stone pillar.

"Old dog in green robe, die!"

The huge ape King swung up the golden Panlong column with both arms and smashed it at the green robed ancestor with the momentum of shaking the mountain and shaking the mountain. The surface of the Panlong column released golden light, and the sound of angry dragon chanting was deafening!

"Don't be ashamed

The green robed ancestor's face was ferocious and twisted, his hands were sealed, and he uttered a low and hoarse roar: "Heaven's corpse has changed nine times!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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