My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 3922: 3924

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Shen Lang used the method of turning the river and stirring the sea in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang to change the water potential, greatly speeding up his escape speed in the sea, barely keeping up with the Dragon camel.

They fled the battlefield like mad dogs.

However, it didn't take long for them to escape.

Shen Lang found a mass of blood light flashed behind him. Looking back, it turned out that a monk in a blood robe was running after him and the Dragon camel, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

"Holy emissary of Sansheng sect!"

Shen Lang's mind sank to the bottom of the valley after perceiving the strong breath behind him, and his face became extremely ugly.

The young man with blood robe released a strong spiritual pressure all over his body, which made his heart palpitate. He obviously had the cultivation of Luo Tianxian. If there was no accident, he should be the holy emissary of Sansheng sect.

"Shen Daoyou, there's a Luo Tianxian in the rear. What should we do? Do you want to negotiate with them? " Asked the camel in alarm.

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "that man is Luo Tianxian of Sansheng sect. The purpose of Sansheng sect this time must be to embezzle the Haizu and the Yuanshi gushing out of the lower channel. Even if we negotiate with them, most of us will be killed. In a word, let's leave him alone and try to escape to a farther place! "

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang pointed to the sky with his right hand.

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, a huge eddy of water was formed on the top of the waves.


The heavy water of one yuan surged in the whirlpool and rushed to the cloud scorpion envoy.

The cloud scorpion Saint makes the whole body roll up a rush of sky blood light, easily resisted the impact of one yuan heavy water.

However, the heavy water released by Shen Lang is not to attack the cloud scorpion envoy, but to prevent the cloud scorpion envoy from approaching himself.

One yuan heavy water contains huge gravity. The cloud scorpion saint's escape speed is much slower than just now when he travels through the impact of a large amount of one yuan heavy water.

Shen Lang uses the method of "crossing the river and stirring the sea" in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang to continuously create one yuan of heavy water, which impacts the cloud scorpion envoy behind him and hinders his opponent from going through.

Aware of the purpose of the waves, the cloud scorpion Saint raised his eyebrows: "it's a little interesting. I want to see where you two miscellaneous fish can escape?"

As soon as the words were heard, the cloud scorpion Saint envoy turned over his hand and took out a green light fairy amulet from the storage ring, and immediately crushed it.

At the moment when the green immortal talisman was crushed, it suddenly turned into an amazing blue tornado, wrapping the whole body of the cloud scorpion Saint envoy.

With a dull sound of "boom", the cloud scorpion saint, who was shrouded in the blue tornado, made the feidun speed soar by 50%, and quickly chased after the heavy waves and the Dragon camel in front of him.


Shen Lang smacked his mouth, and his face became a little ugly. I didn't expect that the other party had a fairy amulet.

After the cloud scorpion Saint envoy borrowed the immortal talisman, the distance between the two sides is slowly getting closer. It is estimated that in less than half a minute, shenlang and longtuozi will be caught up.

"Shen Daoyou, what should we do?" Longtuozi asked anxiously.

"What else can we do? Naturally, we can only fight back!"

At the critical moment, the waves calmed down.

Fortunately, I ran away for the first time just now, and now I am far away from the battle group. The divine sense of the Gangzha holy emissary and the netherworld wind holy emissary should not be detected so far.

Now the only way to survive is to solve this cloud scorpion envoy as soon as possible!

With the help of Shen Lang alone, it's impossible to do this, but with the help of the Dragon camel, ape king and many celestial friars in the United Army, it's still possible to do it!

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"Xuanxianshu, ten thousand swords fly together!"

Seeing that the cloud scorpion envoy in the rear had already carried his tail with him, Shen Lang made a sound of shaking and drinking in his mouth. He immediately displayed his powerful magic power and launched an attack.

Suddenly, Shen Lang's whole body released a huge amount of chaotic spirit power, which filled the surrounding waters.

Then, the water whirlpool above his head suddenly expanded to four or five times as large, and a huge amount of white flying swords burst out in an instant. Countless white flying swords burst out dazzling white light, carrying the power of Haixiao and landslides, they all pressed forward to the cloud scorpion Saint envoy!


Seeing that the other side could release such a powerful attack, the cloud scorpion envoy's face suddenly changed, and he quickly countered.

"Xuanxianshu, scarlet blood blade!"

The cloud scorpion saint's eyes were covered with scarlet blood light, his sleeves were rolled, and his whole body was covered with scarlet light blades, forming a huge blood storm, which swept out of the sea.

Where the bloody storm passed, a huge amount of bloody light blades were intertwined and flying. The sea around burst out a violent sound, carrying an indescribable destructive force, and hit countless flying swords from the waves.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The bloody storm collided with a large number of flying swords. The harsh sound of bombing was palpitating, and the whole sea floor was roaring and shaking.

The attacks on both sides were deadlocked for a while.

"Damn, it's an evil way!"Cloud scorpion Saint makes the face gloomy incomparable, he underestimated Shen Lang's ability.

I thought that this friar who pretended to be the sea people was as vulnerable as Luo Tianxian, who was half a son of the sea people.

Who knows that the power of the other side's attack can match his own magic power, which is completely different from the imagination of the cloud scorpion saint.

As the fifth holy emissary of Sansheng religion, the cloud scorpion holy emissary naturally does not allow himself to lose to this small role. He tries his best to release the chaotic spiritual power in his body, which makes the power of supernatural power soar by 30% in an instant!

Although shenlang's ten thousand swords were full of stamina, they were gradually defeated by the coming bloody storm due to the gap in cultivation.

The bloody storm surged and spread wildly, suppressed the flying sword released by Shen Lang, and quickly swept towards Shen Lang.

"Xuanxianshu, xuangui breathes!"

Fortunately, Shen Lang has such a helper as longtuozi. Seeing Shen Lang's move, longtuozi naturally doesn't dare to be idle. His shriveled and rough hands quickly press on the shell of the giant tortoise phantom spirit under him and inject a lot of chaotic spirit power.


The giant turtle magic spirit spewed out a blue light column to shake the sky and hit the bloody storm released by the cloud scorpion holy emissary.

"Boom boom!"

There was another crash like roar. Shen Lang and long Tuozi finally resisted the magic power of cloud scorpion.

It's a huge advantage to be in the bottom of the sea and use the advanced mysterious magic of "ten thousand swords flying together" without consuming too much chaotic power.

With this advantage, Shen Lang continuously released his flying sword, and at the same time, he turned over his hand to offer sacrifices to the pot of refining demons, and quickly injected a lot of chaotic spiritual power into the pot of refining demons.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The demon refining pot absorbed the chaotic power of the waves and burst out colorful light. The lid of the pot was beating, as if something was about to break out of the pot!

"Demon pot! Are you the chosen one? "

Cloud scorpion Saint see Shen Lang sacrifice out of the refining pot, first a Leng, then startled out a sound, instant reaction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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