My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4078: 4080

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The dragon spirit is less than three inches long. Although it is very mini, its appearance is very domineering.

The dragon's body is covered with red and black scales, which are as bright as crystal. The dragon's head is ferocious, but there is no lack of noble atmosphere. The dark golden pupils are as bright as stars, slowly swinging the dragon's body, which is exquisite and gorgeous.

Although this dragon spirit is small, it gives people a kind of vast and majestic spirit. It's really incredible!

The hanging rope of the pendant is also extremely unique. It is a wisp of red light. It is extremely smooth and transparent, and it is easy to attach to the spirit.

Long Ming explained: "this treasure is called" Yuan Dragon Pendant ". It's made of a wisp of spirit from the top wild witch beast" Tianyuan giant dragon ". It's a kind of wearing immortal treasure. But because it's spirit, the soul can also carry it!"

It's no wonder that this dragon spirit can release such a breathtaking breath. It turns out that it is the spirit of Tianyuan dragon.

Tianyuan dragon is the holy beast of Zhenhai in the past. Its combat power is no less than Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! It can be said that it is one of the most powerful creatures in the fairyland since the emperor's time!

Shen Lang couldn't help admiring the inside information of the underground. He could even get this kind of thing.

Longming continued: "shenlang boy, take this Dragon Pendant with you. The spirit of the dragon on the pendant can dispel the evil spirit, resist the attack of spirits and even curse."

"Thank you for your kindness! When Shen comes back from hell, he will return this treasure! "

Shen Lang can probably guess that the quality of this Dragon Pendant is absolutely up to the level of spirit level immortal treasure, so he immediately gives thanks.

Long Ming shook his head and said, "it's a small thing. In addition, I would like to remind you that there is no chaotic aura in the netherworld except the "pure land" at the end of the 18th level of hell

"Monks can't bring immortal stone into hell even in the state of soul body, which means that you don't have any means to recover chaotic spiritual power in the hell of the yellow spring, unless you can reach the pure land."

"Therefore, when you travel through hell, you must try your best to save your chaotic power and avoid meaningless consumption, so that you can last longer."

As soon as Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, he saw that the journey to hell was much more difficult than he had imagined.

In fact, it's not difficult for Shen Lang to supplement his chaotic power.

It's just that the energy of the magic seed in his soul is endless. He can use the power of the magic seed to replace his own consumption.

Before entering the netherworld hell, Shen Lang did not forget to read the hell map given to him by Long Ming, and kept in mind the locations of the 18th floor hell.

Unfortunately, the map only depicts the pure land at the end of the 18th level hell. In the past, LV Dongbin also visited the 18th level hell, and even reached the bottom of the 18th level hell, but he stopped here.

When Shen Lang asked about the bottom of the eighteen level hell, long Ming also said that he didn't know. He said in a deep voice: "the bottom of the eighteen level hell is the place where the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is qualified to set foot. According to the records in the treasure record of Dique, the bottom of the eighteen level hell seems to be the place where the extremely evil creatures are imprisoned. The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet guards and suppresses them. No one knows what is there."

"Evil creatures?"

After hearing Long Ming's answer, Shen Lang showed all his thoughts.

At the beginning, LV Dongbin stopped at the 18th floor of hell. In any case, he had to explore it himself.

"Shen has one last question. If I find the soul and soul of my brother-in-law, how can I get back from hell?" Shen Lang told us what he was most concerned about.

Long Ming said: "you are not a dead person, you are not affected by the law of reincarnation. When you have reached your goal, you can go back to the ordinary world after crossing the reincarnation tunnel in the 18 layers of hell. "

"Remember that it must be the reincarnation tunnel of the 18th level hell. Only the lowest level reincarnation tunnel is connected with the hell." Longming asked.

"Shen understands. Thank you for your guidance!"

Shen Lang said gratefully.

Long Ming shook his head and said indifferently, "I only hope you can achieve your goal and come back safely."


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Shen Lang hugs Long Ming solemnly, then his soul rolls up a piece of silver light and plunges into the well.

When Shen Lang's soul body contacts the Yin Si well, it is instantly sucked in by a strong and extreme suction.

Sure enough, as long Ming said, the space in the well of Yin Department is extremely disordered, and there is no light around. There is a space storm everywhere.

With the defensive power of jiuzhuan Fayin, shenlang's soul easily resisted the raging space storm in the well.

He felt that his soul was constantly sinking, and then sinking


I don't know how long it's been sinking, but the soul of the waves is finally thrown away by a space.

In the dark, Shen Lang saw the light, gray and gloomy.

In a trance, the waves fell from the sky like meteorites.

The glazed lamp fire in the heart dispels the dizziness. Below it is a strange black river. The river is black, like thick ink. The strong stench comes.There are a lot of bones floating and sinking on the river, and the scene is very strange.

Shen Lang runs the spirit power of chaos and tries to make the soul stop in mid air. However, he finds that the space on the river is extremely disordered and can hardly escape.

"Damn it

Seeing that he was about to fall into the black river, Shen Lang's face became a little ugly.

In the process of his soul falling into the black river, countless strange and frightening senbai claws were stretched out on the river, as if he wanted to catch the falling soul. The scene was extremely frightening!

"Blood eyes tear the sky!"

Shen Lang's heart was very big, and the Shura pupil in the middle of his eyebrows spewed out a large amount of blood light, straight into the black river below.

The endless blood light, like a huge wave, was pressed down.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

For a time, the huge waves on the river rolled and the river poured back.

Innumerable bone claws were directly turned into vermicelli powder after being attacked by blood light.

However, the bone claws in the river water can't stop killing. After a large area is destroyed, another large area is produced.

Even though Shen Lang's magical power was amazing, he finally fell into the black river.

Countless corpses flew up towards Shen Lang, opened their teeth and bit at Shen Lang's soul like beasts.

"Get out of here!"

The pupil of Shura saint in the center of Shen Lang's eyebrows spewed blood light continuously, and the whole body was covered with blood light, killing countless corpses into powder.

But even so, the number of bones in the river is still endless, which can be called strange.

Although these bones are fierce, they can't get into the waves. They are not a big threat.

The real threat is the black river!

The river not only has no buoyancy, but also contains a very strong suction, which can remove the energy of five elements. It seems like a quagmire constantly pulling itself down to the bottom of the river. Shen Lang has no way to resist the suction, and his body is constantly sinking into the river! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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