My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4783: 4785

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Before the explosion subsided, Hou Yi's palms shook the sky and silently recited the ancient mantra: "the blood of childbirth is in my body, the golden thunder shines on the sun, and the unicorn calls the night!"

As soon as the roar fell, the endless golden light burst out of Hou Yi's palm and gathered into a huge golden vortex.

Hou Yi tried his best to drive his divine power into the golden vortex.


With the sound of thunder shaking heaven and earth, golden thunder like a tsunami waterfall fell from the vortex.

The vortex seemed to break a big hole, and gradually came down a god handsome beast with a dragon head horse body. Its claws were divided into sharp blades, its back had wings, and its whole body was filled with dense golden thunder, which was noble and dazzling!

This strange beast is the "holy unicorn", one of the top ten witch beasts in ancient times.


The holy Kirin roared up to the sky and released a terrible force like stirring the sky and the earth, giving people a sense of supreme dignity.

It is said that the holy Qilin inherited the blood of the ancient divine beast Shi Qilin. It is almost the most powerful Qilin in the world except Shi Qilin. Its combat power is even comparable to that of the Taoist ancestor Tianzun!

Of course, the "holy Kirin" summoned by Hou Yi is only a phantom, not an entity.

Even so, Hou Yi could summon the magic spirit of the holy Unicorn that destroyed the sky and the earth only with the will of the remnant soul, and the means could not be said to be against the sky.


With Hou Yi's order, St. Qilin, carrying the thunderous golden light, rushed towards the twelve wuzhu puppets in the middle of the square.

The twelve wuzhu puppets urged the green wood staff in their hands to release the overwhelming green light energy, trying to resist the impact of St. Kirin.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

A series of dense explosion sounds came, and the holy Qilin broke the blue light energy with the power of destroying the withered and decaying, and approached the group of witches and puppets under the tombstone at a speed that is difficult to catch by divine knowledge.

The golden thunder that destroyed the sky and the earth came towards the twelve witches like a huge wave and tsunami.

The twelve witches seemed unable to resist the terrible thunder energy. After a hard resistance for a while, they were swallowed and submerged by the endless golden thunder.

The robes of these wuzhu puppets were instantly bombarded into powder, and the puppets' bodies were bombarded with a lot of scars.

It has to be said that the twelve wuzhu puppets guarding the tombstone of the witch tomb have amazing strength. Even after withstanding such a destructive attack, they can still keep their bodies intact and even make some counterattacks.

However, the power of the holy Unicorn magic spirit is not limited to this.

While releasing thunder to attack the witches, St. Kirin opened his wide mouth and sharp teeth and swallowed the witches' puppets.

Until the twelve wuzhu puppets were swallowed up by the holy Kirin, the holy Kirin burst into shock, and the body released the golden light and thunder energy of heaven and earth.

"Boom, boom!!!"

The golden light in the sky swallowed up everything in the square, and the space collapsed.

Everything in heaven and earth seems to stop at this moment!

The sensational big bang lasted for decades before it subsided slowly.

Although Qiongxiao and Bixiao's position was exempted from divine attack, the two women were almost stunned by the too violent energy impact.

After the explosion.

Under the self explosion of St. Kirin, the bodies of the twelve witches guarding the tombstone of the witch tomb turned into countless fragments and dense cyan light spots.

The sacrificial array originally shrouded around the square also completely collapsed under the impact of the power of St. Kirin's self explosion.

Countless blue light spots are surging around the ruins of the square, which is the power of the witch soul in the twelve witch wish puppets.

The power of the witch soul in the twelve witch wish puppets is so huge that people are stunned!

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Hou Yi naturally refused all comers and opened his mouth to swallow and absorb these cyan light spots.

While absorbing the power of the witch soul, the divine light released by Hou Yi's body became more and more bright, and his breath continued to rise.

When Hou Yi swallowed up all the blue light spots, his own strength also climbed to the limit that the will of the remnant soul could carry.

"The chosen one, while our generation gets a little strength, it will help you flatten this tombstone!"

Hou Yi shouted loudly, and his figure soared to ten million feet high.

The tombstone of the witch tomb is actually a powerful seal. The seal is naturally the remains of the great witch. Only by destroying the tombstone can the seal be lifted and the remains of the great witch be obtained.


Hou Yi first bowed to Kuafu's tomb, then got up and shouted, "use the power of ancient gods to transform the earthquake heavenly bow!"

As soon as the roar fell, a large number of golden lights rushed out of the sun god pattern in the center of Hou Yi's eyebrows and gathered into a huge golden long bow.

The long bow was dazzling and amazing.

Just the divine light energy blooming from the bow body makes the surrounding space turbulent and distorted, which shows the strength of its breath!

It's not over.

The sun god pattern in the center of Hou Yi's eyebrows continued to release a large amount of golden light, turned into a gorgeous golden arrow, and the arrow tip burst into a golden radiance like the sun.

The intensity of the golden light can't be expressed in words. It's like the bursting of thousands of hot suns!

This is the "Sun shooting arrow" condensed by Hou Yi with his own divine power.

The legendary sun shooting arrow is the most ancient heaven level treasure of the witch family, which is even better than Shen Lang's God killing arrow!

Although the power of the sky shaking bow and sun shooting arrow made by Hou Yi can not be compared with the authentic ones, they can make the bow and arrow full of similar law power and burst out considerable power.

At the moment Hou Yi picked up his bow and took the arrow, the golden light emitted by zhentiangong and sun shooting arrow almost swallowed up the whole space, making Bixiao and Qiongxiao present lose their eyesight.

Hou Yi released his divine power to the extreme. The golden light emitted by the earthquake heavenly bow and sun shooting arrow in his hand penetrated the world, and his power has climbed to the limit he can control.


With a dull explosion, Hou Yi finally shot the arrow out.

The sun shooting arrow attacks the tombstone with overwhelming golden light. The arrow tip condenses the distorted glow of stars and moon, tears the sky, and turns the space into nothingness!

The next moment, the sun arrow hit the towering tombstone.


The huge movement seemed to break the earth.

The golden light of terror rose and spread in all directions at a dizzying speed, swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth.

It's hard to describe how powerful this force is. It's almost to an unreasonable extent!

The whole witch tomb was shocked!

The extreme destruction energy of terror is wildly vented, just like the end of the world!

The huge tombstone of the witch tomb finally collapsed under the endless golden bombing, and was blown into countless black rubble, splashing everywhere!


After the tombstone collapsed, a powerful blue light suddenly gushed out of the ground where the tombstone was located., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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