My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4962: 4964

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To be exact, it is not without knowledge.

However, the other party created the illusion of space by using magic, so that everyone took the seal array as a statue of Xihe saint.

Such a terrible illusion is unheard of!

"Shit, it's been set up!" The dragon and the sky scolded loudly.

The most frightening thing is not the magic itself, but the seal array over the sky, which is on the verge of collapse. I'm afraid it can't bind the evil spirit!

The huge golden eye on the top of the sky sent out a joking murmur: "mole ants in the virtual world, as a sacrifice of the emperor, give play to the final value!"

As soon as the voice fell, the golden eyes suddenly burst out a dazzling blood light.

Endless blood light fell from the sky and instantly covered the whole square.

"Be careful, it's the spirit attack!"

Feng Yu exclaimed and took the lead in opening a golden barrier to resist the blood light.

The rest of the demon emperors have launched divine soul defense.

Shen Lang also immediately released the glass heart fire and guarded the soul body.

The demon emperors and Shen Lang could barely resist the impact of blood light, but the demon repair in the virtual world army suffered.

Blood light attacks all friars without difference.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

A lot of screams soon came from around the square.

This blood light contains a powerful and incomparable power of phagocytosis. After being hit by the blood light, the soul was stripped from the flesh and swallowed and absorbed by the blood light.

Seeing the frightening scene, Shen Lang was shocked.

What shocked him was not how terrible the magic power of the demon soul was, but the blood light magic power, which was very much like the swallowing magic power in the blood nerve!

Is it possible that the demon soul of the great emperor of the devil Kingdom has also cultivated blood nerves?

The blood light raged for several minutes.

It didn't stop until the whole army of the virtual world was destroyed.

After one strike, only ten demon kings and Shen Lang survived. All the other friars were swallowed up by the blood and sucked away, and there was no bone residue left!

The demon emperors couldn't help taking a cold breath.

After swallowing the army of the virtual world, the smell of golden eyes seems to become more powerful.

"Bastard, dare to destroy our Longyuan people. I'll fight with you!!!"

Seeing the death of all the people in the Longyuan, longzhan Tianyan was furious and turned into the real body of the purple and gold dragon. The dragon tail rolled up the purple and gold thunder like a raging wave and blasted away at the golden eyes over the sky.

"Stop it!"

"Long zhantian, are you crazy?"

"Indiscriminate attacks will help them break through!"

The other demon emperors were shocked when they saw that dragon zhantian launched an attack.

The seal is already in danger. If it is impacted by a strong external force, I'm afraid it will accelerate the collapse!

However, the golden eyes made a mockery: "the beads of rice dare to compete with the bright moon!"

As soon as the voice fell, the turbulent dark golden magic light fell from the sky, instantly defeated the purple golden thunder and hit the body of the purple golden dragon.

"Boom, boom!"

The piercing roar resounded through the heaven and earth, the purple golden dragon was instantly knocked down, and the body was torn by the magic light.

Only one face-to-face, the dragon and the sky were beaten back to their original shape.

In the eyes of the demon soul, these demon kings in the virtual world are just cockroaches that are slightly stronger than mole ants, which is not worth mentioning.

"You have no use value. When the emperor breaks through the array, we will settle you again."

After that, the golden eyes began to break by themselves.

I saw the eyes burst out countless dark golden beams, and burst out the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

"Boom, boom!!!"

The deafening roar came, and the light beam penetrated the seal array and shot in all directions.

The ground of the square was pierced by a large number of light beams.

With the light beam passing by, the whole Shenxiao island was torn by the light beam, which shows its great power!

The demon emperors were shocked and tried to avoid the powerful magic light beam for fear of being hit by it.

Although the demon Emperors tried their best to dodge, two demon emperors who were unlucky were accidentally hit by the light beam, and their flesh was torn to pieces on the spot.

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The two demon kings, Yingzhao and poor Qi, were attacked. Their flesh collapsed, and the Yuanshen was also severely damaged and instantly depressed.

Shen Lang was lucky. He was not hit by the magic light beam and escaped.


In the roar of collapse, the seal finally collapsed.

The golden eyes came out of trouble and turned into a cold and fierce young man with two horns and a golden robe.

The young man has a golden magic eye in the middle of his eyebrows, which releases a soul stirring deep magic light. It is the golden eye just now!

When you look closely, the other party is not an entity, but a virtual shadow.

The entity is just the golden magic eye in the center of the youth's eyebrows.

The young man fell from the sky, and his eyes fell on Shen Lang first.

The heart is up, the sweat is down.

After just glancing at him, Shen Lang felt that all his secrets had been seen through by the other party.

This young man in golden robe brought him a sense of oppression, as if it came from blood. The strong sense of depression made him out of breath!

Fortunately, the young man in golden robe just took a deep look at Shen Lang, turned his eyes to several demon emperors present, and said carelessly, "it's a pity that you miscellaneous fish have been destroyed. How about being the emperor's rations?"

After that, the young man in gold turned his hands into magic claws and caught the two original gods of the demon emperor, Yingzhao and qiongqi, almost at a fleeting speed.

Before the gods of the two demons could resist in time, the young man in gold swallowed their gods into his stomach, and his evil face showed a little satisfied smile.

After swallowing the yuan gods of the two demon emperors, the body of the young man in gold seemed to become more solid.


The emperor was shocked.

Feng Yu knew that he was by no means the opponent of the demon soul. He took the lead in turning into the real Phoenix and slipped away.


In addition to the fallen dragon and the sky, the other demon emperors were scared to disperse and fled for their lives.

In the face of this monster that even the goddess of Xihe can't deal with, they can't have any fighting spirit at all. They have no choice but to run for their lives!

Shen Lang also turned into a blood shadow and fled away.

"There are only a few rations left for you in this dilapidated interface. You'd better stay with the emperor."

The young man in golden robe stretched out his right palm without delay. A strange black awn burst out from the palm and condensed into a black light ball.

The black light ball rotates rapidly, driving the surrounding space to twist and rotate together, releasing unimaginable spatial suction.

Several demon kings who tried to escape were forcibly sucked back!

Just when the golden robed youth was ready to capture these demon kings alive.

Long zhantian, who had been badly hurt, suddenly shot and turned into a purple golden dragon again.

The purple and gold dragon rolled up a purple and gold fire, burned the power of the original God, and roared in his mouth: "the soul of the ancestral dragon, in my body, heaven and earth turned upside down, and the Dragon roared to the world!"

As soon as the roar fell, the purple golden dragon opened its mouth and spit out dazzling white light.

"The law of time!?"

The young man in gold changed his face.

As soon as he reacted, he was hit by the mysterious white light emitted by the purple and gold dragon.

The white light turned into a white vortex and involved the young man in gold.

The golden robed youth trapped in the vortex is like being trapped in a mire. Their hands and feet move like slow motion, and their mobility is greatly reduced!

"The king won't last long. Now, you'll kill the demon for me!!!" The purple golden dragon's eyes were wide open and his mouth roared like a heart and lungs.

The demon emperors were shocked. Unexpectedly, long zhantian had the ability to limit the action of the demon soul!

In fact, dragon zhantian is the descendant of ZuLong. The blood of ZuLong flows in his body and has some magical powers of ZuLong.

This magic power called "dragon chanting destroys the world" is one of the magic powers of ZuLong. It can reverse the flow of time. Its power is almost as powerful as the sixth order space-time magic!

But to release this magic power, dragon Zhan Tian needs to consume most of his original divine power as a price!

"What are you still doing there? Do it quickly!!!" Seeing that the demon emperors had no response, the purple golden dragon roared and roared, hating that iron is not steel.

Feng Yu immediately roared at Shen Lang and said, "boy, take the opportunity to open the door of the virtual world!"

He doesn't think he can kill the demon soul with his own hands. It's better to escape from the virtual world when the dragon and heaven restrict the action of the demon soul.

It'll save your life.

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