My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4904: 4906

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The above is only Shen Lang's guess.

He felt that to fully start the list of gods, it is likely to require a large number of creatures as sacrificial recharge.

If the Western Zhou army rashly attacked Chaoge City, it might become a sacrifice on the list of gods.

In fact, with the goddess sitting in the star picking building, the Western Zhou army could not capture the Chaoge City anyway.

Shen Lang knew that Ji Fa was eager to save his father, but he poured cold water on him.

Hearing Shen Lang's words, Ji Fa also completely put out the idea of attacking Chaoge city. He asked solemnly, "in the opinion of a virtuous brother, what should we do?"

Shen Lang replied, "the power of the law of the list of gods acts on the whole human domain. As long as you hide in the space that can avoid the power of the law of the list of gods before the intersection of the boundaries comes, you should be able to avoid the threat."

Ji Fa asked, "is it feasible for the Western Zhou army to hide in an independent space?"

Shen Lang denied: "ordinary independent space may not work. At the moment when the boundaries meet, the human domain space will inevitably produce violent turbulence, and any subspace connecting the human domain will be exposed."

"In fact, my younger brother has a heaven level space immortal treasure, which can accommodate tens of billions of friars. Before the boundary meets, the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the friars of Zhou can hide in the immortal treasure."

Shen Lang made it clear before he came and asked the Western Zhou army to take refuge in the reincarnation heavenly palace.

Wait until the influence of the list of gods is over, and then release the Western Zhou army.

"That's great! If you can survive this crisis, you must thank the good brother for saving his life on behalf of the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the monks of the Zhou Dynasty!" Ji Fa was overjoyed and bowed his hands.

Shen Lang hurriedly said, "brother, don't thank too early. Even if the goddess can really stop the large-scale intersection of the world, there may still be a large number of foreign demons entering the real fairy world when the world is turbulent. At that time, brother and the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty will need to make efforts to resist and kill the enemies from the world!"

Ji Fa immediately replied, "don't worry, my good brother. This is my equal business. I will kill the foreign demons and friars in the fairy world!"

Seeing that Ji Fa promised so simply, Shen Lang had no scruples anymore.

The reason why he wanted to protect the Western Zhou army and the Zhou army was that he didn't want to see his close friends and brothers killed by the list of gods, and he wanted to retain a number of combat power.

If the bandit army of the devil kingdom is mixed in when the boundary regions meet, this group of Western Zhou army and the army of defeating Zhou can resist to prevent the human domain from being occupied by the bandit army of the devil kingdom.

In fact, long before Shen Lang crossed the river, he heard that the ancestor of Styx and Emperor Donghua mentioned the intersection of boundaries.

After the self proclaimed astrolabe is broken, the human domain will encounter a boundary intersection every once in a while.

Once upon a time, the war of annihilation was caused by the intersection of boundaries.

The interface of the buried devil sea collapsed due to the intersection of the boundary areas, so that a large number of devil Kingdom thieves took the opportunity to enter the real fairy world. If Asura hadn't defeated the devil Kingdom thieves in those years, I'm afraid the fairy world would have become a vassal of the devil Kingdom.

The root of the disaster in the era of Fengshen is also the intersection of boundaries.

There are few records about this great disaster in the era of Fengshen in ancient books, but Shen Lang can still analyze some clues according to some sporadic descriptions of later generations.

Since the era of canonization, the number of friars in the fairy world has decreased sharply, and a large number of Taoist ancestors have quietly sought traces.

Shen Lang can basically come to a conclusion that a large number of monks died in the great disaster of the Fengshen era.

So he guessed that even if the goddess could stop the intersection of realms, there should still be a large number of demons entering the real fairy world, which would inevitably lead to a fierce battle.

Although we don't know what the situation is now, we must prepare for the worst.

After the two reached an agreement, Ji Fa summoned all the generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the top leaders of the Zhou suppression forces to gather in the main hall of the imperial city for discussion.

Shen Lang saw many familiar faces.

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For example, Sanxiao fairy, Zhao Gongming, Yang Jian, lantern burning Taoist, and of course, zhenyuanzi and Baicao immortal.

Seeing that all his close friends and brothers are safe, Shen Lang feels relieved.

In addition to the old faces, the forces of cutting Zhou have been growing in recent years, with many new faces.

For example, Zhao Gongming's elder martial brothers and sisters, that is, the truncated Taoist, the virgin of Jinling; There are also the ten halls of Yama in the reincarnation immortal domain, the seven city leaders in the Jiuyuan immortal domain, the elders of the major sects in the cangxuan immortal domain, and so on.

Shen Lang was even in the crowd and saw an old acquaintance Zhang Daoling!

I really didn't expect that Zhang Daoling was also among them. The other party joined the forces of defeating Zhou in the identity of scattered cultivation in Tianmu immortal region.

This guy is really Haunted!

Even if you travel through time and space, you can still meet each other.

Zhang Daoling in the crowd seemed to feel Shen Lang's eyes and smiled at Shen lang. he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Fortunately, Zhang Daoling's accomplishments in the Fengshen era were only in the early days of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. In front of today's Shen Lang, it is naturally not worth mentioning.

But when he thought that the other party was a part of Yuanshi Tianzun, Shen Lang was secretly vigilant. Tail center.

Now the forces of cutting Zhou are so huge that they far exceed the level of the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

At this point, Shen Lang didn't have to hide and tell the monks his plan directly.

Ji Fa personally supported Shen Lang and said, "from now on, the king appoints my good brother Shen Lang as the commander of the Western Zhou army and is responsible for all subsequent action plans."

Shen Lang didn't refuse to order people for convenience.

Ji Fa was the monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The army of the Western Zhou Dynasty obeyed him and delegated power to Shen lang. naturally, there was no problem.

However, the camps of these Zhou cutting forces are messy and loose, and may not be able to obey Shen Lang.

"The king has stated his position. I don't know what opinion the Taoist friends of the Zhou power have?" Ji Fa turned his eyes to the top leaders of the Zhou power outside the generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The Taoist priest who lit the lamp, the deputy leader of the elucidation, took the lead in saying: "I am willing to take the elucidation crowd and follow the instructions of Taoist friend Shen."

"I'm willing to follow the arrangement!"

"Since Shen Daoyou is the descendant of the emperor's prophecy, we have no opinion."

Buddhism and some small and medium-sized sects have expressed their willingness to obey Shen Lang.

However, those powerful sects still don't recognize Shen Lang's identity as a descendant.

Taoist Duobao, who stopped teaching, said, "it's too much fun for Shen Daoyou to let us follow his action plan just by calling him 'the comer'

"Senior brother Duobao, my brother Shen Lang is indeed the descendant. No doubt, I can testify for him!" Zhao Gongming shouted.

"Martial uncle Duobao, we can also testify!" the three fairies shouted together.

Taoist Duobao ignored Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao fairy and said to himself, "I don't believe in King Wu, but I have concerns in my heart."

"As far as I know, Shen Daoyou was previously under house arrest in Chaoge city by Emperor Xin of Zhou. Now he suddenly returned to Jiuli immortal region and told me to give up attacking Zhou and avoid disasters. It's ridiculous...", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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