My Fiancee Is a Stunning CEO

Chapter 4979: 4979

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At the same time.

It is far away in the northern netherworld in the north of the true fairy world.

A goddess with a snake body stands on the sky, and her whole body is blooming with white light as holy as jade. It is goddess Nuwa.

In front of her was a twisted blood space, in which she could vaguely see an endless sea of blood, which was full of sticky plasma and meat.

The thick plasma and meat in the sea of blood seem to have vitality. Under the influence of some force, they are constantly rolling and creeping, weird and creepy!

This is the end to the north of Beiming. It is also the place where the "magic abyss blood cave" parasitizes in the human domain.

The space in front of us is distorted blood.

"Monk who dares to intrude into the important place of the demon family!"

There are a large number of demon friars guarding outside the blood acupoint.

After discovering the intruder, countless magic soldiers rushed towards the goddess with the head and snake body.

Nuwa's face was free of waves. She gently spit out a mass of nine color divine light, which turned into countless nine color light filaments, and blasted away at the incoming magic soldiers.

"Boom, boom!!!"

The large seven color light filaments were like a dense meteor swarm, which immediately killed and defeated many magic soldiers at the entrance of the blood cave.

I saw the dazzling seven color light rising out, and the magic soldiers at the entrance of the blood acupoint turned into nothingness one after another, and the gods and forms disappeared without pain.

After exterminating the demon garrison outside the blood cave, Nuwa offered a mini tower palace with dazzling golden light.

As like as two peas, the tower palace is exactly the same as the nine heavenly palace.

Nuwa opened the door of the temple and said calmly, "it's time to come out, the chosen one in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, a blood light flew out of the mini palace and turned into a human shape.

It's Shen Lang.

Shen Lang and Nu Wa are here because of emperor Fuxi.

Fu Xi had expected that the demon clan would pour out, so he specially asked Nu Wa to take Jiuchong heavenly palace and sneak into the blood cave of the demon yuan to help Shen Lang take away the Baolian lamp.

At ordinary times, the blood acupoint is almost the most heavily guarded place of the demon family, and the base camp of the demon family is not far from here.

Trying to break into the blood acupoint is almost equivalent to fighting the whole demon clan.

At present, Chiyou led the demon army to attack Zhaoyang City, and the number of defenders in blood cave is less than one tenth of that in the past.

In addition, all the powerful demons in the base camp of the demon family are transferred to attack Zhaoyang city. With Nu Wa's strong strength, it's easy to enter the blood acupoint!

Taking advantage of the confrontation between the three emperors and Chiyou, Nu Wa took Shen Lang to the outside of the blood cave.

"Shen Lang, I've seen elder wa Huang." Shen Lang immediately bowed to Nu Wa.

Nu Wa pointed to the bloody space in front of her body and said calmly, "in front of you is the entrance of the blood acupoint. After entering the blood acupoint, you should carefully perceive the existence of the Baolian lamp. The emperor will try his best to help you get the Baolian lamp."

"Thank you, master wa!"

Shen Lang knows his purpose and thanks respectfully.

Nu Wa rolled up a large area of white light, wrapped Shen wave in it and flew to the entrance of blood acupoint.

The scene in the blood acupoint is strange and disgusting. It's like being in a thick sea of blood. There are viscous plasma meat everywhere. These plasma meat are constantly rolling and wriggling, filled with extremely strong ferocious force.

Even with the blessing of the divine light released by Nu Wa, Shen Lang can still feel a powerful swallowing force on himself.

And this strange swallowing force is almost difficult to completely shield and block with any external force, just like a unique law force in the blood acupoint!

Even the strong one of heaven can not completely resist the phagocytic power in the blood acupoint, and can only delay the passage of energy in the body.

Shen Lang felt that his strength was continuously absorbed by the blood space. Although the passage speed was very slow, he would be exhausted sooner or later after staying in this blood hole for a long time.

"Next, the emperor will briefly awaken the Baolian lamp sealed by the power of time and space in your body with his own divine power. At that time, your perception of the Baolian lamp will be greatly enhanced. You must determine the position of the Baolian lamp in the blood acupoint during this period!"

Nu Wa stretched out her slender jade hand and shot a nine color light at Shen Lang's chest.

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There was a dull "boom".

The lotus lamp sealed by the power of time and space in Shen Lang's body trembled slightly under the impact of the nine color divine light.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

The Baolian lamp sealed by the power of time and space in the body makes a regular beating sound, like some kind of resonant power.

Shen Lang was shocked and immediately felt the source of the power to resonate with the Baolian lamp in his body.

Soon, Shen Lang determined his position.

The force of resonance seems to be tens of thousands of miles deep in the blood acupoint!


After Shen Lang informed Nu Wa of the location, Nu Wa immediately rolled up a piece of white light and flew away towards the source of resonance with Shen Lang.

However, the escape light has not flown far.

"Boom, boom!"

A golden mountain axe fell from the sky and suddenly hit the white light, splitting the space where it passed through.

Nu Wa stretched out her hand to open the white light barrier and blocked the blow of the axe, but she was forced to stop.

The next moment.


With a roar, a huge headless monster burst out of the blood hole.

The monster has milk as its eyes, navel as its mouth, and tusks on its belly. Its appearance is ferocious and terrible. It is burning blood all over. It holds two golden mountain axe in its hand, and its breath is extremely violent!

"Xing Tian!?"

Nu Wa showed a slight frown.

Shen Lang also widened his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Xing Tian will suddenly appear and block their way.

It seems that Chi you still has a hand and arranges Xing Tian to guard the blood acupoint.

In other words, when the sky of the star domain eroded the earth, countless powerful witches died one after another due to the curse of time and space. The only two witches who survived were the goddess Nuwa and the great witch Xingtian.

Nuwa was saved from the curse of time and space with the help of Fu Xi.

Xing Tian sold himself to Chiyou, and was injected with a powerful magic core. He survived, but he has completely become a running dog in the devil kingdom.

In the last World War between the human domain and the demon family, Xing Tian was beheaded by Fu Xi, but he still didn't fall out. He survived in the form of his double breasts as eyes and navel as mouth, and became a half man and half demon monster.

Although Xingtian has lost his mind, he still seems to feel Nu Wa's familiar blood breath of the witch nationality, and his mood is suddenly crazy and furious.

"Die! Die! Die!"

With bloodshot eyes, Xing Tian waved the mountain axe in his hand and fell heavily on the divine light barrier held by Nu Wa, burst out the sound of roaring like a broken stone.

"Boom, boom!"

The terrible golden light from the double axes almost devoured Nu Wa and Shen Lang.

Although Xing Tian's head has been broken and his strength has been greatly reduced, he still has a strong strength close to the divine spring realm.

Nu Wa, who had not recovered from her old injury, felt a lot of pressure.

"The emperor will stop the tusk, the chosen one of the future generations. Go and get the lotus lamp quickly!"

While resisting the attack of Xing Tian, Nu Wa quickly injected a nine color divine light into Shen Lang's body, formed a protective light mask on the surface of his body, and charged: "this divine power boundary can maintain half a column of incense for a long time and help you resist the power of swallowing in the blood acupoint."

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