My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4219: 4221

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The large defensive array covering the central area of dragon snake island is called "three element wheel array". There are three layers inside and outside, which can barely reach the level of Jinxian array. The defensive force is extremely strong.

Shen Lang looked at the array for a few times, and he could be sure that the array could not be broken by himself. It seemed that he had to lure the three holy emissaries to break the ban and let himself in.

Soon, Xuan Ting led many three saints and high-level to the scene.

From a long distance, xuanting sensed that "emperor Tian" and his skeleton Tianma were sending out fright and looked nervous. He hurried to the array barrier and saluted respectfully to the waves outside the array:

"the snake emperor is here. I'm sorry to meet you. I hope you'll forgive me!"

Xuanting's cultivation is limited, and Shen Lang's disguised emperor heaven has no flaw. He really doesn't doubt the authenticity of the emperor heaven in front of him.

Shen Lang riding on the skeleton Tianma, said condescending: "I have something important to convey, don't open the array quickly!"

"What can I do for you? Just tell the younger generation to do it. "

Xuanting said carefully, and there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

Previously, Ziying specially told him that it was not long since emperor Tian had been obedient to Sansheng sect, and he had no sense of belonging to Sansheng sect. Let him be on guard against this guy.

Although emperor Tian is unlikely to rebel, xuanting, as the holy envoy of the three saints who guarded the Holy tree, did not dare to let emperor Tian enter the key area where the Holy tree was planted.

"It's not a place to talk, it's full of people. Take me to guard the temple quickly!"

Shen Lang said with a look of impatience.

Xuanting ordered the accompanying apostles and the high-level of the three saints to retreat to a distance far enough. Then he held his fist to Shen Lang and said, "the snake king only needs to tell the younger generation what he wants to convey. The younger generation will do it immediately, and it will not delay the time of the snake king!"

Seeing that Xuan Ting had been avoiding, he didn't mean to put himself in at all. Shen Lang's face suddenly became sullen: "wanton! How dare the little envoy be so rude? In your opinion, as the commander of the sanshengjiao army, I am not qualified to enter the temple? "

"No, no, no!"

Feeling Shen Lang's release of terror and frightening pressure, Xuan Ting was so scared that his forehead was sweating. He said frankly, "master snake emperor misunderstood. It's mainly because I got the order from the purple shadow sect leader. Except the sect leader, I can't let any other friars into the area where holy trees are planted."

Shen Lang frowned at first, then immediately entered the mode of movie king, and said coldly, "Ziying has died in battle, and her orders are no longer counted!"

"What! Is master Ziying dead? "

Xuanting was surprised.

"Ziying's plan to attack Beiming immortal Kingdom failed. A few days ago, she fled back to Jiuli city and was killed by a monk named Shen Lang. I wanted to avenge Ziying. Unexpectedly, the monk's strength was extraordinary. He joined hands with Fengchan, the leader of Jiuli City, to repel the army led by me. "

Shen Lang said half true and half false.

Since xuanting said that he was ordered by Ziying to guard the place, Shen Lang expected that with Ziying's wisdom and prudence, he would let these holy envoys guarding the Holy tree to guard himself.

Facts have proved that Shen Lang's conjecture is correct.

"Shen The waves

Xuanting was shocked to hear that Shen Lang killed Ziying.

At the beginning, Ziying really told herself to be careful of a friar named Shen Lang, who was the biggest enemy of Sansheng sect!

Shen Lang continued: "yes, this man is extremely dangerous. I have a premonition that the war situation in Jiuli immortal kingdom is not good, so I come here in person. I want to use the boundary transmission array of dragon and Snake Island to seek the help of the Holy Lord. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Boundary transmission array?"

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Xuanting was shocked, but he was stunned for a moment, and said frankly: "to tell you the truth, the dragon snake island does not exist in the transmission array of the boundless domain!"

Shen Lang's eyes shrunk, and he could see that Xuan Ting was not lying. Wei Xin.

She answers the questions of her friends every day. It seems that the real situation of dragon snake island is somewhat different from what I imagined.

The color of doubt on Shen Lang's face was fleeting. He immediately put on a look of hate iron but not steel, and angrily scolded: "you are a group of rubbish! I've been on dragon snake island for a long time, but I haven't even found the demon emperor's palace here? "

Xuanting was shocked: "dare to ask the snake emperor, what is the demon emperor's palace?"

"In the era of the five emperors, there was a demon emperor whose cultivation reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who lived in seclusion on this island and built a palace in which there was a boundary transmission array."

Shen Lang repeats the news he got from Fei ye, trying to follow the words of the three holy emissaries.

According to Shen Lang's conjecture, these three saints have occupied dragon snake island for hundreds of years, so it's impossible that they don't even have a clue.

After listening to Shen Lang's words, Xuan Ting immediately responded and said with wide eyes, "snake emperor, the demon emperor's palace you said should be the place where the dragon and snake treasure is located! I do know that there is a mysterious treasure hiding place in the dragon and Snake Island, and I have been sending people to search for it, but I have not been able to get the exact clue. ""I really admire you fools!"

Shen Lang turned over his hand and offered a sacrifice to Tianji Sinan. He said with no expression: "before I stepped into the dragon and Snake Island, I already felt that the location of the demon emperor's palace was in the middle of the island, so I came here in person."

"Since you fools can't find it, let me come to find it myself! Don't open this array of prohibitions for me, don't miss my big event

Shen Lang roared out with a gesture that could not be opposed, and his whole body released an amazing evil spirit.

Xuanting could not help but take a cold breath. He felt that if he continued to block the waves, he would not have good fruit to eat.

The leader of Ziying sect is dead. He has no support. You can't annoy the emperor!

Besides, xuanting also recognized Tianji Sinan in Shen Lang's hand. Tianji Sinan was indeed the top positioning compass in the real fairyland, and he immediately believed it.


Xuanting finally didn't hesitate any more. He immediately took out a token to break the ban and made a specific seal in the token.

"Buzz, buzz!"

In the token, a blue light beam suddenly shoots out and shines on the barrier of the three-dimensional wheel array, opening a gap of 10 meters in length and width.

Shen Lang repressed his excitement and quickly flew into the array on a skeleton horse. He finally succeeded in entering the enemy camp!

"Snake emperor, I have been neglecting you so much. I hope you will forgive me!"

Xuanting immediately knelt down to salute, for fear that the emperor would anger himself.

Shen Lang glances at xuanting and wants to kill him directly, but considering that he doesn't know the location of the boundary transmission array, he doesn't do it.

Xuanting's cultivation is at the peak of Luo Tianxian, a little higher than Shen Lang's.

Generally, soul searching can only be performed on monks whose accomplishments are lower than their own. Shen Lang's spirit strength is far higher than that of the same level. Although it can barely search xuanting's soul, it's hard to guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

To be on the safe side, Shen Lang didn't search the soul directly.

Anyway, xuanting was so afraid of himself that he didn't dare to tell lies. It shouldn't be difficult for him to ask for key information. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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