My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4924: 4926

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"Witch clan wizard!?"

The red robed high priest's face suddenly changed. He could feel that Hou Yi transformed by Shen Lang released an extremely powerful breath, like the great Witch of the ancient witch family.

"This is..."

Shen Lang felt his own change and couldn't help shaking his mind.

Hou Yi's voice came from his ear: "Tianxuan, after all, our generation is dead. Our soul is poor. You can control this body condensed from the true blood of zuwu for the time being!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang instantly felt that his divine soul had been connected with this "Hou Yi body", just like his own body.

"Die, the remaining evils of the witch family!"

The red robe attack did not stop.

He saw his right hand turn into a mountain like claw and fiercely chop at Hou Yi.

Where the Giant Claw passed, the space collapsed in a large area, blowing a gray space storm, and the terrible magic light swallowed the sky and the earth.

Shen Lang's hair stood up and felt a great threat in an instant.

He didn't know how to exert the power of his body. In a hurry, he put his hands on the sky, played a dazzling golden divine light, and swept away towards the red robed high priest who fell from the sky.

"Boom, boom!"

The high priest in red robe sacrificed his heart and overdrawn the power of the original God. His own power did not exist. For a time, he was really pushed back and flew out by the golden light of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang saw that the real body of Hou Yi condensed with the true blood of zuwu defeated the high priest in red robe only with the power of divine light. He was immediately excited and his confidence soared!

The strength and ability of this body are so powerful that it can almost be comparable to the God of the source realm!

The high priest in red robe was shocked and angry. He immediately offered a black Scepter with evil spirit. At the head of the scepter, there appeared a ferocious and terrible devil head. Two huge black snakes spewed out from his mouth and swallowed up the Shen wave.

Shen Lang quickly stretched out his hands, caught two magic snakes and directly tore the body of the magic snake to pieces.

"Boom! Boom!"

Accompanied by two harsh roars, the body of the magic snake collapsed and turned into black gas.

Who knows, the scattered black gas turned into countless small black snakes and continued to fly away towards Shen Lang.

Shen Lang's mind was so cool that countless golden lights were released from his body surface, turned into dense ray beams, and wantonly killed those little black snakes.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

A series of loud explosions came.

Shen Lang reluctantly resisted the attack of the high priest in red robe.

However, everything is just the beginning.

The high priest in red robe fully opened his magic power and waved the scepter again. The magic head at the head of the scepter spewed out a huge black light ball!

The black light ball is shaped like a twisted black hole, and the periphery of the black hole is still burning a terrible magic flame, just like a twisted and rotating black sun, carrying an appalling force to press down on the sinking waves below!

I saw the rapidly rotating black sun falling from the sky. The huge force of space distortion made the whole Mongolian space rotate with it, which was so powerful that it was outrageous!

Seeing the Black Sun falling rapidly, Shen Lang's face changed greatly, and the palm of his hand showed a large golden light, trying to resist the incoming black sun.

Unfortunately, the destructive power of the black sun is too against the sky. The golden divine light hit by Shen waves can only weaken the magic flame on the surface of the sun, and can't stop the sun from falling at all.

Although Hou Yi's body condensed with the true blood of Zu Wu is extremely powerful, Shen Lang can't exert his magic powers, such as blood shadow magic.

But fortunately, not all magical powers can be used.

"Change the stars!"

Shen Lang was in a hurry to move all the divine powers in his body, support the sky with his palms, and display the skill of changing stars in the thirty-six changes of Tiangang!

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Facts have proved that Shen Lang is right.

His palms burst out endless golden lights and turned into a huge golden ball of light.

The light ball was like a golden sun magnified countless times. The burst of light instantly deprived all monks of their eyes. It rushed up with earth shaking momentum and hit the incoming black sun.


The heavy roar was like the end of the world. Everything around was covered by white light and black awn. The terrible energy impact spread outward and affected many friars in the demon region.

The friar who was close to the fight between the two did not even react to what had happened, and his body was instantly blasted into powder residue.

The spreading energy shock caused at least millions of friars to die directly!

The explosion lasted a long time before it gradually converged.

Shen Lang breathed out and thought that fortunately, his body could still perform the art of star shifting, otherwise he really couldn't stop the attack of the red robed high priest.

Seeing Shen Lang blocking his attack twice, the red robed high priest's face was slightly ugly.

He knew that his demon body was seriously deficient and in poor condition. He fought with the character who looked like a witch of the witch family. He suffered a lot. He simply opened the distance and released magic spirits such as magic snakes, demons and Dragons from a distance to attack Shen Lang.

At the same time, the red robed high priest roared out: "the army of the demon domain quickly gathered behind me to display the art of joint attack and attack the enemy below!"

After hearing the high priest's order, the monks of the demon region scattered all over Mongolia fled in the direction of the high priest and quickly gathered together.

Shen Lang was restrained by the evil spirit repeatedly released by the high priest in red robe and was unable to attack the friars in the demon region around him.

Seeing the monks of the devil Kingdom swarmed in and gathered more and more, Shen Lang no longer hid himself. He opened his mouth and spewed out the coffin palace lamp in his body, turned into a meteor and shot away over the Mongolian boundary.

"All Taoist friends, please show up for a war!"

After the roar of Shen waves, the coffin palace lamp rushed to the top of the inner sky.

With the sound of "boom", the coffin palace lamp hit the interface barrier of the Mongolian boundary, shaking the earth and shaking the space.

At this moment, the inner sky suddenly burst into golden light.

A transparent light curtain opened slowly, and a dark army of monks appeared impressively over the Mongolian border!

It is the joint army composed of the long hidden Western Zhou army and the forces that attack Zhou!

As early as before the start of the boundary war, Shen Lang brought the Western Zhou army and many forces of defeating Zhou to the Mongolian boundary and hid them in the space gap of the Mongolian boundary.

All the friars just wait for Shen Lang's order!

The reason why Shen Lang did not release the United Army at the first time was mainly because he was worried about unnecessary sacrifice.

Now, I have the strength of a war with the high priest of the demon domain through the body of Hou Yi, and I can also let the United Army do it.

"The Western Zhou army listened to the order and killed me!"

Ji Fa held the Shennong tripod high, released the power of Jiuquan hot sea, and poured into every United Army friar.

Then Ji Fa turned into a silver dragon and took the lead in killing the monks in the demon region.

"The preachers listen to the order and quickly support Shen Daoyou!"

"Intercepted disciples listen to orders and attack with all their strength!"

Taoist Lightman and Taoist Duobao quickly led the two sects to participate in the battle.

The leaders of other major forces also led their own friars to launch a fierce attack.

"Boom, boom!"

For a time, colorful magical attacks fell from the sky and wantonly attacked the demon friars who had just gathered.

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