My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4364: 4366

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The so-called alien demons are just the general name of the Liuyue clan for those invading the Star Kingdom.

In fact, most of the demons who invaded the astral world came from the same race "blood demons" in the alien world.

In those years, the main force of the demons who attacked the Holy Land mountain was the alien blood demons, mixed with a small number of small and medium-sized demons.

After more than a billion years of reproduction, the descendants of the demons stranded in the star world have more or less inherited the blood of the blood demons, and the friars in the family also call themselves the blood demons.

The blood demons occupy nearly one third of the territory of the Star Kingdom, and the main city is located in a high mountain in the west of the Star Kingdom.

There is a huge city in the middle of the mountain area, covering an area of more than one million Li. Surrounded by high black walls, it radiates the shining light like obsidian. Its shape is simple and mysterious, giving people a sense of horror.

This city is called "blood devil city", which is the base of the demons.

Since the end of the World War II, although the blood demons have been fighting with the Liuyue people all the year round, they have become stable in the recent hundreds of millions of years, and the number of fights is not so frequent.

It seems that the demonic forces have accepted their orders, and they have built a city-state in the territory of the Star Kingdom, and established various new systems, so that the demonic monks can better reproduce, in order to strengthen their power, and the future ability to suppress the Moon Clan.

The blood devil city is the main city built by the blood devil clan 200 million years ago. The main city is surrounded by a cloud. It seems to be the unique defense array of the blood devil clan. Although the defense power is far less than the nine star Tianchen array of Liuyue City, it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Inside and outside the city, there are a large number of demon monks patrolling, and they are on high alert.

In the middle of the city, there stands a monstrous palace, which is just like the blood crystal stone. It is the meeting hall that symbolizes the highest power of the blood demon clan.

At the moment, there was a banquet in the palace.

The high-level of the blood demon clan gathered together and sat around the long table to entertain several "guests".

The gorgeous maid of the demon clan, holding a fruit tray and wine, serves around.

The head of the great human friar sat in the middle of the long table. He was very strong, and his flesh and muscles were intertwined. His body was covered with a layer of soul catching blood light. The force was amazing!

It was not Xi Feng, who was involved in the star world with Shen Lang, who was a man of great stature.

On the right side of Xi Feng, there are three silver envoys in the constellation crane, Orion and Cepheus!

Not only Xi Feng, but also the three followers of Xi Feng were involved in the astral world because of the spatial suction generated by the destruction of the sacrificial platform of the floating island Observatory in the holy land at that time.

Although the three silver envoys of crane, Orion and Cepheus were seriously injured by the waves, they didn't fall on this body. Instead, they came to the astral world by accident.

The three silver stars made the old wounds unhealed and looked rather embarrassed.

"Today, four Taoist friends are coming to visit our blood demons, and the blood demons are shining! Here's to the four Taoist friends

Sitting on the left side of Xi Feng, the young demon rose to raise his glass and toasted Xi Feng and the three silver star envoys politely.

This young man of the demon clan is dressed in bloody armor and has two demon horns like blood crystals. His whole body is full of blood, and his golden eyes reveal a boundless pride and extraordinary momentum.

This monk is the current head of the blood demon clan, known as the evil dragon demon king. His cultivation has reached the peak of the middle period of Daluo Jinxian.

"The evil dragon Taoist friend is polite. Xi was involuntarily involved in this world. Thank you for taking him in. In addition, Xi does not like drinking. I hope you will forgive me. "

Xi Feng just made a polite fist salute, and didn't mean to drink, which made the scene a little embarrassed.

After all, he is an alien demon. Xi Feng doesn't have much trust in them, so he won't drink their wine.

If it wasn't for the blood of the real God, Xi Fengcai didn't want to cooperate with these alien demons.

It all starts when he falls into the astral world.

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Coincidentally, Xi Feng and three silver star envoys fell into the valley not far from the blood devil city after they were involved in the star world.

The close distance makes the blood demon clan leaders in the blood demon city aware of the smell of outsiders. The evil dragon demon leader personally led several big demons to find out.

The unknown Xi Feng fights with the evil dragon demon for a while, but the evil dragon demon is also a smart role. Seeing Xi Feng's amazing fighting power, he immediately gives birth to the intention of soliciting.

At that time, Xi Feng had just gone through the battle with Shen Lang and was seriously injured. He could not even extinguish the immortal body for a while to alleviate the internal damage he suffered.

Even if Xi Feng is reluctant, he can only promise the evil dragon demon first, and by the way, he wants to find out what the interface is.

Knowing that this world is the star world among the four small worlds, Xi Feng was extremely shocked. Later, from the mouth of the evil dragon devil, he learned all kinds of news about the moon god tree and the blood of the real God. Even Xi Feng was a little excited.

In the vast years, the real God appeared in the real fairyland, and Pan Gu, the master of the fairyland, was the only one!

Pangu is the "Father God" of the ancient witches. It is said that after Pangu died, the twelve parts of his body became the "Twelve ancestors of witches".It happens that Xi Feng's own blood soul body has a great connection with the twelve ancestral witches. If he can get Pangu's blood, his thin blood power will be transformed into a complete state!

At that time, it is not impossible for him to become the founder of Taoism!

Thinking of this, Xi Feng reluctantly pretends to cooperate with the blood demons, trying to understand the details as clearly as possible.

At the banquet, seeing that Xi Feng didn't even drink the wine from the patriarch Jing, several big demons looked a little gloomy, and felt that Xi Feng was too arrogant. The blood devil city was their territory.

The evil dragon devil didn't care. He laughed and said, "ha ha, Xi Feng is also a man of love. It's a long time to come. When you stay in our blood demons for a while, you will gradually trust our blood demons. "

Xifeng not cold not light said: "I'm afraid you can't wait for a long time, the blood demons will be exterminated."

"What do you mean?"

"How dare you curse our blood demons?"

"Foreign friars, our blood demons treat each other with courtesy. Don't be shameless!"

Several big demons were furious and immediately got up to shout.


The evil dragon and the demon king yelled out, and the voice of the scene was reduced.

The atmosphere at the scene was dignified.

The evil dragon demon suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice, "what does that sentence of Taoist friend Xi Feng mean?"

Xi Feng said softly: "before coming here, Xi had already warned the evil dragon friends. The friars involved in the star world this time, in addition to Xi and my three subordinates, there is also a great enemy of Xi! "

"Although that man is just a newcomer to the realm of Dalai, his strength is no less than mine, and he is extremely hostile to you. If you don't take it seriously, it's only a matter of time before you destroy it. "

The evil dragon demon king sneered with disdain: "ha ha ha, what do I mean when I'm a friend of Xi Feng's Taoism? It's this thing. No matter how strong the boy is, he is not afraid to be a freshman. "

"Before entering the city, I did receive the news of the change at the border of my family, but I have sent two big demons to deal with it. Maybe now I have captured the boy alive!"

Sitting a few big demons also have a laugh, think Xi Feng is a bit of a fuss.

Who knows, at this time.

When the forbidden system outside the palace was suddenly opened, two blood demon guards rushed in and said in a panic: "I Report to the patriarch and the elders, the border is urgent! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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