My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4302: 4304

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Nine color egg with a breathtaking pressure swept the whole space!

As if everything between heaven and earth, stop at this moment!

There is no way to describe the breath of this nine color egg with gorgeous light.

Ancient, heavy, awe the world!

Bai Lanhua Ziling and others looked at this mysterious egg, just like looking at the universe. They could not help but feel awe. They even had some difficulty in breathing!

"This What is it? "

Meng xuan'er's eyes are wide open. She has never seen such a soul stirring thing.

Huaziling is struggling to resist the extreme pressure of the spirit, and sends a sound "Shh" to signal mengxuan'er to be quiet and not to disturb Shen Lang.

Meng xuan'er covers her mouth and doesn't dare to speak any more.

When the nine color aura released by Phoenix blood egg reached the extreme, the egg cracked with a "click", as if countless dazzling nine color light beams were emitted from the egg, and the breath of terror to the extreme overflowed from the egg.

The next moment.

"Click, click, click!"

As the light egg completely disintegrates and peels off, the endless nine color divine light impacts all around.

Bai Lan, Hua Ziling, Meng xuan'er and Lian Xing suddenly lost their eyesight. They could no longer resist the pressure. They were paralyzed and had difficulty breathing.


A loud and clear sound of the Phoenix comes out, and a gorgeous shadow of the Phoenix flies out of the nine colors in the sky.

Hua Ziling tried her best to show her divine consciousness. She could barely catch a glimpse of the feifeng's shadow. She was only a thousand feet long. Her whole body was burning gorgeous nine color flames, and her tail was dragging three golden feathers. Her posture was dignified and luxurious, but her body was unreal and seemed to be immature.

Then, a stunning scene appeared.

I saw that the vague shadow of feifeng suddenly flew away from the top of Shen Lang's head and flew away with the dazzling nine color flame.


Amazing scene, let flower purple Ling white LAN and other women dumbfounded.

How can Yuan Feng's soul, which was hatched by Shen Lang, fly away without control?

Things are not so simple. Shen Lang is still sitting as usual, and his face does not move.

He really can't control the newly hatched spirit of Yuanfeng, but through the communication of his mind, he can probably understand why the spirit of Yuanfeng made such a move and simply watch the change.

The spirit of Yuanfeng is extremely fast and powerful. Even the space cracks in the middle of the floating island can't shake the spirit of this flying phoenix. It's incredible!

Not long after that, yuan fenglingpo went through the central part of Shengyu floating island and came to a wasteland.

Around the wasteland, there are a lot of stars and skeletons wandering around. The wings of Yuan Feng's soul roll up a nine color flame storm, which covers the sky and the sun, and attack the wasteland in all directions.

"Roar, roar!"

Almost all the skeletons in the wilderness were hit by the firestorm.

Flame storm with a powerful suction, will be involved in all the skeletons.


Yuan Feng's soul opens its beak, and the flame storm with a large number of star skeletons suddenly turns around and pours into Yuan Feng's soul.

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A large number of star skeletons were sucked into the abdomen by Yuan Feng Lingsheng, who seemed to be small in size!

It's natural to be shocked to be aware of the heaviness of this scene through divine communication.

The reason why the yuan phoenix soul, which was just hatched, flew away was that it was actually "hunting" the star skeletons all over the floating island in the Holy Land!

If you think about it carefully, Fengchan did tell herself that Yuanfeng spirit can devour the spirits and spirits of all kinds of creatures to strengthen itself. The star skeleton creature is essentially a kind of remnant spirit body, and it's not wrong to be treated as food by Yuanfeng spirit.

It's just that the spirit of Yuan Feng, who was just born, is so powerful that it's so terrible. It's so easy to swallow the remains of stars as if they were searching for something. It really makes Shen Lang's scalp numb!

The spirit of Yuanfeng flapped its wings and swept around with a huge fire storm. Wherever it passed, all the stars and skeletons were sucked away by the fire storm and finally swallowed up by the spirit of Yuanfeng.

As strong as the Silver Star skeleton, in the face of this Yuan Feng spirit, there is not much resistance.

When encountering a powerful Silver Star skeleton that can resist the magic power of fire, Yuan Feng's spirit will fly down to prey on it. It can often subdue the star skeleton and swallow it into its belly with one blow!

Like a predator at the top of the food chain, Yuan Feng's soul went around the floating island of Shengyu and devoured countless star skeletons, reducing the number of star skeletons by almost two-thirds.

In the process of swallowing the remains of the stars, the original unreal spirit of Yuanfeng gradually took shape.

Its shape is like the body of a Phoenix. On the surface of its body is burning a nine color flame which will never be extinguished. The three plumes of its tail release the golden light penetrating the sky. Its posture is dignified and luxurious.

Although its shape is less than a thousand feet, it has the spirit to frighten the world.

After circling around the floating island in the holy land, Yuan Feng's spirit devoured enough star skeletons, which seemed to satisfy her stage by stage. She flew back to the observatory, shrunk her body and merged into the body of Shen Lang."Boom!"

Just at the moment when Yuanfeng's spirit returned to her body, Shen Lang's whole body set off a spirit light, and the manic nine color flame turned into a flame storm, attacking all around.

Under the observatory, bailanhua Ziling and others were almost injured by the fire storm. Fortunately, the beluga skeleton rolled up a huge ice wave in time to resist the impact of the fire storm.


Shen Lang's face on the altar was ferocious and twisted. He felt that his body and soul were about to be torn.

The spirit of Yuanfeng is merging with her body and soul. The power of Yuanfeng's blood has been strengthened to an incredible level!

The terrible blood force was so powerful that it collided in his body and soul.

In an instant, Shen Lang spilled a lot of blood from his mouth, nose and ears, and twisted and deformed under the impact of the power of flesh and blood!

Because the bottleneck of cultivation has not yet been broken, his physical body and soul body can no longer bear this huge and incomparable blood power.

Looking at Shen Lang, it seems that she is going to die because she can't bear the power of her blood. The girls are scared to death.

"Shen Lang, you must support me!"

Hua Ziling's pretty face is very white. Now, she can't help Shen Lang any more. She can only grit her teeth and recite.

At the critical moment, Shen Lang held up his hands and roared: "thief God, if I want to be promoted to Dalao, I don't want to drop the Jinxian robber quickly!"

In the fierce roar, Shen Lang releases all the chaotic spiritual power and even the power of the stars in his body, turning it into a powerful energy storm, heading straight to the top of the sky!

The moment that this energy storm hits the interface barrier along the light belt created by the aurora array.


A very dull thunder resounded through the world.

At the moment of crisis, Shen Lang finally provoked Jinxian robbery! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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