My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4742: 4744

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After the waves jumped off the eagle's back, the eagle turned and ran away like a bird in fright.

Shen Lang didn't take his life because he had brought himself so far.

On the other hand, the ice crystal white tiger felt the heavy waves fall on its back, and suddenly became very angry. The whole body gushed out the cold flames sweeping the sky and the earth, and burned the heavy waves on its back madly.

However, with the physical strength of Shen Lang, you don't even need to use a magic power to resist the cold flame, and let the cold flame burn without damage.

"The mark of the stars!"

Shen Lang made the seal with both hands, and turned the star energy in his body. His fingertips condensed a seal in the shape of a nine pointed star.

This seal is called the seal of star trace. It is derived from a enslavement seal in Xinghe manuscripts. It can enslave almost any creature whose cultivation is lower than his own, and the witch beast is no exception.

Once upon a time, Shen Lang used this seal to enslave ice and snow. Later, he released the star mark on ice and snow. Now Shen Lang can enslave a kind of creature with this seal.

Although this ice crystal white tiger is not too strong, it can also be used as a "flying mount" for the time being.


With a soft drink, Shen Lang put the star mark on his fingertips into the body of Bingjing white tiger.

With the dull sound of "bang", accompanied by the shining star light, the mark of the star quickly disappeared into the body of the ice eyed white tiger.

At the same time, the forehead of the ice eye white tiger condenses a golden pattern in the shape of a nine pointed star, which confirms the successful implantation of the star mark!

In an instant, Shen Lang felt that there was a strong bond between his spirit and the soul of Bingjing white tiger. He could control the soul of Bingjing white tiger and even control the life and death of the witch beast at any time.

"Ouch, ouch!"

The ice eyed white tiger felt the great binding force of the star Mark, so he had to make a flattering low roar to show his submission to the waves.

It's much better to control this white tiger with mind than to control the giant eagle with "physics".

"Leave the snow mountain quickly!"

At the command of the waves, the ice crystal white tiger flapped its wings and flew away from the snow mountain.

Now with flying mounts, it's much more convenient to drive in the waves.

He rode over the mountains, all the way to the northeast, across the mountain streams, rivers and swamps, straight to the central area of the witch's tomb.

During this period, he encountered many witch beasts, but they were all killed by Shen Lang.

In order to get to the center of the Sorcerer's tomb as soon as possible, Shen Lang did not choose to save the lost monks this time. However, when he found the lost monks, Shen Lang would only remind them not to go deep into the central region and go back all the way.

After flying for half an hour, Shen Lang got close to the center of the tomb.

However, when it was only a few hundred thousand miles away from the central area of the witch tomb, the surrounding space environment suddenly changed dramatically!

A huge pressure from the space hit, so that the body of the ice eye white tiger flying in the air suddenly sank, as if several mountains suddenly pressed on its back at the same time, especially heavy!

Bingjing white tiger had to lower its flight altitude and continued to move forward against space gravity.

However, the closer to the center of the tomb, the more space gravity will increase by one point!

The more the white tiger flies low, the lower it flies, and finally it lands on the ground.

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Not only in the sky, but also after landing on the ground, the ice eyed white tiger has to bear the huge space gravity.

The space gravity here is almost 100000 times that of the outside world!

After running with the heavy waves for a while, the ice eyed white tiger couldn't resist the continuous growth of space gravity, and the muscles and bones of the whole body were crackling.

After less than half a pillar of incense, Bingjing Baihu reached the limit, lying on the ground, gasping, and hissing in pain.

"Come on, you've done a good job!"

Shen Lang jumped off the back of the ice eyed white tiger.

Seeing that Bingjing white tiger had brought himself so far, Shen Lang didn't embarrass the witch beast. Instead, he lifted the star Mark and patted Bingjing white tiger on the shoulder: "you are free. As for whether you can survive, it depends on your own ability."

The ice eyed white tiger, who has released the star Mark, also feels that he has regained his freedom. After making a low roar of gratitude towards the waves, he turns around and runs away like a frightened bird.

Seeing that the white tiger disappeared in his sight, Shen Lang turned around and looked around.

At present, Shen Lang is in a desolate mountain stream. There is no vegetation around the mountain stream. The soil is as hard as crystal stone. It seems that it is squeezed by the huge space gravity.

The naked eye can see that there is a dry forest in front of us. The forest is accompanied by bursts of black fog, like quicksand, which is constantly scraping. The deep forest also emits a strong putrid smell, which is disgusting.

Shen Lang recalled the painting of the Sorcerer's tomb depicted in his letters.

He remembered that the central area of the tomb was a huge peach forest, with a radius of at least one million Li.

There are all kinds of terrain around the peach forest. Shen Lang is now located near the east side of the peach forest. He still remembers that there is a dead forest in the area east of the peach forest described in his letter.

From this point of view, as long as you go through the dry forest in front of you, you should arrive at the central area of the witch tomb and see a large peach forest in the central area of the witch tomb!

Shen Lang took a deep breath and immediately ran towards the withered forest ahead.

Although the space gravity here is almost 100000 times that of the outside world, the good thing is that Shen Lang is physically strong. Only after he sinks slightly, he adapts to the space gravity here and still walks like a flying horse.

After stepping into the forest, Shen Lang smelled a smell of decay.

There is a black poisonous fog blowing in the withered forest, which gives people a strong sense of discomfort and seems to contain curse energy.

Shen Lang held his breath, his whole body burned a layer of gorgeous glass fire, dispelling the poisonous fog trying to invade the body.

After going deep into the forest, the black fog became thicker and thicker until he could not see his fingers.

"Hiss, hiss!"

At this time, there was a strange howl in the forest.

In front of the black fog suddenly shaking up, countless black ants from the black fog, just in the blink of an eye has emerged nearly ten thousand, ant colony surrounded the waves.

These black ants are covered with barbs, and each one is half a foot long. Their faces are extremely ferocious. Their eyes shine with scarlet light, and their sharp teeth open. It gives people a shivering and bloodthirsty feeling!

Countless black ants rushed towards Shen lang. Shen Lang saw that they were just a group of ants. He didn't pay much attention to them. He rolled up Yuan Feng's real fire like a whirlpool of angry waves, and dashed wildly.

Yuanfeng real fire hit these ants and made a "crackling" sound like fried chestnuts. Many ants' bodies were burned and burst on the spot.

More ants' bodies were burned into red by Yuanfeng's real fire, but they were not burned to death. Instead, they were crawling all over the body of shenlang, opening their sharp mouths and eating the flesh of shenlang crazily! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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